HOOPER - The annual celebration for space people in every shape, size and color - and the craft they fly - is scheduled Saturday and Sunday at the UFO Watchtower.THE PUEBLO CHIEFTAIN
The UFO Watchtower in cooperation with Colorado MUFON will sponsor the 2006 UFOlympics, a conference about the extraterrestrial. Bill Winkler will be master of ceremonies for the two-day event.
Wanda Wornick, acting postmaster from the Hooper Post Office, will be available to cancel letters and post cards with a special UFO stamp from 9 to 11 a.m.
Among the scheduled speakers on Saturday are Sasquatch speakers Joe Fex and Jack “Kewaunee” Lapseritis, 9 and 10:30 a.m., respectively; UFO speakers Alejandro Rojas, 1 p.m.; Mac and Susan McManaway, 2:30 p.m.; and Chuck Zukowski and Debbie Zieglemeyer, 4 p.m.
A prayer circle and American Indian storyteller Priscilla Wolf will finish the day.
Sunday will feature abductee and healing speaker Suki at 9 a.m.; Poly Cady, at 10:30 a.m.; and disclosure project witness Franklin Carter at 1:30 p.m.
Cost is $20 prepaid, $30 at the door. Overnight camping costs $10.50 a vehicle.
The gift shop features a variety of UFO memorabilia and paperback books published by Earth Star Publications, including “That Crazy Lady Down The Road” by Watchtower owner Judy Messoline and “Stranded On Earth: The Story of a Roswell Crash Survivor” by one of last year’s popular speakers, Sanni Emyetti Ceto.
Messoline’s book, which sells for $21.95, explains why she relocated to the San Luis Valley from the Denver area in 1999. The book is full of stories about people from around the world who come to the tower, sightings of space ships in the area and other paranormal happenings.
More . . .
See Also: Close Encounters of The Alien Kind
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