By Brian Vike
The story is real but one of the names in this report is fictitious for obvious reasons. Corina, the driver of the vehicle is her real name.4-25-06
Monday - August 18, 2003 I received a telephone call from Corina who lives in Kelowna, British Columbia. The lady was very upset and had a time speaking of the event that took place with her and a close female friend of hers. She told me today that a friend had brought over a newspaper article which was run in the Kelowna Capital Newspaper. The headline read "Seeking Witnesses to UFO." which showed up on August 15, 2003
Here is her story.
She tells that her and her friend are having a very hard time dealing with what took place. Also another couple who lives in the area watched an aerial craft hovering close to the location where the two ladies had parked there car at the side of the highway and gave confirmation to the incident, or at least witnessed an object.
At approx: 12:05 a.m., July 31, 2003 the two ladies were playing around on the computer when Linda said, we haven't done any star gazing in a long time, so Corina, the lady who contacted me said, you're right, lets go out and do some star gazing. They left home at 12:05 a.m. heading out to an area where they would get a look at the clear night sky without having lights to obscure their view. Corina drove to Glenmore, which is north from where she lives and is on the back road heading to Winfield from Kelowna, B.C.
They were driving along and Corina reported that there was quite a bit of traffic for that time of the night, but soon after they decided to stop just off to the side of the road to see what they might notice, the traffic stopped coming. There was not a light from any vehicles, not anything other than a very dark stretch of road. Corina grabbed her flashlight and shone it into the sky as she has done this in the past. Her friend Linda had the binoculars on the other side of the car scanning the starry night sky. They were there only a minute out of the car when her Linda said, this is really strange. There are three stars up in the sky and formed into a triangle shape. All three lights at this time were solid white. Both ladies watched as the three white lights started moving, but moving together. The witness with the binoculars said stars don't do that, and Corina replies, of course not, as she thought it may have been a plane or something. Linda replies, no this is not a plane as the lights were changing color to a neon green and the object had stopped and hovered just ahead of their car on the highway.
More . . .
See Also: Did UFOs go to Alberta?
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