Friday, March 21, 2025

UFO Skeptic Simon Holland’s Latest Rendlesham Forest Fantasy

UFO Skeptic Simon Holland’s Latest Rendlesham Forest Fantasy -

     Self-styled “Professor” Simon Holland is a British science filmmaker who also fancies himself an expert on UFOs/UAP. Unfortunately—as several of his YouTube videos clearly demonstrate—he is thoroughly, negatively biased on the topic and has in the past routinely rejected evidence supporting the fact that advanced craft of unknown origin are operating in Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. Indeed, based on what I have seen him pontificate about thus far, it seems that any other explanation for what eyewitnesses report in a given case is preferable in his mind to the most likely one—an unmistakable UAP presence at the time of the incident in question.
Robert Hastings -
By Robert Hastings
The UFO Chronicles

Regarding Holland's recent, highly-imaginative remarks concerning the well-known, well-documented UAP sightings in Rendlesham Forest and at nearby RAF Bentwaters airbase in the UK, in December 1980—which Holland confidently tells us were actually due to the witnesses unknowingly observing events related to a Top Secret paranormal experiment conducted by the US government—I make the following observations:

First, as my UFOs and Nukes book chapter on the incidents reveals, dozens of former or retired US Air Force personnel who were stationed at RAF Bentwaters or nearby RAF Woodbridge have gone on the record regarding what were unambiguous UAP sightings—involving anomalous, airborne, structural craft—during the late December time-frame.

The information presented in the chapter—including that derived from my tape-recorded interviews with a score of those former US Air Force witnesses—convincingly confirms that the multiple incidents reported involved genuine UFOs, some of which were tracked on radar. Therefore, the mysterious events reported were not in any way related to some fanciful, allegedly classified, paranormal experiment in the woods, as Holland claims.

Importantly, key witnesses including RAF Bentwaters Deputy Base Commander, Lt. Col. Charles Halt, a number of USAF Security Policemen (SPs), and one member of the 2164th Communications Squadron, all confirm that one focus of the anomalous activity was the nuclear Weapons Storage Area (WSA) on the base. At one point, a hovering, circular craft with flashing lights directed multiple beams—laser-like in appearance but unknown in composition—down onto one or more of the reenforced concrete bunkers in which large numbers of the weapons were stored.

Although Col. Halt dutifully refuses to acknowledge the presence of nukes in the WSA, in keeping with official USAF policy of never publicly confirming the location of stored nuclear weapons, their presence has been established via the testimony of some of the SPs who were on base at the time, as well as the findings of various researchers.

Specifically, at that time, the Bentwaters WSA held the largest stockpile of US tactical nuclear weapons in Europe. Had war with the Soviets erupted, the purpose of those “battlefield” nukes was to blunt the anticipated, massive Russian tanks-and-troops thrust into Western Europe predicted by US military analysts.

As my book documents, UAP activity at American WSAs extends back to the late 1940s—at the first atomic bomb storage depots located at Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, and Fort Hood, Texas—and continued to take place at least into the late 1990s, at WSAs located on USAF ICBM bases, including Malmstrom, Minot, F.E. Warren, Loring, Wurtsmith, Grand Forks, and other locations.

Indeed, in August 1980, a UFO landed near an alarmed building within the WSA complex at Kirtland AFB and only hurriedly left when an armed Air Force security patrol arrived. So, the events at the Bentwaters WSA four months later were merely part of a decades-long pattern of UFO activity at nukes storage sites that had occurred for decades and would continue in the future.

In any case, a number of US Air Force witnesses independently interviewed by British researcher Gary Haseltine and myself have confirmed for the record what was clearly a UAP incursion—possibly on two different nights—at the RAF Bentwaters WSA in late December 1980.

If Holland is even aware of those reports, he doesn’t mention it in his video. Instead, he cites a single first-hand source, "Rick, the US Air Force mechanic" who alleges that all of the intriguing goings-on at the base actually related to a highly secret US Government experiment involving unspecified paranormal phenomena.

Improbably, within a day of Holland posting his video about the supposed experiment, he claims that several “scientists, members of the UFO community, the military and the spooks” came forward to confirm, presumably via email or texts, that the paranormal incident had actually occurred.

Really?! Unless Holland already knew those persons and had previously verified their scientific bona fides or military/intelligence community credentials, how can he be sure that the individuals who approached him were who they said they were and, more importantly, were part of, or at least knew about, the alleged secret experiment? As anyone who follows social media posts knows, large numbers of wannabes can be counted on to respond to any given article or video, claiming to know “the real facts” about the subject at hand, whatever it may be.

