Wednesday, February 28, 2007

UFO Captured on Video Over Buenos Aires, Argentina!

By Frank Warren

     Señor Ricardo E D'angelo informs us that Argentina (much like the rest 0f the world) is in a “UFO Flap!” He shares this video he shot from the roof of his home in Buenos Aires.

He used a Sony 360 XS Night Shot, with a slow shutter mounted on a tri-pod.

Video Credit:Señor Ricardo E D'angelo

* Special Thanks To Stanton Friedman

See Also:






UFO Over North Lincolnshire
By This Is Scunthorpe

     Unidentified flying objects appear to have given North Lincolnshire a wide berth, according to official records kept by the Ministry of Defence (MoD).

The last sightings of flying saucer-type objects in our region were almost five years ago.The MoD UFOlogy files reveal things were really buzzing over the skies of North Lincolnshire in 2002, with three sightings reported in an eight-month spell.

At 2.15am on March 31, an observer from Scunthorpe reported two lights circling around each other.

They were yellow, red, green and blue in colour.

Just a week later the MoD received another local alert, this time from Scawby, at 1.50am on Saturday, April 7.

The witness testified he saw a blue light, then yellow shooting stars, followed by a loud bang.

It was the second UFO sighting in the otherwise sleepy village of Scawby in nine years.

UFO activity in North Lincolnshire then went quiet until 2.30pm on November 2, 2002.

This time the mysterious object seen at Walcot was described as dark blue and torpedo-shaped and was followed by a white plume of smoke.

Anyone who believes they have spotted a UFO is asked, in the first instance, to contact Humberside Police.

The police, who pass on the information to the MoD, require a detailed report.

UFO spotters have to list nearby objects like high voltage lines, rivers and buildings, give names of any witnesses and describe the weather conditions.

They also have to give a full description and exact positioning of the sighting and the direction in which it was first seen.

Coun Mark Kirk (48), deputy leader of the opposition Labour group on North Lincolnshire Council, and his wife Tina, know the routine only too well.

In July 1978, the Kirks witnessed their very own close encounter of the first kind near Market Rasen.

"I don't know what we saw, but it was something we had never seen before," said Coun Kirk.

"I used to be sceptical about UFOs, but if anyone ever told me they had seen one I would have to believe them.

"The object was about 150ft away, around 50ft above the ground and making no noise at all."

Coun Kirk knew it was neither an aircraft nor a helicopter, and he started to drive off with the object slightly above the car.

"It was travelling at 40mph in a sideways position, and was displaying two very large white lights," he said.

"Then a series of coloured lights started flashing and the object swept overhead."

'Sky Lanterns' Laid To Blame (Again) For Recent UFO Sightings

Orange UFOs Over Islington
UFOs over Archway: is mystery solved?

By Journal 24

     THE mystery of the unidentified flying objects spotted over Archway may have been solved.

Pedestrians stared skyward, people screamed and cars came to a standstill when a group of around 15 orange glowing lights travelled southwards over busy Archway roundabout at 5.30pm on February 1.

Eyewitnesses described a "squadron" of lights that moved in formation and appeared to be "controlled".

But an anonymous tip-off has led to a more down-to-earth explanation.

A reader alerted the Journal to a party held not far away at the same time as the sightings.

Now Camden Council has admitted that sky lanterns were launched at a private gathering in Waterlow Park, Highgate Hill - just a few hundred metres away.

A spokeswoman for the council said: "There was a private event at Waterlow Park that evening. It was a small family memorial service. They did set off lanterns, but we weren't aware that they were going to do that."

It is believed the service was held for a young Chinese woman.

"Sky lanterns" or "UFO balloons" are mini hot air balloons that can be bought online for use at parties. They cost as little as £9.99 for a packet of six and can rise as high as 1,000 metres.

Video footage of the lights posted on the Journal's website sparked a huge response from as far afield as the US, Canada, Australia, Mexico and Poland - with readers split over what caused the phenomenon.

While some are convinced the lights were UFOs, others are in no doubt they were sky lanterns.

Whatever the cause, Islington-based group Ufology and Supernatural Studies (USS) is keen to hear from witnesses so it can put together a full report on the lights. Its head of operations, Paul Southcott, can be contacted on 07799 058409.

MYSTERY solved? The strange lights are caught on camera (above) as they drift southwards over Archway.

Archway resident Pete Muller took this picture from the bus depot in Vorley Road. But like many of the witnesses of the display, he is not convinced they were "sky lanterns" or "UFO balloons".

He said: "I'm not saying they were of alien origin but I really don't think they were balloons or anything like that.

"They definitely moved in an odd way, as if they were under some form of intelligent control. Furthermore, there were several planes buzzing around the periphery and a helicopter too. It was weird."

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

MY UFO EXPERIENCE: Executive Producer, Steve Lantz - "I have Seen The Phoenix Lights!"

Phoenix Lights - Steve Lantz Sighting 1 (Crpd)
By Steve Lantz
[Steve is an award-winning filmmaker with credits on numerous productions. His thorough understanding of every aspect of filmmaking comes from direct experience, as he has worn just about every hat you could wear on a production.

