By A. J. Gevaerd
Brazilian UFO Magazine
the world.
The Fantastico program of 22 May 2005 carried an entire segment about the official Brazilian UFO Disclosure that took place in 20 May 2005. It has about 8,2 minutes and the file to download in good definition is 71,4 Mb. Specific address for "Fantastico" program files:
The file in English is: Program Fantastico i..> 11-Oct-2005 16:26 71.4 Mb
The Linha Direta program of 25 August 2005 was entirely dedicated to the UFO problem in the Amazon. It is 43.4 minutes long and has numerous, extraordinary visual effects that reproduce the attacks on people on the island of Para State, in the Amazon - called by the locals "chupa-chupa" or suck-suck phenomena.
It was the tremendous intensity of the phenomena in the area in 1977 that forced the Brazilian Air Force to implement its official and confidential Operation Saucer. This is one of the best produced shows about UFOs ever. Specific address for "Linha Direta" program files:
The file in English is: Program Linha Direta..> 11-Oct-2005 20:20 299 Mb
Brazilian UFO Magazine public FTP general address is:
I have served as consultant to the Linha Direta program of 25 August 2005 and the material contained in the Fantastico program of 22 May 2005 is based on the Brazilian UFO Magazine's campaign UFOs: Freedom of Information Now. I invite any interested parties to download both shows and see inside what is going on in Brazil.
Meanwhile, I presented both shows shortly at the The 1st Exobiology Ufology and Exopolitical International Symposium, held in Calabria, Italy, last weekend, and I intend to show them completely at the Bay Area UFO Expo, next weekend:
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