Clearly, despite Holland’s glaring naiveté in accepting on faith the claims of the individuals who approached him, until all of those persons are publicly identified, their claimed insightful testimony and alleged credentials should not be taken at face value by the rest of us.


Simon further mentions that some USAF personnel "were harmed" at Rendlesham Forest in 1980, implying that those injuries occurred as a result of the purported paranormal experiment. Actually, as far as I know, the only person who was physically harmed—or at least has gone public with his medical issues—is former SP John Burroughs. He has repeatedly publicized certain heart problems he currently suffers from that may be due to radiation exposure. Those clearly seem related to Burroughs’ now well-publicized approach on foot—together with former SP Jim Penniston—toward a small, metallic, triangular-shaped craft sitting on the ground in the forest. Indeed, radiation traces were later detected in the three landing gear depressions in the soil where it had landed. According to Penniston, after a short period the craft took off at high velocity and was out of sight in the blink of an eye.

In a video showing Burroughs’ attempts to remember the details of the incident via hypnosis, the former Security Policeman frantically relives the encounter with the UFO, speaking extremely rapidly and obviously under duress.

The key point that I am making here is that Burroughs’ subsequent health issues apparently resulted from his experience involving an anomalous aerial craft of unknown origin, with bright, flashing lights, that had landed in the woods—not as a result of his unwitting involvement in some purported secret paranormal project, as Holland would have us believe.

Ominously, some of the follow-up events at RAF Bentwaters, including the harsh interrogation of SP Jim Penniston—that included the administration of a "truth serum" type drug—occurred in response to Penniston's involvement in the same incident, not because of his stumbling upon some highly-classified paranormal experiment in the Rendlesham Forest, as Holland implies.

A Counter-Intelligence Presence

Holland Further alleges that Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI or just OSI) and CIA personnel from Washington flew into the adjacent Woodbridge base aboard a C-5A cargo aircraft prior to the experiment taking place, presumably to provide extra security and to suppress any information that might leak out about it. However, as the former Bentwaters Deputy Base Commander, now-retired Col. Charles Halt, has repeatedly stated, the OSI agents arrived in the UK only after multiple reports of UAP sightings in the forest and at the WSA had taken place and began to spread as rumors. In other words, OSI's presence was a response to earlier security-related UAP events and had nothing to do with some purported experiment, or project, that Holland self-assuredly claims required them to be present before it took place. Nevertheless, in a follow-up video Holland insists that his own interpretation of events is correct. He says,

“What I’ve been told is that Deputy Base Commander Charles Halt now wants to tell us—admit—that he knows about the project. He was briefed, he knew that a team from the Air Force, from the CIA, from another agency had already arrived in Suffolk, possibly on board the C-5A transport plane that landed at a secure area at Woodbridge. And whatever happened in late December was a planned project, and the planned project was to mess with people, to mess with perceptions, to evoke the highly strange—maybe because Suffolk was the ideal place, a ‘weak’ place of reality…”

While writing this article, I sent Holland’s two videos to Colonel Halt and asked him to comment. He replied:

Recently I came across a couple of YouTube programs on the Bentwaters incident by a “Professor” Simon Holland [which were also subsequently sent to me by Robert Hastings]. I was shocked by the nonsense he presented as fact. I guess some people will believe anything. I was one of the primary witnesses so I feel obligated to comment. His statement that this was a secret government experiment is nonsense, as more than 75 people witnessed the UAP event [that I participated in] from more than seven different locations, some being a mile or more away. There were even radar observations of the aerial objects.

Holland further stated that a C-5A aircraft with CIA personal arrived prior to the event and parked on a newly-constructed parking pad. There was no new pad and although a plane did arrive it was not until after the event. There's no proof its arrival was even related to the event. There is suspicion but no evidence that CIA personal were on the plane. I just wish Holland had done his homework as he, like so many, just muddies the waters.

Once again, as several researchers have uncovered, the incident in which Col. Halt was involved was only one of many over a four-night period—all involving anomalous aerial objects. For example, I was the first person to interview the two USAF air traffic controllers at RAF Bentwaters, Ike Barker and Jim Carey, who tracked on radar an unbelievably fast craft that covered 120 miles in approximately 8-12 seconds. At one point, the UAP stopped instantaneously and hovered not far from the control tower. Barker observed it and described it as the twice the size of an F-111 fighter and looking like an “orangish basketball with portholes around the middle”. After a few seconds, the UFO raced away.

Summarizing, self-titled “Professor” Simon Holland gets just about everything wrong when advancing his latest theory about the nature of the events in Rendlesham Forest in December 1980. If one actually interviews the many witnesses to what occurred, as I and other researchers have, and Colonel Halt did, one quickly learns that the common element in all of their narratives is the presence of what were clearly UAPs—several of them—during all of the extraordinary events that took place.