. . . His latest film, The Phoenix Lights Documentary, has won several international awards and nominations, including Best Director and Best Documentary and has been exhibited at numerous theaters, conferences and film festivals across the United States and several countries.]

Steve Lantz Head Shot     My wife Fran and I were in Nashville on business. We decided to take an earlier flight back to Sacramento which happened to stop through Phoenix. Originally, we were supposed to be on a later flight that had a stopover in Ontario, California. Whether it was dumb luck or "meant to be" we ended up briefly stopping through Phoenix and shortly after takeoff as I was looking towards the Estrella Mountain range (I always look at the Estrella's whenever I fly into Phoenix), two amber orbs suddenly appeared out of nowhere in a side-by-side formation at approximately 8:15pm local Phoenix time.

The orbs were visible for a minute or so then blinked out as 3 jets flew over (the jets were coming from the direction of Luke AFB), then the orbs blinked on again after the jets passed by. I studied them intently as our plane, a Boeing 737-400, made a turn to the northwest. The lights blinked out at the point where I could no longer see them from my window as our plane approached the north end of Phoenix, near Sun City. I thought this was the end of the show, then suddenly the orbs appeared again, this time in a totally different location far northwest of Glendale at approximately 8:17pm. The same two amber orbs I saw over the Estrella Mountains appeared in the same side-by-side formation, very bright and distinct from all other light sources.

They were definitely above ground and seemed to be quite a distance away because they barely moved in relation to our plane's movement. I don't want to say they appeared just for my benefit, but it almost seemed that way. I had a perfect view of them outside my window and I studied them very carefully. Fran saw them too. They blinked out exactly the way they did in Dr. Lynne's videos.

I am thrilled I finally saw them for myself not only for validation, but also to have the opportunity to view them in person and analyze them with everything I know. Fran and I were probably the only two people on the plane who noticed them and I speculate that not many people on the ground witnessed them either because they only appeared for a couple of minutes at two different locations, then blinked out. They did not appear to be aircraft, flares or any natural phenomenon. What is most significant is that they appeared identically in two different locations and I had an incredible bird's eye view on a perfectly clear night. The glow from Los Angeles in the distance helped illuminate the sky and made it easy to see the horizon and topography.

This is the first time I ever witnessed anything like this and now I can finally say...


Scientists Expanding Search For Evidence of Life On Mars

Mars Water Trough
By Robert S. Boyd
The Mercury News

     WASHINGTON - Scientists who are hunting for life on Mars - past or present - are expanding their search to include possible sources of food and energy, as well as water, that could nourish microorganisms on the Red Planet.

For years, "Follow the Water" has been the mantra guiding the quest for evidence of extraterrestrial life. The theory was that liquid water was the most essential requirement for any living organism, so the hunt should start with that.

That concept now is considered too narrow. The search for water goes on, but it's not the only target.

"Water is necessary but not sufficient for life," said Tori Hoehler, an astrobiologist at NASA's Ames Research Center in Mountain View, Calif. "So far we've looked for water, but life also needs raw materials and sustained energy. That's the next thing we should be looking for on Mars."

NASA's Mars rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, along with U.S. and European orbiting spacecraft have detected evidence that Mars was warm and wet billions of years ago, with rivers, lakes and perhaps a large ocean. That water has evaporated or sunk underground, occasionally bursting to the surface to carve fresh gullies in canyon walls.

Now NASA is preparing to send two landers to Mars - the Phoenix mission later this year and the Mars Science Lander in 2009 - to hunt for organic carbon, a basic building block of life, on or just below the surface.

But scientists say the search must extend below the planet's dry, frozen crust to look for buried supplies of water, food and energy where microbes might be living.

"If life is present on Mars now, it has to be subsurface," Hoehler said.

One potential Martian food is methane - natural gas - a simple compound of hydrogen and carbon. Traces of methane were detected last year in the planet's thin atmosphere, apparently leaking out of pockets of gas below the surface.

Living creatures are "a potential source of the methane detected in the atmosphere," said Stephen Clifford, a researcher at the NASA-funded Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston. He cautioned, however, that methane also can have a nonbiological origin.

Tullis Onstott, a geoscientist at Princeton University, has suggested sending a Mars rover that could drill down to the source of the methane to search for organic matter, dead or alive.

If found, such organisms would be similar to colonies of microbes called methanogens, which feed on methane below the ocean floor on Earth. Onstott has found many examples of what he calls "dark life" dwelling two miles down in South African gold mines.

"If you find good evidence of environments that support life in the deep subsurface of Earth, then the chances are high that you will find these environments beneath Mars as well," Onstott told the Princeton Weekly Bulletin.

In addition, scientists say there are ample sources of energy on Mars, even below the surface, where the sun never shines.

The source of underground energy is "no longer sunlight but the planet itself," Hoehler explained.

Mars' interior retained heat, a form of energy, from the time of its formation 4.5 billion years ago. Radioactive rocks also emit a steady stream of energetic particles.

"There is chemical energy inside the planet," Hoehler said. He likened it to "the planet's battery."

Mars also is loaded with iron, which combines with oxygen to give the planet its distinctive rust color.

"Oxidizing iron yields energy," said David Des Marais, a geochemist at the Ames Research Center. Sulfur also can combine with oxygen to produce energy.

