By Mike Fortson
March 1997
© 1997-2006
As I pulled the window closed, my eyes were attracted to the three huge, bright white lights angled down and very low to the ground. "Plane crash!" I thought. These lights were way too low and angled in a way nothing I know of could pull out of.
I ran down the hallway, grabbed my glasses off the bar and yelled to my wife, of 25 years, "get outside right now!" Without hesitation she followed me out the back arcadia door to the edge of our patio. (I have timed this since and it took app. 8-10 sec)
Standing at the edge of our patio, facing west, and looking north, confusion struck me. For there was no plane crash, but coming from the north and heading south was one, single structure that looked like a giant boomerang. (the description of boomerang, chevron (best), and V shaped object all apply). This object stuck out like a sore thumb in the evening sky due to the fact we were looking north towards the Phoenix metro area, and the city lights gave us a grey background in which to view this huge black V shaped object. It was so low to the surface we could not believe it. I remember saying, "what the hell is that?"
The huge V shaped craft was moving slowly to the south. At this point, still northwest of us, we both saw a 737 in landing approach pass over the object. The plane was coming in from the west heading east. The V shaped craft was heading south from the north. As the 737 passed over the V shaped object, I said, "did you see that! Why didn't the plane get the hell out of there?" But it didn't. The pilot nor the planes computers saw nothing. (Just like the radars at Sky Harbor and Luke AFB. Nothing was detected.)
I would like to explain more on this incident. We live app. 23 miles ESE of Sky Harbor in Phoenix. Planes coming in to land (most of the time) will come out by us, bank to the north (left), proceed for app. 10-12 miles, bank left again (west) and land at Sky Harbor. This is normal landing pattern. I have talked to airline pilots, tower operators, and investigators about the altitude of planes coming in to land at Sky Harbor, at the point of the first bank north where we live. The altitude..1200'. The massive V shaped craft we saw was under 1200' altitude!
As the huge V shaped craft proceeded south, it was almost in front of us, when my eyes followed the left wing to it's end. We live 1/2 mile south of Chandler Blvd. The end of the wing was well past that and at least half way to Ray Rd. (1 1/2 miles north!) I remember saying to my wife, "that son-of-a-bitch is a mile long! As it passed in front of us all we could see is the left wing. That's how low it was. At arm's length the object was at least 30"+ long. I reported it was app. 1 1/2 mile west of us, going down Alma School Rd. But the closest part of the huge V, the end of the left wing was much closer. Maybe within a 1/2 mile. One thing that I remember the most is how this craft "floated" app. 30-40 mph. There was no visual means of propulsion and absolutely no noise. The altitude and speed of the craft never changed.
On March 13, 1997, at app.8:31 pm MST., there was a bright bottom quarter moon setting in the western horizon. I said to the wife, "we're gonna get more detail, look, it's going right into the light of the moon." But instead of greater detail of this huge V shaped craft, what we saw still amazes us. As the front of the V shaped craft entered the light of the moon, this black chevron shaped object became translucent in bright light! We could still see the bottom quarter moon thru the object, but instead of bright white, it (moon) was a dingy yellow. As the V shaped craft exited the bright moon, it became a solid black object again. We watched as the entire craft passed thru this. Seeing a solid object going into and coming out of, was black. But as the craft passed between us and the bright, white moon, it was translucent.
(Something about bright objects...witnesses who had this pass over their heads claim that as the craft passed between bright stars, it was like looking thru...water)
By the time the end (left wing still) was passing thru the light of the moon, the front of the craft was disappearing into the night sky to our south. It never changed course, speed, or altitude. Just faded off into the night sky to the south of us.
During the whole sighting we never moved our feet. We never considered getting a camera. We never thought of yelling for a neighbor. There was no question in our minds that what we saw was not of this Earth. Our total sighting was app. 1 minute and 45 seconds.
Thanks for your report. I also found your interview on The Paracast to be very straightforward and convincing.
ReplyDeleteOne minor point: You said, "There was no question in our minds that what we saw was not of this Earth."
