The Tribune
MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, Inc., a nonprofit scientific research organization that has been investigating the UFO mystery for 37 years, recently relocated from Littleton to Bellvue, north of Fort Collins.1-10-07
Founded in 1969, MUFON has more than 2,500 paid members, more than 400 field investigators and has amassed more than 13,000 UFO case files. The network of consultants and research specialists serve as contributing analysts.
MUFON publishes the monthly MUFON Journal and sponsors an annual symposium, which will be Aug. 10-12, in Denver.

Carrion will speak at 6:30 p.m. Thursday at the Western Sizzlin' Steakhouse, 3033 8th Ave., Evans. The meeting is open to the public; cost is $3 per person.
Of all the UFO sightings reported to MUFON, 85-90 percent are eventually identified as natural or man made phenomenon upon further investigation, Carrion said, but 10-15 percent remain classified as true unknowns.
The recent UFO seen over Chicago's O'Hare airport on Nov. 7 and reported by competent United Airlines ground crew and pilots is currently classified as an unknown. MUFON is actively investigating the O'Hare case. He will discuss that and other cases at the Evans meeting.
* The Mutual UFO Network, Inc. may be contacted at P.O. Box 279, Bellvue, CO 80512 or by calling (970) 221-1836.
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