"This is how a lot of things on Earth make a living," Des Marais said. Presumably the same iron and sulfur chemistry would work on Mars.

Another potential source of extraterrestrial food and energy is hydrogen, a gas that's starting to be used to power vehicles on Earth and also nourishes underground swarms of microbes.

"Hydrogen gas is like junk food to a lot of bacteria," Onstott said.

On Mars, hydrogen can be generated by the interaction of radioactive rocks and water.

"Hydrogen probably represents the most interesting prospective energy source for would-be Martian microbes, simply because it's always in the picture wherever rocks and water get together," Hoehler said.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Vike: "I Think The Government Does Know a Little More Than They're Telling Us . . ."


Look, up in the sky...

By Sarah Payne
The Tri-City News

     Ever looked out at the night sky and wondered if, amongst all those stars, there could be life?

Turns out a lot of people in the Tri-Cities have, including former resident Brian Vike, who posts sightings of unidentified flying objects on his website ( and now discusses encounters on his own radio show.

In the past few years, Vike has collected about 10 stories of sightings in this area, including these:

• Coquitlam, March 27, 2006, 4:45 a.m. — Three red lights in triangular pattern, along with several white strobe lights flashing from various locations, flies over Burnaby Mountain at approximately 2,000 feet.

• Port Moody, May 27, 2005, 10:31 p.m. — Cluster of large balloons in V-formation seen over Heritage Mountain, several blue and one red, at 7,000 feet.

• Port Coquitlam — Stationary grey saucer-shaped object at the end of a cloud reach down toward Burke Mountain.

"I've always been a real sci-fi nut," said Vike, who grew up in Coquitlam and joined the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada in 1979. But after years of star-gazing, he started to wonder whether there could be more out there.

"It's such a mystery. Is there or isn't there?

"I'm pretty level-headed," he said, "I don't go for the silly but I honestly believe in my heart there is life out there somewhere.

"The big question is, are they visiting us?"

Vike, who now lives in Houston, B.C., readily admits most so-called sightings are explainable but some are so unusual, and witnessed by so many people, that the stories warrant further investigation. He'll contact police in the area of such a report, check flight schedules, contact relevant government agencies, and says he often gets "the run-around."

"I think the government does know a little more than they're telling us but I can't prove that for a fact," he said.

He started investigating UFOs in 2000 as a hobby but said things "got out of hand" a year later when some crop circles (later found to have been created by humans) showed up in Vanderhoof and he worked on a cattle mutilation case in Falkland. He put up the website and, not long after, reports were flowing in from around the world.

Since then, he has become a regular on radio shows, television and in numerous newspapers and magazines. He took a couple of months off last year and is back at it in full force with his own radio show, The Vike Report, where witnesses recount experiences in their own words.

"Most radio shows bring in a ufologist like myself to talk about these stories but a lot of people are really interested in hearing the person who actually saw the thing," Vike explained. "And the emotional range is incredible. Some break down in tears. It's very serious for these folks."

• The Vike Report UFO Show runs Sunday nights at

". . . Loons Such as These Have Given Aliens, as a Subject for Serious Discussion, a Bad Name"

Joaquin Phoenix in Aluminum Hat
Break out the tin foil hats

By Nigel Farndale
Sunday Telegraph

     If blame must be apportioned (and it must, it must) I blame the Tin Foil Hats. These are the people, often American, who wear a sheet of tin foil wrapped around their heads in the belief that it will shield their brains from mind control rays - alien mind control rays. Chief among the TFH, as they are sometimes abbreviated, is the UFO researcher Michael Menkin, who promotes homemade "thought screen helmets" as a means of blocking mental communication between humans and extraterrestrials intent on abduction. The shame is that loons such as these have given aliens, as a subject for serious discussion, a bad name.

Worse, a belief that there might be aliens out there somewhere has become lumped in the popular imagination with embarrassing twaddle such as astrology, psychic reading and crystal healing. And yet it is a perfectly respectable belief to hold, not least because the laws of probability support it. Our planet is, after all, one of about 30 billion in our galaxy, and there are about 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe (there may be other universes, but let's not go there conceptually). Our planet has liquid water and is in what is known as the "Goldilocks zone" of our solar system - that is, it orbits our star, the sun, at a distance that makes it not too hot and not too cold, but just right for life to originate spontaneously. The odds on other planets being similarly blessed are not great: a billion to one against. Nevertheless, these improbable conditions must, in all probability, arise on at least a billion other planets. And we know they can arise because they arose here.

Which brings me to the news that we are now a little closer to finding alien life forms. It was announced on Thursday that Nasa's Spitzer Space Telescope has captured enough light from two planets far beyond our own solar system to reveal tentative evidence of chemicals that are thought to play a role in forming DNA. "We're getting our first sniffs of air from an alien world," one of the astrophysicists responsible for the research said with impressive nonchalance.

This may sound like a namedrop, because it is, but I once had the chance to ask Stephen Hawking about this business of aliens. His answer haunts me still. The human race has been in its present form for only the past two million years out of the 15 billion or so since the Big Bang, he said. So even if life developed in other stellar systems, the chances of catching it at a recognisably human stage are small. Any alien life we encounter will be much more primitive or much more advanced than us. And if it's more advanced, he asked, why hasn't it spread through the galaxy and visited Earth?

