UFO returns to fly over in Oruro in less than four days
La Patria
La Patria-A new sighting of a UFO occurred yesterday over the city of Oruro in less then four days from a previous, similar sighting that a citizen experienced last Saturday.La Patria
At approximately 22:00 hours neighbors of La Patria called in to report what they described as a “strange light” in the star filled sky.
At first, the object seemed like a star, but the celestial body moved from one place to another.
Minutes later, a journalist of La Patria got a camcorder and positioned himself in a high place in order to capture the object on film as it neared the city.
The object was captured on film as it got closer and it seemed to have a “swinging motion.”
It is understood that the UFO looked like a small cone inverted, and a smaller portion also resembling a small cone; the movement was fixed as the zoom lens of the camcorder did not extend.
It is the second time that a strange object appeared over the city of Oruro, and in less than four days. The previous experience was witnessed by citizen, Gustavo Ponce, who also recorded the similar object with his camcorder.
The UFO appeared initially as a shiny light, which resembled the shape, of a jellyfish, then later a perfect square soon to decide on the initial form that appeared in the heavens.
* Roughly translated by FW
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