Thursday, March 20, 2025

No Answers, No Defense Against Mystery Drones - 60 Minutes Investigates

No Answers, No Defense Against Mystery Drones - 60 Minutes Investigates -

"In 2019, naval warships training off the California coast were shadowed for weeks by dozens of drones. For years, the pentagon did little to dispel speculation these images, taken with night vision equipment, were UFOs."

     Last month – the head of NORAD and NORTHCOM – the military commands that defend North America – told Congress some of those mysterious drones seen flying inside the United States may indeed have been spying. He did not say for whom. 60
By Bill Whitaker
CBS News
Minutes has been looking into a series of eerily similar incidents – going back years – including those attention getting flyovers in New Jersey recently. In each, drones first appeared over restricted military or civilian sites, coming and going – often literally – "under the radar." The wake-up call came just over a year ago, when drones invaded the skies above Langley Air Force base in Virginia over 17 nights, forcing the relocation of our most advanced fighter jets. Our story starts with an eyewitness and an iPhone.

Monday, March 17, 2025

Alien Doc, “The Age of Disclosure” Stuns Crowd

Alien Doc, “The Age of Disclosure” Stuns Crowd -

"Farah’s doc features 34 senior U.S. Government insiders, including figures in the intelligence and military communities, who claim there’s been an 80-year cover-up of the existence of non-human intelligent life and an arms race between powerful nations to reverse-engineer uncovered technology from these beings."

     Festival crowds are notoriously exuberant—it can be hard to get a real read on a film’s potential for broader success or acclaim even if the first time it plays for a crowd at a film festival results in
By The Credits
cheers and guffaws. Yet sometimes, for some films, a festival crowd’s excitement is as precise an indicator for a film’s impact as you need. This was the case here in Austin this past Sunday, when director Dan Farah showcased his doc The Age of Disclosure for the first time ever to a crowd. His film, years in the making in a production that was kept entirely secret, was astonishing in every sense of the word. Being a part of the audience that got to witness the result of this secretive, deeply researched film felt truly special. And terrifying. The Age of Disclosure has a real shot at being 2025’s defining documentary, and could, should start a real, sustained conversation about what seems now an obvious fact—we are not alone.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The History of UFOs Tampering with Our Nation's Nuclear Arsenal – An Interview with Robert Hastings

Interview with UFOs and Nukes Researcher / Author Robert Hastings (Pt 2) -

     The Good Trouble Show with Matt Ford interviews our special guest Robert Hastings to discuss the Pentagon nuclear secret regarding the Minuteman III nuclear ICBM and the LGM-35A Sentinel that the Pentagon, the United States Air Force, and USSTRATCOM do not want lawmakers to know: UAP / UFOs are tampering with our nation's nukes.

Almost the entire American public is unaware that literally for decades unidentified aerial phenomena or UAP have been tampering with disabling or retargeting our nation's nuclear weapons and the government has no power to stop it today. We
Matt Ford - www.theufochronicles
By Matt Ford
The Good Trouble Show
interview the researcher who uncovered these unsettling cases, Mr Robert Hastings the author of UFOs and Nukes Extraordinary Encounters At Nuclear Weapons Sites. #ad We recorded this interview over the span of two months and I want to note that there were some audio dropouts during our conversation. I encourage everyone to watch this interview in full and then contact your lawmakers in Washington to demand answers and accountability ... Robert welcome to the show ….

See Also:

Interview with UFOs and Nukes Researcher / Author Robert Hastings -
Interview with UFOs and Nukes Researcher / Author Robert Hastings (Pt 1) See Also:

AARO Interviews 'UFOs and Nukes' Witnesses
A snippet of the The New UFO - UAP Law Codifying Investigations, Research and Reporting
The New UFO / UAP Law Codifying Field Investigations, Research and Reporting
Faded Giant Book Cover
My Evidence: The Account of Minute-Man Missiles Being Disabled, While UFOs Hovered Over The Launch Facilities
Faded Giant Cover
The Echo Flight ICBM Incident: Retired USAF Officer Confirms Receiving A UFO Report Just as the Missiles Failed

Did UFOs Cause the Shutdown of ICBMs at Malmstrom AFB, in March 1967?

The Echo/Oscar Witch Hunt

UFOs Did Shutdown Minuteman Missiles at Echo Flight . . .

VIDCAST: Former Boeing Engineer, Robert Kaminski Confirms UFO Activity at Echo Flight Missile Launch Control Facility in 1967

My Evidence: The Account of Minute-Man Missiles Being Disabled, While UFOs Hovered Over The Launch Facilities

Malmstrom Air Force Base Picks Up UFO on Radar; "Sabotage Alert Team Located Another UFO Directly Over The Base"

UFO Lands Near Minuteman Missile Base; Affects Radio Transmissions - Defensive Measures Taken!

