UFO sighting claim - watch the video!
The Huddersfield Daily Examiner
A CROSLAND Moor woman has captured images of a strange object in the skies above Huddersfield.The Huddersfield Daily Examiner
Now she is hoping someone can identify the object, which she saw on Monday afternoon.
Teresa Millward, 28, of Crosland Moor, said: "It was very strange and slow-moving. It was shaped a bit like a triangle.
"I watched it travelling into the distance over the town, then it returned and seemed to move sideways."
She added: "I thought it was a hang glider or a balloon, but when it came closer I could see it was neither of those things."
Teresa photographed the UFO using a digital camera and recorded its movements on video.
Teresa, who is in a wheelchair while recovering from an accident on holiday in New Zealand, described the sighting as "very unnerving".
She said: "I am not a believer in UFOs, but I have no idea what this was.
"I thought I must be hallucinating, until I saw some people outside stopping and pointing at it."
Several Examiner readers reported UFO sightings over Christmas last year.
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