"It could be that there is an advanced race out there which is aware of our existence but is leaving us to stew in our own primitive juices," he added. "However, I doubt they would be so considerate to a lower life form. Perhaps the reason we have not been contacted by extra-terrestrials is that when a civilisation reaches our stage of development it becomes unstable and destroys itself."

Cue Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?

"U.S. Air Force General Confirmed to Hon. Paul Hellyer" - Roswell Crash Happened!

Flying Saucer Crash
UFO Technology Could Provide Climate Change Solutions: Former Canadian Defense Minister


After a retired U.S. Air Force General confirmed to Hon. Paul Hellyer that the 1947 Roswell UFO crash took place, Hellyer went public about what he knows of the cover-up. He says that he spoke out because the policy implications affect every nation on Earth. He suggests that the world community should find ways to establish contact with advanced civilizations to find out what we can learn from them that will help us save our planet, save our civilization from coming global environmental challenges caused by climate change.
Paul Hellyer Sml     Toronto, Canada (PRWeb) February 25, 2007 -- A former Minister of National Defense of Canada believes that advanced technology from extraterrestrial civilizations could help all nations put an end to our addiction to oil, and reduce greenhouse gases.

Hon. Paul Hellyer will be further discussing his views at an upcoming screening of a new documentary exposing an alleged UFO cover-up in Toronto on March 7, 2007.

Hellyer first went public about UFOs when he spoke at the Toronto Exopolitics Symposium in September 2005. He stated that a retired U.S. Air Force General confirmed to him that the 1947 Roswell UFO crash took place and originated from an advanced humanoid intelligent extraterrestrial civilization.

A video of his presentation can be seen online:

Hellyer is not new to controversy. While serving as Defense Minister under Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson, the famous Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, he oversaw the controversial integration and unification of the Royal Canadian Navy, Canadian Army, and the Royal Canadian Air Force into a single organization, the Canadian Forces.

Despite the fact that some UFO reports came to his desk while Defense Minister between 1963 and 1967, Hellyer says he was too busy to further investigate, or to pay much attention.

Files from the Canadian government confirm that five government departments have been involved in collecting data and conducting investigations on UFOs since 1947: the Department of Transport, Department of Communications, Department of National Defence, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the National Research Council. For more information, see:

Hellyer says that he only started taking the issue more seriously after watching Peter Jennings' ABC News Prime Time two hour special on UFOs in February 2005.

Jennings reported that the U.S. government and military had put together the Robertson Panel and Project Blue Book, in the 1950s, as a public relations effort to diminish the hysteria over UFOs at the time, and not as a serious investigation. See:

Jennings interviewed more than 150 witnesses and scientists, including one of the leading theoretical physicists in the world, Dr. Michio Kaku. Kaku said that Einstein's theory of relativity left us with the possibility that alien civilizations could have transcended the fabric of space and time through a "wormhole," also known as an "Einstein-Rosen Bridge." See:

As per Webster's dictionary, a "wormhole" is defined as a "hypothetical topological feature of spacetime that is essentially a 'shortcut' from one point in the universe to another point in the universe, allowing travel between them that is faster than it would take light to make the journey through normal space."

"Maybe there's nothing there," said Kaku. "However, on that off chance that there is something there, that could literally change the course of human history. So I say let this investigation begin."

Indeed, Hellyer decided to let the investigation begin after he watched Jennings' show. He read the controversial book "The Day After Roswell" by the late Col. Philip Corso, a former Pentagon official who served directly under General Arthur Trudeau in the 1960s. Corso later worked for and befriended the late U.S. Senator Strom Thurmond, a longtime friend of the Bush family.

In a July 1997 interview on the Art Bell Coast to Coast AM radio show, Corso provided extensive direct testimony of his top secret role in helping to reverse-engineer UFO technologies retrieved from the 1947 Roswell UFO crash. To listen to this interview online, visit:

In late summer of 2005, Hellyer contacted a retired U.S. Air Force General, a family acquaintance, and was told that undeniably, Corso was telling the truth. He was also told that there was more to the story but that it was still highly classified, and he could not yet disclose it.

Hellyer felt compelled to go public about what he had learned so far, and he did. His September 2005 disclosure triggered a countless amount of newspaper coverage and an overwhelming number of interview requests from international media outlets. He appeared on well known radio and TV shows, including a December 2005 primetime interview with Tucker Carlson on MSNBC that can be viewed online:

On May 9th 2006, Hellyer held a press conference in Toronto with Dr. Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project (, a nonprofit research project with over 400 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information top secret.

Relating to climate change and extraterrestrial civilizations' advanced non-polluting technologies, Hellyer said:

"What I want is what a lot of the members of the Exopolitics Institute want, is to try and make contact and say: 'What can we learn from you that will help us save our planet, save our civilization, reduce some of the disparity between the wealthiest people in the world and the poorest, and give us more abundant life for everyone here."

