By By Kate Shannon
Fife Today
IN the past nine years, Fifers have spotted 31 unidentified flying objects (UFOs) in the Kingdom's skies, according to latest figures released by the Ministry of Defence.Fife Today
And while possible UFOs are most common around the Glenrothes and Levenmouth areas, Kirkcaldy residents spotted two above the town – one in January 2001 and the second in September 2002.
One of the most recent UFOs was recorded in Lochgelly in 2005, where there was a report of bright white lights moving in semi-circles.
The Ministry of Defence (MoD) noted in 2005 there were 156 sightings across Britain, four of which were in Fife.
Director of East 2 West UFO Society, Scotland's largest UFO investigation group, Harry Sommerville has had a large number of members reporting sightings in the Kingdom.
He said: "I investigated the sighting of a metallic coloured sphere over Rosyth naval base last year. A photographer in Fife had contacted me and gave me photographs of his sighting.
"The MoD told me there was no military activity that day in the area although a Fife newspaper reported jets criss-crossing the Forth all that day as if looking for something.."
The MoD examines reports solely to establish whether UK airspace may have been compromised by hostile or unauthorised military activity. If required, sighting reports are examined with the assistance of air defence experts but unless there is evidence of a potential threat, there is no attempt to identify the nature of each reported sighting.
The majority of occurences are described as bright objects in the sky.
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