5th Annual Mothman Festival to be held next weekend
(Point Pleasant, WV) The 5th Annual Mothman Festival will be held in Point Pleasant next weekend. Guests speakers at this year's festival include Chad Lambert, the Mothman comic book creator & writer, and Ralph Turner, a former Herald-Dispatch field reporter who worked for the paper in 1966.WTRF 7
Attendees will also be able to view Mothman, UFO and paranormal clips and presentations at the historic State Theater beginning at noon on Saturday and Sunday. The Mothman Prophecies movie will also be shown on Saturday and Sunday.
The Mothman's glowing red eyes were first reported on November 14th, 1966 in Salem, West Virginia. The Mothman was described as a birdlike figure, between six and a half and seven feet tall, with glowing eyes.
More and more sightings were reported in the Point Pleasant area. Descriptions of the creature were consistent. All reported the same basic build and features. Communications devices squealed and whined in its presence.
The reports continued long into 1967 - over one hundred total. Most of the sightings ended with the collapse of the Silver Bridge, connecting West Virginia with Ohio .
More . . .
See Also: Mothman: Myth or Reality?
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