To view the online video of this press conference, see:

In June 2006, Hellyer was the keynote speaker at a world peace conference in Hawaii. Speaking about climate change, advanced technology retrieved from extraterrestrial civilizations, and the lucrative oil industry, he said:

"The financial stakes couldn't be higher, but they still pale in comparison to saving the planet for the benefit of future generations. There is no doubt that the adjustment in moving away from oil dependency would be unprecedented. But it doesn't have to be accomplished overnight... By international agreement it could be done over 10, 20, or even 30 years, and that would be fast enough to save the planet from disaster."

To view a video of his presentation online, see:
Hellyer will be further addressing the implications of disclosure during a scheduled talk at the coming screening of a new documentary titled "Fastwalkers" in Toronto on March 7, 2007, at 7pm, at De La Salle College Theatre.

He will be joined by Robert Miles, Producer of the documentary, and Stephen G. Bassett, founder of the Paradigm Research Group -- Washington DC. For more information, visit:

The film features over 30 witnesses testifying to their direct knowledge of the reality of UFOs and the cover-up, ranging from former military and government intelligence personnel, to major airline pilots, nuclear and optical physicists, and others. It also explores some of the spiritual and religious implications of the disclosure of extraterrestrial life.

The media can contact Victor Viggiani for free advanced seating and for interviews. The general public can get further information about purchasing tickets for this screening by visiting:

'Backyard Bigfoot' by Lisa A. Shiel


Foreword Magazine announced that "Backyard Bigfoot" by Lisa A. Shiel is a finalist in its 2006 Book of the Year Awards, a rare honor for a book about the controversial subjects of Bigfoot and UFOs.
     Lisa A. Shiel (Sml)Lake Linden, MI (PRWeb) February 25, 2007 -- On February 21st, Foreword Magazine announced that Slipdown Mountain Publications LLC's book Backyard Bigfoot: The True Story of Stick Signs, UFOs, & the Sasquatch by Lisa A. Shiel has been selected as a finalist in the 2006 Book of the Year Awards in the Popular Culture category. First, second, and third place and Editor's Choice awards will be announced on June 3rd at the nation's largest book show, Book Expo America in New York City.

This award represents the culmination of many years of work by author and Bigfoot researcher Lisa Shiel, who has a master's degree in Library Science plus in-depth research in the fields of anthropology, archaeology, ancient human history, and Bigfoot and UFO sightings around the world and throughout history. She is also the Chief Investigator for the Michigan chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. She then combined this research, her own theories, and her personal experiences with Bigfoot footprints, likely stick signs and unexplained horse mane braidings into her Backyard Bigfoot book.

Notified of the award, Shiel said, "It's an honor to be a finalist in this prestigious national contest, particularly since it is rare for a book about the controversial topics of Bigfoot and UFOs to receive this kind of recognition."

Based on requests for a more durable book for personal reference and library collections, Slipdown Mountain released a hardcover edition last fall to complement the popular paperback version. Shiel is currently working on a Bigfoot field guide, planned for release later this year, to assist those wishing to conduct their own research. For more information about the book, visit or call the publisher at 906-523-4118.

Reviewers of Backyard Bigfoot have praised it, saying "[it] is as informative as it is entertaining" (Midwest Book Review), "[it is] one of the best types of investigative reporting I've seen" (Reader Views), and "you may agree or not with her conclusions but you will be entertained by the discussions" (The Mining Journal, Marquette).

Volume of World-Wide UFO Sightings Indicates a Flap!

UFOs Over Islington (Crpd)
Islington Gazette UFO video adds to the UFO “flap”


     Since the Chicago O’Hare airport UFO sighting was publicised many other reports of mysterious lights in the sky have been reported worldwide, which suggests that we are experiencing what is known to ufologists as a “flap,” and that it is continuing. The Islington Gazette has been a focus of interest in UFOs due to a reader’s video being shown on its website, which has prompted a 400 % increase in traffic for the site.

The video shows footage of mysterious unidentified objects that were seen over Archway, Islington, London, and readers reported seeing as many as 50 orange lights in the area.

Internet users worldwide who have seen the video have left their comments by email and the Islington Gazette editor Tony Allcock said: "We were surprised and delighted that the story and video created so much comment from so far afield."

Police and UFO investigation organisation Contact International were alerted at the time of the sightings.

Whilst many witnesses and viewers of the video believe that what is shown is definitely evidence of extraterrestrial craft others have put forward down-to-Earth explanations such as Chinese lanterns, and birds like swans and geese.

In Phoenix, Arizona, USA many people reported seeing strange lights in the sky there but these were explained away as flares used by the military.

At Arkansas another recent sighting, was also said to have been military flares even though Col. Brian Fields, a retired Air Force colonel with 32 years of service made the report, and he was convinced what he had seen was definitely not of this world.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Intrigue Persists Over Lights in Sky

Phoenix UFO 2
By Scott Craven
The Arizona Republic

For first time, military pilot tells of dropping flares; others say 'Phoenix Lights' were UFOs
     On a mild springlike evening the string of amber orbs appeared as if by magic, a celestial sleight of hand that would in the coming weeks make headlines and video highlights across the nation.

Although little more than an atmospheric curiosity at the time, the hovering and evenly spaced balls of light would soon become known as the Phoenix Lights, an event that 10 years later continues to spark debate over just what was seen that night.

