By Thomas Horn
Senior RNU News Reporter
5-9-06 – (Raiders News Update) – A 400-page report, entitled "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the UK" and marked "Secret: UK Eyes Only", is being released under the Freedom of Information by the U.K. MoD. It concludes that "No evidence exists to suggest that the phenomena seen are hostile or under any type of control, other than that of natural physical forces." Then adds: "There is no evidence that 'solid' objects exist which could cause a collision hazard."

Nick Pope, who worked in this department for the MoD from 1991 to 1994 says he doesn't want to be critical, but he disagrees with some of the conclusions, "particularly where they relate to subjects such as electrically-charged atmospheric plasmas or temporal lobe disorders, where there is no scientific consenses."
When I asked Pope if there could be other descenters of the official investigation, he responded, "I don't think you should expect a 'minority report', but as ever, the devil's in the details." He further reminded that whereas he was involved with the MoD's investigation into Unidentified Aerial Phenomena and partook in early discussions that led to the commissioning of the study, he had left the MoD's UFO Project by the time this report was made.
This is not the first time a report by MoD dismissed the idea of UFOs. . . .
More . . .See Also: "The Ministry of Defence Has Admitted That There Are Unidentified Fying Objects In Our Skies . . ."
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