UFO Sightings at ICBM Sites and Nuclear Weapons Storage Areas

Air Force Staff Message: Malmstrom AFB Receives Multiple Reports of UFOs in The Great Falls, Montana Area

UFOS & NUKES | U.S. Air Force Fighters Chased UFOs at Malmstrom AFB in the 1960s and ‘70s

Whatever It Is The Air Force Must-Hunt For The Flying Saucer

UFOs & NUKES | Missile Shut Down at Malmstrom Confirmed By (Civilian) Veteran of Minuteman Program

UFOs & NUKES | UFOs Have Penetrated Restricted Air Space Over Nuclear Missile Sites; Jammed Vital Electronic Equipment & Eluded Fighter Aircraft


Monday, March 03, 2025

‘What are UFOs?’ – A Documentary

What are UFOs -

“So, a lot of ‘Nova’ programs that we make, we make when we think that there is a sufficient level of curiosity in the zeitgeist that we can actually help shed light on essentially. So, we certainly didn’t set out to just say that UFOs are aliens or UFOs are not aliens. We really wanted to know what science thinks about these things.”

     With all the sightings of strange objects in the sky, people have been wondering for decades what these things can be. Whether it’s Roswell or Area 51, people have been convinced there have been beings from other planets visiting Earth. PBS’ “Nova” series examines the phenomenon of UFOs.
By Francine Brokaw

“Nova” co-executive producer Chris Schmidt explained about why this documentary is relevant today: “So, a lot of ‘Nova’ programs that we make, we make when we think that there is a sufficient level of curiosity in the zeitgeist that we can actually help shed light on essentially. So, we certainly didn’t set out to just say that UFOs are aliens or UFOs are not aliens. We really wanted to know what science thinks about these things.”

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Soviets Retract Statement of 'Mysterious Radio Signals' From ET

Reds Retreat on Life in Outer Space 'Discovery' (Heading) - Syracuse Herald (N.Y.) 4-13-1965 -

"The radio astronomers from the Sternberg Institute of Astronomy in Moscow were quoted by the Soviet news agency Tass as saying mysterious signals from outer space came from intelligent beings."

     A group of Soviet astronomers beat a hasty retreat today from suggestions attributed to them Monday about another civilization in outer space.
By Syracuse Herald

The radio astronomers from the Sternberg Institute of Astronomy in Moscow were quoted by the Soviet news agency Tass as saying mysterious signals from outer space came from intelligent beings.

Prof. Joseph S. Shklovsky, head of the radio astronomy department, said:

"The facts are very interesting. But to speak now about the artificial origin of the signals would be premature. We have to approach this question very thoroughly and very carefully."

Shklovsky made his remark at a hastily summoned news conference as astronomers throughout the world expressed doubt and amazement at the Soviet speculation about life in outer space.

Shklovsky, obviously distressed by what he called "the distorted version" of his work published by Tass, deplored the sensation caused by the report.

"We must avoid unhealthy sensationalism. Any sensational atmosphere can only do harm to science and culture in general," he said.

"We are confident in these observations, but there is no such thing as 100 precent certainly."

Also present at the conference were his assistants, Nikolai Kardashev, 33, and Genaddy Sholomitsky, 27.

Tass had quoted Kardashev as saying, on the basis of observation of the peculiar signals: "A supercivilization has been discovered."

* Special thanks to Bob Barrow

Monday, February 24, 2025

UFO Frightens Fisherman – 1899

UFO Frightens Fisherman – 1899 -

The Thrilling Experience of a Bean Creek Fisherman

A Large Funnel Shaped Object

Seen By Burlington People

Going Through The Air with the Speed of an Express Train and a Great Whirling Noise.

     On Monday afternoon, May 1st, Henry Altman, who lives a mile north of Lockport, had an experience that falls to the lot of few and created consternation in his soul for the space of a few minutes.
By The Bryan Democrat

He was on John Wyse’s farm, back where a small stream empties into Bean Creek fishing. All was quiet and no sound broke the afternoon stillness, till he heard a distant whirling sound that grew louder and louder. At first he thought it was a sound of a flock of birds coming through the air. He looked around and guided by the sound finally saw an object coming through the air.

When he first saw it he thought of a large chicken hawk, but as it came nearer he thought of a meteoric rock. A nearer view showed it to be a funnel-shaped affair with the small end forward and at an angle of forty-five degrees. Along the top was what appeared to be a large fan shaped appliance.

