UFO report – RAF did send fighters up
By CHichester Observer
A UFO spotter from Felpham has appealed to anyone else who saw the objects to contact him. Leo Lindsay and his wife, Rosie, watched the visitors from outer space from a bedroom window.By CHichester Observer
Mr Lindsay has since had unofficial confirmation from the Ministry of Defence that two RAF planes were sent up to investigate the phenomenon.
"The RAF don't do that unless there is a real reason," he stated. "I can't believe no one else saw the objects. I would estimate they were each about the size of a house.
"Anyone walking along Felpham seafront at that time would not have been able to miss them. I hope they will let me know on 01243 855728."
Mr Lindsay estimates the objects must have been above Felpham seafront in a beautiful light blue sky with white puffy clouds. He was looking out of a bedroom window in his home in Roundle Avenue at about 6pm on October 4 when he saw 'two round football-shaped objects' coming over the trees high in the sky.
He went downstairs to tell his wife. He watched as the objects changed to become 'multi-faceted diamond shaped discs which moved further apart'.
The fighter planes appeared on the scene ten minutes later. Two aunts staying with the couple also saw the incident.
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