Classic silver disk visits Classical Greece
It's Greece, after all, and so it should come as no surprise that even the UFO sightings are "classical" in every sense of the word. A Greek farmer, Athanassios Tsioukas, claims that a large silvery disk landed in his field outside the village of Prini, crushing plants and leaving landing gear indentations in the earth. About.com
It's not a case of too much ouzo, either. Another farmer confirmed the sighting, and children in the next village over claimed they saw flashing lights headed toward Athanassios Tsioukas' field.
But it's nothing new for the area. Unidentified objects and flashing lights are commonly reported in the region, which is in central Greece near Trikala in what was ancient Thessaly, long believed by the Greeks to be the home of various supernatural beings, spell casters, and other unusual folk.
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