The direction taken by this queer craft was south with a slight variation to the west.

It appeared to be about three of four times as high as the tree tops and from eighty to one hundred rods away and while it kept the same distance from te ground moved with incredible velocity. When the closest to him it looked to be about four feet long.

In describing his sensations he said he was frightened and wished he was not alone.

The same object was seen by people near Burlington and Mr. Altman is not one of the kind that carries “bait” that is apt to make a person “see things”

What was the thing anyway? Such and apparition must have been seen elsewhere because the noise that it made would have attracted attention. We would ask, “Was it an Air ship?”

* Special thanks to CE Severn

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Cash-Landrum UFO Questions

Cash-Landrum UFO Questions -

Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum, and Colby Landrum -
 Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum, and Colby Landrum

     The Cash-Landrum case of December 29, 1980, has launched as much controversy, rumors, and myths as any other UFO episode in history. The three witnesses: Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum, and Colby Landrum, claimed to have encountered a terrifying massive diamond-shaped UFO hovering above a rural highway near Huffman, Texas. They said the object emitted intense heat and light, and when it finally moved away, it was pursued by a fleet of unmarked helicopters. Afterwards, the witnesses came to believe the U.S. government was involved and in a subsequent cover-up of the incident.
Curt Collins -
By Curt Collins
Blue Blurry Lines
Betty Cash -

The most compelling element of the case is the reported injuries suffered by the witnesses. Afterwards, Betty Cash had the most severe problems, and she was hospitalized for several weeks with a batch of mysterious symptoms including nausea, headaches, skin lesions, and eventually, hair loss. Doctors ultimately suspected Betty had been exposed to ionizing radiation exposure, but Betty’s blood test results were negative. Nevertheless, there were many stories about people burned by UFOs, and the Cash-Landrum case was promoted by its ufologist investigator as the prime example. The witnesses disagreed with the extraterrestrial explanation; they thought they were the victims of a faulty nuclear-powered US secret aircraft. At the time, there was widespread public distrust of nuclear energy and weapons, so it was easy for many people to believe the story, and that the government would want to conceal it.

The first cover-up was by witnesses themselves. Supposedly, fearing their story wouldn’t be believed, they initially kept it secret. Weeks later, when they let the story out, the investigations of the case failed to provide answers. In time, it became one of ufology’s most popular unsolved mysteries, and certain elements of the story have taken on a mythological life of their own. Questions certainly remain.

Black Helicopters or Paranormal Visions?
Black Helicopters or Paranormal Visions -

The Cash-Landrum case intersected with stories circulating about sinister and mysterious unmarked black helicopters flown secretly by the U.S. military. Since the 1970s, conspiracy theories had linked helicopters to cattle mutilations and UFO sightings, so ufologists had no trouble accepting them as part of the story. In this case, the presence of the helicopters suggested that they were there attempting to intercept the object, or that the UFO itself was part of a covert military operation.

Multiple investigations found no evidence of helicopters, military or otherwise, flying in the area on the night of the sighting. Some ufologists clung to the theory of a massive military cover-up, while others theorized that the helicopters the witnesses reported were not physical objects, but rather paranormal or holographic projections created by the UFO itself, as a decoy or defensive measure.

Black Project or Alien Reproduction Vehicle?

One of the earliest and most enduring theories about UFOs is that they are secret experimental military aircraft. Over the years, this interpretation has merged fact and fiction, fueling legends of flying saucers at Area 51. The witnesses themselves believed a version of this; that they were unintentional victims of radiation leaking from test flight of a nuclear-powered aircraft gone wrong.

Richard Doty in 'The Great UFO Conspiracy,' 2005 -

Another narrative promoted by Richard Doty was that the object was alien or alien-derived but operated by the U.S. military. This idea aligned with the notions of Paul Bennewitz, who believed in covert treaties between the U.S. government and aliens. He said they allowed the aliens to engage in abductions and cattle mutilations in exchange for their advanced technology. The UFO in the Cash-Landrum story was supposed to be a faulty attempt to fly a manmade craft based on the alien’s science.

Mother Hen or Mother Goose?

The MUFON investigator who took the Cash-Landrum case became the de facto press manager for the witnesses and joined them in interviews and television coverage of the story. Throughout the 1980s, the case remained newsworthy due to the lawsuit pursued by the witnesses against the U.S. government. When fellow researchers became interested and requested medical data on the case, they were refused on the basis that it was evidence to be presented in court. Taking protective ownership of the story, the investigator presented it and the witnesses only in the most favorable light. With unsupportive material ignored or suppressed, it became a UFO cover-up of another sort. The Cash-Landrum story began changing into more of a spooky UFO fable - or parable.