Those who accepted the explanation that it was military flares dismissed the controversy with logical precision, while people who saw it as an otherworldly encounter claim the truth has been shrouded in lies and disinformation.
In the ensuing decade, the Phoenix Lights would change outlooks, minds and even a few lives. What hasn't changed is this: The mystery that still hovers above March 13, 1997.. . .

The lights appear

It is generally agreed that at about 10 p.m. on March 13, 1997, under a clear sky with no breeze, a string of lights appeared to the southwest. The orbs seemed to form a flattened V shape, like a boomerang. They appeared to be motionless, or traveling so slowly that movement was imperceptible.

They shimmered for five to 10 minutes and were seen by hundreds, and likely thousands, of people.

In the days to come, air traffic controllers at Sky Harbor International Airport would tell reporters and UFO investigators that they spotted nothing on radar. Officials at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson would report that no military maneuvers were taking place that night at the Barry M. Goldwater Range to the west of Gila Bend (and would change their story two months later, saying the person on duty that night failed to look at the proper logbook).

Photos and video of the Phoenix Lights were popping up on local and national TV news. The images made their way around the world.

Then things got crazy.

Stories trickled in of isolated sightings from northwestern Arizona about three hours before the mass sighting in Phoenix. Some people said the lights seemed to float before accelerating and disappearing into the night. From those sightings, experts in the UFO community assembled a timeline that had a mysterious craft drifting north to south across Arizona.

Video of the Phoenix Lights appeared on TV tabloid shows with breathless commentators wondering if this was the proof UFO believers had been waiting for. And when Gov. Fife Symington called a press conference, few expected to see the extraterrestrial who emerged from backstage (a Symington aide in alien drag).

At least one person wasn't laughing.

Frances Emma Barwood never saw the lights as she drove home March 13 north along Highway 51. Her eyes were on the road, not the sky, though in a week's time she'd be eye-deep in controversy.

As the Phoenix city councilwoman fielded calls from curious constituents, she decided she needed to know more.

She called for an investigation.

What she got, Barwood says from her home in Dewey, was ridicule.

"Oh, the media had a heyday with me," says Barwood, who would never hold another political office when her City Council stint was up.

Barwood did not assume the lights were UFOs as the media inferred, she says. She only wanted a government agency to look into the odd occurrences of March 13. She received calls from eyewitnesses in Prescott Valley, Phoenix and points south.

A decade ago, Barwood would have leaned toward a logical explanation. Today, she's open to the not-so-logical.

"I don't know what it was, but I'm a lot more open to that thing coming from elsewhere," Barwood says. "What makes us think we're the only intelligent being in the whole entire universe?"

The flares exposed

Those who believed in logical explanations would have to wait four months for the proof they knew was out there when the military, spurred by a June 1997 story in USA Today that brought national attention to the Phoenix Lights, decided to take a second look.

They were flares, said the Air National Guard, dropped during nighttime exercises at the Barry M. Goldwater Range.

That simple explanation didn't fly with those who had four months of mystery on their side.

They were flares, insists Lt. Col. Ed Jones, who piloted one of the four A-10s in the squadron that launched the flares.

Jones, in his first interview with the media about the night 10 years ago, can't believe a decision to eject a few leftover flares turned into a UFO furor that continues to this day.

Jones now is assistant director of operations for the 104th Fighter Squadron of the Maryland National Guard. His title has changed, but his story remains the same.

He and the rest of his colleagues were cruising the night skies of southwestern Arizona on the last night of Operation Snowbird, so named because they were winter visitors. Pilots dropped flares to light the night but had no idea they were about to ignite controversy as well.

On the way back to Tucson, not far from Gila Bend, Jones says, he reminded pilots to eject their leftover flares. Since this was their last night on maneuvers, it was more cost-effective to eject the flares than to offload and store the munitions upon returning.

"One of our guys had about 10 or so left, so he started to puke them out, one after another," Jones says. "So every few seconds or so, when the next flare was ready to go, he hit the button and launched it."

Jones looked behind him and saw an evenly spaced string of lights over the desert, floating ever so slowly to earth. Each was extremely bright, a "couple million" candle power, Jones knew. They seemed to hover because heat from the flare rose into the parachute, as if each were a tiny hot-air balloon. The planes headed for the base.

Jones and the rest of the crew returned to Maryland. Several weeks later, Jones says, "All this stuff just blew up."

News of the unexplainable Phoenix Lights reached Maryland, where the logical explanation sat waiting to be discovered. It would not be until the end of July when it was announced that the Maryland Air National Guard had launched flares that night and were the lights everyone had seen.

"With flares that bright, they can be a lot closer than they seem," Jones said. "Yes, they could have looked like they were right over Phoenix."

There are those who believe the flare story is a lie, the military's attempt to cover up the truth. Others think flares were indeed dropped but only as a diversion so officials could explain what people saw that night.

Jim Dilletoso belongs in the first camp. The Phoenix computer specialist who has analyzed film and video of dozens of alleged UFO sightings says Lynne Kitei's video, the best taken that night, is not of military flares.

