Monday, June 13, 2005

'Sky Devil-Ship' Scares Pilots

By William Key
The Atlanta Journal

click on images to enlarge
Sky Devil Ship-Atlanta Journal-7-25-1948-A

Sky Devil Ship-Atlanta Journal-7-25-1948-B



  1. I believe it's time we quit giving our government props on their incite on truths concerning UFO's. Its plain to see they have no interest on informing the public. With that said,I certainly believe we need to quit reporting to them and involving them in the circle of truth finders. We the people need to lower the expectations of the military and just depend on our own to rectify what we have already deemed as the obvious and finding our own way to proving the existence of UFO's.

  2. Good Day Jim,

    Thanks for taking time to make comment.

    You wrote:

    I believe it's time we quit giving our government props on their incite on truths concerning UFO's.

    I'm a bit confused however, as the "criticism" re how the military and or government approaches the UFO situation has been many decades long and very harsh for the most part.

    You wrote:

    We the people need to lower the expectations of the military and just depend on our own to rectify what we have already deemed as the obvious and finding our own way to proving the existence of UFO's.

    The "existence and or reality" of UFOs was established 65 years; this fact precipitated a overt investigation by the Air Force for over 20 years. I might add that the very term or acronym "UFO" was coined (officially) by the Air Force in 1952 (although used before).

    The debate, or what isn't confirmed re UFOs is: "who is flying them."



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