Justice or Cover-up?

The witnesses pursued legal action against the U.S. government, seeking compensation, alleging that the government’s involvement in the incident made it liable for their suffering. Beyond the documentation of Betty’s health problems, the only real evidence their attorney could produce was their testimony. Meanwhile, the defense offered statements made from NASA and military branches denying that they had any aircraft matching the description of the UFO. The judge dismissed the casein 1986, so it never went to trial. The failed legal battle was portrayed by proponents as another stage of the cover-up.

The 20 Million Cash-Landrum UFO Story -

The UFO cover-up. That’s the widely held dogmatic belief in a massive government project or policy to conceal evidence of UFOs and aliens. The belief is so widespread that the cover-up angle is often exploited by promoters as a justification for their lack of tangible evidence. Some of their cases simply cannot be true unless the government has somehow made all the proof disappear. The prime example of a case that collapses without a cover-up is the Roswell saucer crash story. Within that scenario, essentially, the absence of evidence is proof, and any government denial equals confirmation.

The Cash-Landrum UFO case does a little better than that. Although the investigation of it was somewhat delayed and imperfect, we’ve got a wealth of documentation of the case from a variety of sources. There are period statements from the witnesses, documents from several investigations, including the U.S. government’s probe into the events. There’s little doubt that due to the involvement of ufologists, that the witnesses’ story was changed. However, even the Army’s investigator found the witnesses to be credible. So, we’re left to wonder… How much of the story was true? Possibly, the story was created around Betty's medical problems, a ploy for financial assistance. If so, it failed when the legal case was dismissed. If it was false, why did Betty and Vickie fight so hard the rest of their lives for their story to be heard?

Saturday, February 15, 2025

"The beach was lit up BRIGHTER than if it was daylight" – My UFO Experience

'The beach was lit up BRIGHTER than if it was daylight' – My UFO Experience –

"All of a sudden, from above, a bright light shined down on us, and the beach was lit up BRIGHTER than if it was daylight. It was like stadium lights were lit up for as far as we could see. BUT it was SILENT.... We turned on the radio and heard that there were lots of UFO sightings near the area."

     In early 1982, my now husband and I went to Pensacola beach/Navarre Beach. We had been enjoying the day at the beach and had a blanket laid out, all of our bags, and as the sun went down, decided to stay and enjoy the evening listening to waves, and
By Gerry G Morrison
The UFO Chronicles
eating. We had some flashlights (small). There were no houses at the time, and it was pitch black. Just the waves were the only sound. Behind us were the sand dunes.

All of a sudden, from above, a bright light shined down on us, and the beach was lit up BRIGHTER than if it was daylight. It was like stadium lights were lit up for as far as we could see. BUT it was SILENT.

My husband and I felt terror. We looked at one another and said RUN, RUN, RUN. We grabbed one or two things, ran towards the sand dunes (leaving most of our things). Car was just on the other side of the dunes on the two lane road that runs along the beach.

As we crossed the huge dunes (a small pass between 2 dunes) I looked back. I couldn't see where the light was coming from. It was like several thousand watts turned on, lighting up the beach. There were no buildings, NOTHING out there. We jumped into the car and I hysterically screamed GO GO GO....and we tore out in the WRONG direction away from where we lived, just going down the road as fast as we could.

After a time, we turned around and went back (only way to get back to pensacola ) and the beach was dark. We drove past the area and kept going. We never stopped. We turned on the radio and heard that there were lots of UFO sightings near the area.

We have been haunted by this since 1982. I am now 65 and my husband is 66. We thought maybe it was something experimental from the air base there. BUT IT WAS SILENT. The light came from above us, but lit up the entire area like daylight. I had to squint. I didn't look up; I was afraid. Neither did my husband. I felt dread, that if we didn't run, something horrible was going to happen, and so did he.

Have you ever had accounts like this? Is there someone who may have experienced this. And no, it wasn't bright nights, wasn't any kind of environmental thing. This was some kind of purposeful, brighter than day light that was shone on us, from the sky. It didn't move, didn't change.....wasn't a helicopter, or plane. SILENT.


My husband and I almost NEVER speak of this. We did today. He tells me that he looked up and the light seemed to come from behind us over the dunes. BUT, the light was not pinpoint from a single source. It was diffuse, which scared him even more. The light was not from directly over head. The dunes are approximately 15-20 feet high (or were at the time) and so the light emanated diffusely from much farther up than that. But it was so blinding, that he could not see a source. In his recollection, we ran across a cut out in the dunes to the road and jumped in the car. We never saw ANYTHING above, around. We seemed alone except for the very bright stadium like lights lighting up the area. It was so bright that our eyes hurt. We never saw another car as we drove away. And, it was dark on the other side of the dunes where the car was. As we returned to the area, we do recall that it was dark. We slowed the car, and even though we had left several objects, we didn't go back. Whatever this was, was not something that we could explain on this earth or with physics. My husband grew up on an airbase and was familiar with all aeronautical sounds. I recall hearing NOTHING. I am perplexed to this day and often wonder what would have transpired had we stayed.

