Friday, September 09, 2005

UFO Seen Over Hawke's Bay

UFO Over Hawke's Bay
Strange light has Bay buzzing

By Reon Suddaby
Hawke's Bay Today

     A mysterious light in the skies above Hawke's Bay has local residents looking to the heavens and radio talkback lines buzzing.

     Newstalk ZB was swamped with calls late last night from Dannevirke residents claiming to have seen a bright flash of white light in the sky.

     The light was also apparently seen in the skies above Hastings, Napier and Havelock North about 7.30pm.

     Senior Sergeant Mike O'Leary of the Hastings police said calls were received about the light, including a sighting of an "orange light" over Havelock North at 7.45pm.

     Hawke's Bay Holt Planetarium director Gary Sparks' best guess at an explanation was a "rogue meteor shower".

      Mr Sparks said it was possible the source of the light was a meteor, despite no meteor showers due to peak this month. No spacecraft were due to re-enter Earth's atmosphere and Venus, Jupiter and Mars were also unlikely to be responsible for the strange light, Mr Sparks said.

     There were also no aurora anticipated for the area.

     Mr Sparks said meteor showers could happen any time, although they were more common at certain times of the year.

     More than a tonne of material reached Earth's surface from space every day.

     HAVE YOUR SAY Did you see the mystery light, or take a photograph of it? If so, we'd love to hear from you. Phone 873 0810.

More . . .


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