Strange lights give driver a fright
Evening Star
A SUFFOLK teenager got the fright of her life when her car was chased by floating lights as she drove across the Orwell Bridge.Evening Star
The 18-year-old, who has asked not to be named, was driving home to Saxmundham from Bury St Edmunds at about 4am on Saturday, August 26.
As she drove over the Orwell Bridge she saw two spinning lights about 12 feet ahead of her.
They remained in front of the car as she drove, and worried her so much that she was distracted and missed the A12 turning at Seven Hills.
She said: “I carried on to Felixstowe and the lights stayed with me until I turned around at the Trimley roundabout. I've never been so scared.”
The teenager said they hovered above her windscreen and were a dull colour, not shining particularly brightly.
She added: “They definitely seemed to be staying with the car.”
The motorist had not realised anyone else had seen the lights until she saw a letter in The Evening Star last Friday.
She said: “It sounded very like what I saw. I have no idea what they were, they really spooked me.”
She was on her own the car and was very relieved to reach home in Saxmundham.
Last week Heidi Garwood of Fletcher Road in Ipswich wrote a letter to say that her father had seen some mysterious lights in the Nacton Road area of the town at about 4.30am on the same day - and she had heard similar stories from other people in the area.
The sightings come more than a quarter of a century after east Suffolk was at the heart of one of Britain's biggest UFO mysteries after US servicemen reported strange lights in the sky near USAF Woodbridge during the Christmas period in 1980.
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See Also: UFOs Sighted Over Longwalk, Istead Rise
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