Technically, I think you should say "not of the Earth we know." Like I said, a minor one, but important to me, I guess. We use propaganda to deal with indigenous people, wouldn't an advanced civilization bent on slavery want you to feel they are friendly?
a few nights before the Phoenix incident, I saw the SAME object fly over my car at dusk in Tarzana, CA (just outside Los Angeles). Both my wife and I saw it clearly, it flew very very low directly over our heads at a very high speed. I told her not to describe it until we could get home and both draw what we saw. We both drew the same thing: a HUGE V-shaped dark grey/black object with 5 lights on it. I mean HUGE. It passed silently and really freaked us out. Two days later I was watching the news and saw a drawing on TV that was EXACTLY what we saw! I turned up the sound and it was a report on the Phoenix lights! Any other Los Angeles sightings? We know what we saw...
ReplyDeleteI have known Mike Fortson for a number of years. WE became instant friends. We have talked via telephone, Skype and through various emails, and his accounts of what he first saw in 1997 never veered from truth of his documented Report. I have listened to Mike's radio interviews and have admired his courage in telling the truth--as he knew it--and with such detail and in such an articulate manner, that I consider him to be one of the truest and most humble of all witnesses I have ever heard of in the now 40 plus years I have studied, researched and become a multiple witness myself. He was a gem for the Docu-drama, "Out of the Blue," which I will never forget his appearance, which, in my view, was too short of an interview for such a person as Mike Fortson is as I have noted above. For those reasons, Mike could call me up and simply 'tell me' that he saw, such and such, I would have no problem believing every word he uttered, as I also know that Mike has never, nor is he ever likely to accept any monies to advance himself regarding his witnessing 'space craft' from--elsewhere, and I say 'elsewhere,' as Mike knows, just as many of us do, that we do not know where these many aka UFOs come from unless and until 'they' tell us. Mike Fortson does HONOR to Ufology (or call it what you will) and the study of the same and always will. I am proud to call him my friend, and I can only pray that he considers me his friend. Once you get to know him; you would feel the same, and I certain of that.
ReplyDeleteI have known Mike Fortson for a number of years. WE became instant friends. We have talked via telephone, Skype and through various emails, and his accounts of what he first saw in 1997 never veered from truth of his documented Report. I have listened to Mike's radio interviews and have admired his courage in telling the truth--as he knew it--and with such detail and in such an articulate manner, that I consider him to be one of the truest and most humble of all witnesses I have ever heard of in the now 40 plus years I have studied, researched and become a multiple witness myself. He was a gem for the Docu-drama, "Out of the Blue," which I will never forget his appearance, which, in my view, was too short of an interview for such a person as Mike Fortson is as I have noted above. For those reasons, Mike could call me up and simply 'tell me' that he saw, such and such, I would have no problem believing every word he uttered, as I also know that Mike has never, nor is he ever likely to accept any monies to advance himself regarding his witnessing 'space craft' from--elsewhere, and I say 'elsewhere,' as Mike knows, just as many of us do, that we do not know where these many aka UFOs come from unless and until 'they' tell us. Mike Fortson does HONOR to Ufology (or call it what you will) and the study of the same and always will. I am proud to call him my friend, and I can only pray that he considers me his friend. Once you get to know him; you would feel the same, and I certain of that.
ReplyDeleteOn the night of August 1st, 1965 I was listening to 1010 WINS, New York, and they were reporting live sightings of UFOs in the Four Corners region of the southwest, where the states of Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico intersect. I ran out to the front yard of our parent's Teaneck, NJ, home and lay down on the grass. I saw nothing unusual for 15 minutes, and decided to train my 10 by 50 binoculars on the star Vega, near the zenith. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, and emerging from the roofline of our parent's house was a dull, glowing, orange 'something'. I instantly trained the binoculars on it. What I saw was chevron shaped with the point moving forward towards the east-northeast, that would take it to Connecticut. I had it in sight for about 2 seconds, before it was obscured by a line of pine trees. It was moving far faster than any aircraft, but not as fast as a shooting star - in terms of its rate of traverse across the sky. During this brief observation I was able to make out a dark circular area on one of it's 'wings'. At the center of that dark circular area was a faint point of light. About 15 minutes later a point of light traversed the exact same route, at virtually the exact same rate of traverse across the sky.
ReplyDeleteV this is the best sight so far for the V that I saw this is the Australian witness I feel part of a group it is an awesome sight I will report my account to the chronicles