The recently held 9th Annual Aztec UFO Symposium brought a wide variety of interested movie and media groups to San Juan County.
By Suzanne Ramsey
By Suzanne Ramsey

Duane Tudahl- producer with the HISTORY Channel's UFO Files and crew worked on two up and coming episodes while visiting the area. One episode is specifically on Aztec and the other will include Aztec.
Ole Retsbo and crew with Danish TV filmed a documentary for their equivilant of PBS. The entire focus was Aztec.
Roy Forbes with Majestic Production of Kingman, Arizona recently finished a documentary about UFO Crashes of the Southwest. It will be available late 2006.
Jim Rodgers with The Cutting Edge television show devoted an entire show to the Aztec Crash and Aztec Symposium. This program is shown in 13 major cities across the nation.
And Jim Berwanger with Fox TV and Val Berwanger with ABC Family Channel were on hand.
Robert Nicole from Vancover, Canada shared his video pertaining to Crop Circles. This is the first of a series of 5 videos that prepare people for contact with ET's.
More . . .
See Also: "Our UFO Symposium Will Initiate Discussions on The UFO, Alien Phenomenon That Seems to Permeate Our Culture"
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