Saturday, February 08, 2025

UFOs, Nuclear Weapons and Drones – Interview with Noted Researcher, Robert Hastings

UFOs, Nuclear Weapons and Drones – Interview with Noted Researcher, Robert Hastings -

"... I found out later yeah as soon as daylight came they sent the helicopters and this UFO just went right through the helicopters and out, between the helicopters and out."

     ... today's amazing American Alchemist is Robert Hastings the man who has dedicated his life to documenting this unquestionable connection. ... his nearly 600 page book UFOs in nukes is literally the world's best database on this phenomena.

By Jesse Michels
American Alchemy
Jan. 2025
Jesse Michels: I view your book UFOs and Nukes (ad) as sort of a the best possible database when it comes to Credible Witnesses viewing UFOs. Hastings has personally interviewed 167 employees of nuclear bases across the United States, many of whom are clear to the most sensitive American National Security Secrets. "holy mackerel there's this white pulsating object" that can't be one of ours these are missile technicians ICBM security Personnel missileers radar operators and more, who have all seen orbs saucers discs and Tic Tacs in and in and around the most sensitive nuclear airspace. By nature of who they are these Witnesses are inherently some of the most reliable in the world. Some literally have their finger on the nuclear button. "You know they're on what they call PRP they have to like report if they're like you know taking Ibprofen for God's sakes." And these Witnesses couldn't care less about fame or attention. In fact most of them want to avoid these things at all costs. In fact many of them have suffered intensely in their careers for speaking out about their experiences.

Robert Hastings: A flag was being put in their folders citing them as a security risk, so that if they sought employment with like an aerospace company or something the Air Force would have designated them to be security risks.


Robert Hastings: [Hastings describing the threats to eyewitness and former Lieutenant Bob Jacobs] He gets a phone call one night he and his wife come home from a movie the phone rings the voice says "your mailbox a'light what a beautiful sight you're going down motherfucker!


Jesse Michels: Hasting, has risked his life in telling stories like these do you feel like your Communications are being tracked ...

Robert Hastings: No question.

Jesse Michels: [Laughs] Do you have any clear concrete examples that will show people that you're not being paranoid?

Robert Hastings: I went out on the lecture circuit for the first time in September of 81 and spoke at I believe 16 schools between September and the end of the year ... okay and in my audiences at various schools around the country veterans would come up to me and say I know what you're talking about I was involved this that and the other. I would say can wetalk about this on the phone when I get off the lecture circuit you know I'll be home early next year 82 and some said yes some said no, but I did interview a handful of veterans uh from home over the phone and tape the conversations with their permission, uh in most cases in some cases they didn't want them taped, but anyway they were telling me about what they had witnessed at various missile bases through the through the years and um after each one of those calls this was primarily in February of 82 I would talk to them, thank them, hang up the phone within a minute or five or 10 the phone would ring I would pick it up and there would be nothing but heavy breathing in the phone

Jesse Michels: That's creepy


Ammar Kandi: Feels like in the past five to seven years there's been a like a lot of vindication for your work and and and for you know people who are active in service to be confirming the things that you were you know telling the public in you know late '90s and early 2000s how does that feel to now see it you know to see Lue on Joe Rogan showing, showing Joe like the Montana documents um I don't recall whether we discussed this yesterday but um in uh the the the New York Times article that came out in

Robert Hastings: Um, I don't recall whether we discussed this yesterday but um, in uh, the, the the New York Times article that came out in December of 2017, uh, Leslie Kean Ralph Blumenthal hat basically exposed ATIP to the world um, in the article they mentioned that atip Scientific Advisor was Dr. Hal Puthoff, and I was shocked because in 2005 uh, I reached out to him to help me write a chapter in my book on faster than light travel I knew that he had done a peer-reviewed paper on it, so um, and then in '08 when the first edition of UFOs and nukes came out he suddenly wrote to me and said I need four copies of the book shipped overnight and I checked into it it was going to be $115.00 and I got back to him and said said you know what's the rush that's a lot of money just let me send it Media Mail and he said Robert, uh, day after tomorrow I have a meeting with some movers and shakers in Washington and I'm going to distribute your book, and what I didn't know until this was this was December of '08, what I didn't know until January of 18, uh, once the New York Times story came out, uh, Hal had given copies of my book to the ATIP members at least Lou and it turns out, uh, Senator Harry Reid was given a copy now just last December of 23 George knapp interviewed me for a Netflix documentary that's coming up and before we he started asking me questions he said are you aware that Harry Reid had read your book and it was one of the reasons he had sought funding for AAWSAP, and I said,, you know, really? And he said he told me that point blank, and, um, you know there were a number of reasons that he felt that there had to be a new UFO investigation, but apparently the witness testimony contained in my book was one of the reasons that he decided that had to be done, uh, sooner rather than later. So that feels good to know it feels good to know ...

