July 21, 2003 Interview of Stephen (Steven) Lovekin and Grant Cameron conducted by phone.
GC: Hello. I am a researcher who runs the presidential UFO website, and I had a couple of short questions. I was wondering if you could answer them? I am doing a story in connection with Mount Weather and UFOs, and I believe you described UFOs and Mount Weather. Can you tell me what the connection was?Lovekin: There was no connection. The only thing is that I had been there. I spent some time there.
GC: On one of the tapes you had something to the effect that they were tracking them from there.
Lovekin: Well that seemed to be the case. I certainly didn’t see any evidence to that effect. There was talk about it. Yes.
GC: OK, I guess I just don’t know where you got that. Someone had told you that?
Lovekin: Someone told me that – yes.
GC: You were there one time?
Lovekin: I was there probably a dozen times.
GC: With Signals Intelligence you are dealing with the President’s communications and stuff like that?
Lovekin: That is right.
GC: The person that I was looking at was the guy who ran Mount Weather. This would be 1965. Did you have any contact with this person named Bourassa?
Lovekin: No, I was there in 1960 and 1961.
GC: And who was the military advisor that you were under Eisenhower?
Lovekin: Ah…gees…Colonel…I’m trying to recall his name. I can’t think of his name sorry. He was a Colonel.
GC: He was a general military advisor, or he was with one of the services?
Lovekin: He was the military advisor to the President. Colonel Schulz.
GC: Some of them had an Air Force advisor, and an Army advisor.
Lovekin: That’s right.
GC: Do you remember the guy that was under Kennedy? Did Kennedy know what was going on?
Lovekin: He knew what was going on.
GC: So Kennedy knew.
Lovekin: Yes.
GC: Even though he was a Democrat?
Lovekin: Yes.
GC: And Eisenhower. You never heard Eisenhower. You just heard people talking about Eisenhower knowing about this? You were never there when Eisenhower was talking about it?
Lovekin: Yes I was.
GC: Oh you were. I didn’t know that part of the story.
Lovekin: Yes.
GC: When was this? At Mount Weather or…
Lovekin: No, this was at Camp David.
GC: And that was one occasion?
Lovekin: Probably a couple occasions.
GC: Can you tell me what the situation was? Was someone talking to him about
sightings, or how did this subject come up?
Lovekin: Well he was waiting for a phone call on one occasion, and he started doodling. That was one of his favorites.
GC: I have seen some of his doodlings.
Lovekin: (Laughs) Anyway, he was doodling UFOs. Anyway, somehow or other he got to taking about UFOs in 1952 shortly before he took office.
GC: What was that?
Lovekin: Those were the sightings in Washington DC.
GC: I see, yes, over the capitol.
Lovekin: Yes. But he was talking about some other things as well. He just kind of rambled on. There wasn’t too much that was specific, but he did discuss it. It was a very very important concern of his. I think one of the things that he was concerned about was, we were going through a serious recession back then, and the government had to let go of a lot of its control to the military industrial complex. He was much concerned about that. It just wasn’t something that the government could tackle at that moment. Didn’t want to tackle I guess would be a better way of putting it. But yes, he was very much into it. He believed in them. He realized the concern. He realized the concern for the American people, and I think that he honestly wanted to do something that was positive, but somehow or other his hands were tied. I am not sure why, but I have an idea.
We would sit around with him when we were at Camp David, and he knew who each and every one of us by name. That was the great thing about being under him. I was just a sergeant at the time. I was still privy to some stuff that some people wouldn’t be privy to.
GC: I’m not sure about what Signal Intelligence deals with…I know communication, but Mount Weather had direct communication links to the White House. What would you be doing for Signal Intelligence?
Lovekin: Well there were a number of places that the President would go in case of attack. Camp David was one, Fort Ritchie was another, there was a special area set aside for him and congressional leaders at Fort Ritchie, and then there was another one right by Fort Ritchie, which was known as concrete. That was the code name. Then there was another one in West Virginia at Martinsburg. Let’s see. Then we know about the one in West Virginia at the Grand Hotel.
GC: What was your particular job as a Sergeant.
Lovekin: Well our job was to maintain the integrity of all the lines, to make sure they weren’t tapped – to make sure that whatever he said was either recorded or not recorded correctly.
GC: And how many people would be in a group working around him to perform this job.
Lovekin: Probably was many as 4 or 5. Sometimes there would be more, but that was generally the case. He felt comfortable with small groups and he was a great guy. He was terrific. I would have done anything for that man. He treated everyone with the utmost respect, and I think he was basically a man of integrity. He was a man who was very honest, which is a rare commodity. He would discuss his beliefs yes.
GC: Why do you think that there is a cover-up – why the President doesn’t speak out about it? Like a lot of them say that their hands are tied. What’s your gut feeling?
Lovekin: Well because so much of the authority was given away to private firms.
GC: Do you think that this was going on already in the Eisenhower administration?
Lovekin: Yes I do. When he said the main thing we have to fear is the military industrial complex, he wasn’t kidding, and he had the subject matter we are talking about in mind. He was quite explicit about that.
Visit Grant's Site
See Also: Lovekin's Military Credentials in Question - No Longer!
- Part One -
See Also: Lovekin's Military Credentials in Question - No Longer!
- Part Two -
See Also: Lovekin's Military Credentials in Question - No Longer!
- Part Three -
See Also: Lovekin's Military Credentials in Question - No Longer!
- Part Four -
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