The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
DATE: December 11, 2005The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
TIME: 21:06 hours
[The preceding image shows] a UFO voer the Abasto Tower and the School of Medicine (Recoleta). A first magnitude star appeared out of nowhere, fixed in the firmament, some 25 degrees over the horizon, and began to shine until it exceeded a magnitude of - 1. After a few seconds (during which a heavenly body having nothing to do with our planetary system could be observed) it began to diminish its glow and rise into deep space toward the norhteast. During this process it was seen through various magnifications and levels of night vision and it was recorded on video. Barely a few seconds later, an aircraft flew over that downtown area of the city. The aircraft was flying from the southeast and had the phenomenon right in front of it at the exact moment that the mysterious phenomenon glowed or maximized its manifestation.
This was recorded using Sony 360 equipment. The luminous body seen on the top of the frame, and with a lower brigthness, is a 1.9 magnitude star. The UFO is the brighter of the two lights, and it managed to glow at brightly as Venus at its maximum point for some 10 seconds. The equipment took some 4 to 5 seconds to point to this area of the sky and the image shows one of the first frames of the sequence. Seconds later, [the camera] panned with more magnification and the mysterious phenomenon ascended and became lost in space.
For more information:http://groups.msn.com/glaucoart
* Translation (c) 2005. Scott Corrales
Institute of Hispanic Ufology (IHU)
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