Dilletoso compared the lights to the thousands of images on his database, which he likens to testing fingerprints or blood samples. He tests for size, brightness, movement characteristics and more.

"I have thousands of knowns," Dilletoso says. "I didn't get a match to flares, airplane lights, Venus, swamp gas, flashlights, whatever. That means it's unknown. Not a spacecraft necessarily, but unknown."

The questions remain

A decade has passed, and while the Phoenix Lights have dimmed, they refuse to disappear.

Steve Kates is not surprised. Dr. Sky, as he is known on radio and on his Web site, follows aviation and astronomy and often is called upon to explain unusual occurrences above us. Kates is hardly surprised the mystery of the Phoenix Lights endures today.

"Mystery is a great thing," Kates says. "We don't want to think we're alone. I imagine even ancient people looked to the sky and wondered."

The night had a profound effect on Bobby Brewer, who was with a friend driving southbound on Highway 51when the lights appeared.

Brewer would write UFOs: 7 Things You Should Know, which many may consider unusual coming from a pastor.

The experience led Brewer to respect those who have reported sightings, encounters or even abductions.

The lights were so compelling that night, he pulled off the highway to stare.

"It was like seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time," says the pastor for young adults and singles at Citichurch in Scottsdale. "It took my breath away."

Brewer did his own research, yet to this day he is still unsure of what he saw. Flares certainly seem plausible. A high-tech craft pushing the edge of physics is in the realm of possibility. And he won't discount a visit from another world.

For Brewer, the Phoenix Lights remain a tantalizing mystery. He can live with that.

For Many at O'hare it was a UFO, For The FAA a 'Hole-Punch Cloud'

Flying Saucer Hovering Over Ohare
By Leslie Kean
Sacramento Bee

Leslie Kean (Sml)     During one late afternoon at Chicago's bustling O'Hare Airport, pilots, managers and mechanics at the United Airlines terminal saw an odd, disc-shaped object hovering silently overhead, just below the dense cloud layer.

A pilot announced the sighting over the radio; a United taxi mechanic moving a Boeing 777 heard radio chatter about the craft and saw it; so did a pilot waiting to take off who opened the cockpit windscreen to get a better view. Minutes later, the wingless vehicle shot straight up at an incredible speed and disappeared, leaving a crisp hole through the clouds with blue sky visible at the top.

It was definitely not an airplane, witnesses said of the Nov. 7 incident, many of them shaken by what they saw.

"I immediately called our operations center to confirm the sighting, and the FAA was contacted while I drove to the other concourse to talk to the witnesses," a United management employee wrote to the National UFO Reporting Center.

On Jan. 1, the Chicago Tribune published the story, by transportation reporter Jon Hilkevitch, which received more than a million hits on the Tribune's Web site, more than any story in the site's history. "The witness credibility is beyond question, and safety was a big concern," says Hilkevitch, who has interviewed dozens of witnesses.

The O'Hare UFO incident even had its day on national television networks. CNN interviewed a nervous United employee, filmed in shadow so he wouldn't be recognized. So far, all witnesses have remained anonymous.

When Hilkevitch began his investigation, the FAA and United Airlines denied knowing anything about the incident, but taped calls and other evidence revealed their communications about the sighting at the time it occurred.

At first, the FAA attributed the incident to some kind of weather phenomenon, and United Airlines advised its employees not to talk about it, according to the Tribune.

"If this had been a plane, it would have been investigated," Hilkevitch says. "The FAA treats the smallest safety issue as very important."

NASA aviation expert Brian E. Smith, a former manager within NASA's Aviation Safety and Security Program, says, "The safely implications of any vehicle operating at low altitude over a major airport outside the authority of air traffic control are obvious. Managers should want to hear about such vehicle operations before they become accidents or disasters."

FAA spokesperson Tony Molinaro says the "absence of any kind of factual evidence" precludes an investigation. "There was nothing on radar."

To explain the witnesses' reports, he offered his best "guess." They may have seen a "hole-punch cloud," he said, which is in "a perfect circular shape like a round disc" and has "vapor going up into it."

These unusual natural cloud holes form only at below freezing temperatures, according to climatologists. It was 48 degrees at O'Hare that afternoon.

John Callahan, Division Chief of Accidents and Investigations for the FAA during the 1980s, says it's not at all surprising that the O'Hare UFO was undetected on radar.

Radar technology cannot always capture objects at extremely high speeds. A hovering object wouldn't necessarily show up either. "If it did, it would be a small dot, and air traffic controllers would not give it much concern," Callahan says.

The government response to the O'Hare incident is predictable, says Callahan, who conducted an investigation into a 1986 UFO sighting over Alaska. "The FAA will offer a host of other explanations, as if wearing a blindfold. It's always something else so it can't be what it is."

Official policy spells out FAA disinterest in reports of anomalies. The agency's Aeronautical Information Manual, providing the fundamentals required for flying in U.S. airspace, states that "persons wanting to report UFO/Unexplained Phenomena activity" should contact an organization such as NUFORC.

If "concern is expressed that life or property might be endangered," it says, "report the activity to the local law enforcement department."

