Newsnet 5
Aircraft Used In Search After White Flares Spotted Near Island
LORAIN, Ohio -- The appearance of a C-130 aircraft in the sky near Lorain Tuesday morning sparked some concern among the city's residents.10-31-06
Aircraft Used In Search After White Flares Spotted Near Island
It turned out that the Canadian aircraft was being used to assist in a search of Lake Erie begun by the U.S. Coast Guard Monday night.
The Coast Guard sent out a boat and a helicopter after receiving reports of white flares near Canada's Pelee Island.
After several hours, the Coast Guard's helicopter had to be grounded, so officials called on Canada's assistance with the C-130 aircraft.
Search crews found nothing, and the search was called off at 12:55 p.m. Tuesday.
Officials said search patterns may have brought the aircraft close to shore, which is why residents were able to see it.
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See Also: Multiple UFOs Reported Over Ruidoso
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