Astronauts' close encounter
By Mike Swain
THE first men to walk on the Moon reported seeing a UFO, a new TV documentary reveals.Astronauts' close encounter
By Mike Swain
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the Moon's surface after Neil Armstrong, says space agency bosses covered up their sighting.
And the Apollo 11 astronauts were also careful not to talk ab out it openly.
He said: "There was something out there, close enough to be observed, and what could it be?
"Now, obviously the three of us weren't going to blurt out, 'Hey, Houston, we've got something moving alongside of us and we don't know what it is, you know?
"Can you tell us what it is?'
"We weren't about to do that, because we knew that that those transmissions would be heard by all sorts of people and somebody might have demanded we turn back because of aliens or whatever the reason is."
The documentary, tonight on Five, also reveals that the astronauts had to repair the lunar module with a ballpoint pen after the historic landing in July 1969.
In the cramped conditions, someone's bulky spacesuit had snapped off a circuit breaker essential for starting up the engine.
To this day, Aldrin treasures the everyday object that saved their lives.
He said: "I used a pen, one of several that we had on board that didn't have metal on the end, and we used that to push the circuit breaker in."
The programme also draws on classified documents made public for the first time.
More . . .
See Also: Aldrin Said That a UFO Accompanied The Apollo 11 Mission
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