Wednesday, October 26, 2005

UFOs Arrive? Bowman Area Unidentified FALLING Object

Falling Object
By T&D Staff Report
The Times & Democrat

     An area of Bowman was blocked off Monday night after an object fell from
the sky, crashing through a metal car port. The 4-inch by 8-inch object,
which fell after 7 p.m., struck the car underneath the car port and
bounced to the home.

     Fire vehicles blocked off Elm and Dibble streets in Bowman as emergency
personnel surrounded a home there for several hours. "It's kind of hush
hush at the moment," Bowman Fire Chief Sue Davis said Monday night.

     Speculation Tuesday was the object fell off a military aircraft. An unidentified man on the scene did say the military was involved. The
house was cordoned off on all sides and no vehicles or people were
allowed in the area.

More . . .



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