Jesse Michels: That should be vindicating

Robert Hastings: You know I mean I'm 74 years old and it just seemed like decades have gone by where not much progress has been made in terms of public awareness, I mean I've spoken at over 500 colleges and universities so those people were in on my work, the local media who covered the program were in on my work, but the national media for decades avoided me like the plague, they, you know, I'd send press releases out no one covered me at all, uh, so finally in just the last five years I'm getting the sense that hey you know it wasn't it was it was worth all the time and effort that I put into it so, yeah, it feels good.

Jesse Michels: And, and, it's, it's interesting we're going to get into some of the deeper roots as to how you got attracted to all the UFOs stuff but you know the nominal story in UFOs and Nukes at least is that you're were a janitor and your father was stationed at Malmstrom base in '67 and you were learning about Radar Theory and you know radar operator calls you over you see these unknowns ...

Robert Hastings: Right.

Jesse Michels: ... I think in many ways Hal Puthoff has a similar story where he sort of stumbled upon the UFO stuff. He ran the CIA's psychic spy program and I think a lot of these remote viewers would see beings you know in various places on you know the Dark Side of the Moon in Ingo Swann's case you know elsewhere, and Joseph McMoneagle saw bases on earth.

Robert Hastings: Right.

Jesse Michels: ... and I think that got him up to speed on okay maybe there's some other presences out here. He then joins, this is the part of the story people don't really know, he then joined something called the Advanced Theoretical Physics group, ATP group, and it was him and Oke Shannon who was, uh, you know, a physics lead at Los Alamos Project Lead there, um, John Alexander who has a long history in this and I think is sort of maybe tied in with the DOE or something, and they're all sort of studying and I think Eric Davis probably joined later, and they're all studying you know the physics of UFOs, like how would this stuff actually work theoretically and I think Puthoff figured out a lot, and I think he's much deeper than people realize on the actual science of this stuff.

Robert Hastings: Somewhere, well I saw a video and I think it was McMoneagle ...

Jesse Michels: Yes

Robert Hastings: ... um was called to the Pentagon one day and was told to go to this room and he goes in he said it was like a broom closet but it had a table in it so he sat down and if I remember the story correctly someone came in and said we want you to use remote viewing for this site and the story is that he basically saw a UFO hovering over a nuclear missile, which I thought was pretty interesting so ...

Jesse Michels: Joseph McMoneagle for people that don't know, has done more televised remote viewings than anybody in the world. He was known as, uh, uh, remote viewer number one.

Robert Hastings: Wow.

Jesse Michels: And he was, you know, the most talented and most consistent psychic spy for the Stargate program. Also talk about this stuff running in families he happens to be the nephew of Robert Monroe, who is doing all sorts of consciousness studies they, you know, still has in his namesake the Monroe Center in Virginia ... named after him and and, uh, McMoneagle lives in Faber Virginia right, right around there. And I remember being on the phone with Joseph mcmonagle once, and, he was saying you know, yeah it's crazy you know that the ET stuff is definitely real he was giving me all this interesting evidence and talking about the remote viewing stuff and then he said something that I will never forget, uh, he said that ... I think we might be turning into these ET's or something. They might be sort of prompting us to turn into some of them.

[Clip of Michael Masters on a previous interview with Jesse Michels]: "I can't help but wonder if we're on the precipice of massive revolution in human consciousness. Where we either evolve there together or we bifurcate, and still evolved there, but in a very different way."

Robert Hastings: [Clip from Hasting's UFO and Nukes Conference at the National Press Club]: "We will have our minds expanded there will be a paradigm shift. Traditional institutions such as religions, governments, other social institutions may indeed by threaten, be threatened by what is coming. That is just a logical consequence of what is about to occur."

Jesse Michels: I want to thank the legendary Robert Hastings for his multi-decade long, tireless, dedication to telling the stories of these Brave Patriots who just want a broader surface on an ontological truth that is global, ubiquitous and should not be classified. But Hastings exists in a tradition of other researchers who have called out the UFO nuclear connection before him some of whom will not see the vindication that Hastings will see in his lifetime.


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