Student film shown in Lincoln City
News Times
A showing of short films made by young students in Oregon and Washington, will take place Oct. 6, 7 and 8 at the Oregon Coast Children's Center for the Arts gallery and classroom in Lincoln City.News Times
The feature presentation is titled, "I Saw Bigfoot Get into a UFO," a short film created by five young film makers: Danya Gingerich of Pacific City; Julia M. Krohn and Monica A. Noonan of Lincoln City; Nick Price of Toledo; and Elizabeth Waley of Newport.
The youngsters directed and shot the film with the help of three actors and Oregon Coast Children's Theatre (OCCT) and Oregon Coast Children's Center for the Arts (OCCCA) staff. It was filmed in Lincoln County over the summer as part of a filmmaker's workshop.
The film is based on a story that appeared in the Oregonian newspaper in the late 1990s, after a string of UFO sightings on the Oregon Coast. The theme of the filmmaker workshop this year was "science fiction."
The OCCC is located at 4848 SE Highway 101, Lincoln City. For more information about the film festival or art classes, call 994-3093.
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