Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Why I Believe in Flying Saucers

Why I Believe in Flying Saucers - PS Jan 1966
Popular Science
January 1966
From Francis Ridge

The noted writer--co-author with Gen. Curtis E. Lemay of "Mission with LeMay. My Story"--tells of the strange personal sighting that convinced him that UFOs are real.

     Well, to begin with, I saw one.

But for some years previously. I had believed that Unidentified Flying Objects must exist. I'd heard the calm testimony of too many experienced pilots and other observers, not to believe.

Let's say that you are a skeptic--the same sort of grimly determined Doubting Thomas that I used to be. Would your skepticism still prevail if you could hear the dry steady voice of Gen. Curtis E. LeMay saying-- as indeed I've heard him say:

"Repeat again: There were some cases we could not explain. Never could."

When I first spotted the UFO it was hanging motionless in the sky.

I looked at my wristwatch. 6:07 p.m.

The date was January 4, 1954, a Monday. The place: My own beach on the Gulf of Mexico about five miles from downtown Sarasota, Fla., on an island called Siesta Key.

On viewing the UFO, I felt a great wave of thankfulness. By golly, I thought, at last it's here. Now I don't just have to believe. Now I know.

More . . .

See Also:Boy Sees Flying Saucer Land!


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