Sometimes, pilots and crew report these incidents anyway. Richard Haines, a former NASA scientist who is head of the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena, has collected thousands of reports by aviators and aviation professionals of unidentified aerial phenomena inconsistent with known aircraft or nature. More than 100 of these involve safety hazards caused by an aircraft's proximity to unfamiliar flying objects or inexplicable brilliant lights.

Given the number of airline personnel reporting this unknown object hovering over a major airport, how could our government not be interested? What about national security? Or passenger safety? Or just plain scientific curiosity about an unexplained phenomenon?

Friday, February 23, 2007

Maine: Callers Flood Communications Center With Reports of UFOs

UFO Over Maine Feb 07
Strange lights over Somerset County

By Morning Sentinel

      Callers from four southern Somerset County towns reported seeing strange lights in the sky Wednesday night.

Though activities that night by the Vermont Air National Guard might provide an explanation, some sightings were close to the ground.

From 7:35 to 8:12 p.m., the Somerset County Communications Center took calls from Anson, Fairfield, Norridgewock and Skowhegan.

The Anson call came from 42 Hilltop Road, not far from town. The caller told dispatchers she saw reddish-orange UFOs through the trees. She said she saw three diagonal lights, then two and then one, before it “burned up like a comet.”

A spokeswoman from the Vermont Air National Guard confirmed that the unit was conducting training missions through that area Wednesday night. An F-16 flying overhead, the source said, would cause considerable noise.

A caller from Skowhegan Road in Fairfield reported seeing strange lights in the sky, heading south. A Norridgewock caller said he saw lights, called the Brunswick Naval Air Station, which told him they were not aware of anything going on. The caller from Norridgewock Avenue in Skowhegan reported seeing yellow lights in the sky over Skowhegan.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Canada's Dan Aykroyd, Unplugged on UFOs

Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs
By David Sereda
The Canadian National

     I Directed “Dan Aykroyd, Unplugged on UFOs” and other UFO films because they are real to me. I am not a believer alone. I am a UFO witness. When you see one of these things, all of the video tape you see in this film is "as it is": truly real. This is the truth to me because I saw a UFO metallic Flying Saucer, with several other witnesses, hovering in the sky above Berkeley, CA, 1967-68 for over twenty minutes. It changed my life. After twenty minutes, the Flying Saucer blinked out and went invisible. My story and experience has been heard by millions of people on the hundreds of radio shows I do. When I learned that Flying Saucers were a world wide phenomena, I engaged myself into the subject. I studied and became and Expert in this field.

Despite Dan Aykroyd's lifetime study of the UFO phenomenon and several case studies he has done, he is the most well informed and educated Hollywood celebrity on the subject, along with Steven Spielberg. The recent UFO over Chicago’s Ohare airport keeps Aykroyd on the subject. In this film, Aykroyd is backed up by Several Expert Witnesses who have had either clear documentation on UFO cases or experiences themselves: Astronaut Gordon Cooper testifies to chasing UFOs in his F-86 Fighter jet in Germany, post WW II, double lenticular disc-shaped UFOs that out-performed his fighter, and another case at Edwards AFB in 1957; Astronaut Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14) walked on the moon and testifies that UFOs are real; USAF Ret Ken Storch testifies that UFOs nearly started WW III mistaken for Russian ICBMs; Medical Doctor Lynn Kitei (The Phoenix Lights), John Schuessler, NASA Contactor, etc.etc.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Phoenix Lights: Another Witness Recounts Her UFO Experience

Phoenix UFO Overhead
By Adriana Sanchez
[Note-Eyewitness, and whom I call "Ufologist by fate," as well as an expert on the "Phoenix Lights Incident," "Mike Fortson" relates that this is the first account (in writing) south of Casa Grande, as well as "the first" occurring at approximately 11:00 pm. Previously, the latest confirmed account (10:20 pm) of the "immense V-shaped craft" was by pilot Capt. Trig Johnston .

The flare-drop was at 10:00 pm, and the "main sighting" of the "immense V-shaped craft" was at 8:30 pm .]

     It’s hard to believe it’s been almost 10 years. I still remember it. How can one forget.

My witness account began one night as I was leaving my job at a TV station in Yuma, AZ (different than the current station I work at). It was shift work…M-F 3p-11pm. That means I was out the door between 11p and 11:15pm. As I was leaving, the newsroom was empty except for the weatherman. I said goodbye and opened door to go into the back parking lot. I noticed a row of evenly spaced bright white lights just South East of the station. I remember thinking “Wow, did they add streets lights to 16th Street (Hwy 95)?” On the way to my car I tried to remember if they had always been there.

I decided to check them out since it was only a couple of blocks away. As I drove out of the parking lot I knew they weren’t streetlights. They were now a little higher than before but still close to the ground. I drove in their direction and could now see they were in the sky. Seven evenly spaced white lights in a “V” formation moving very slowly . . . really graceful. I tried to figure out what they were. Crop duster? Harriers? I turned south and tried to follow it so I could make out what it was. I rolled down my window to listen but it made no sound. I ruled out crop duster since the lights indicated it was at least as big as an entire field. I ruled out seven evenly spaced Harriers since there was absolutely no sound. I stared at the lights and even tough I was alone in my car, said out loud “What is that?” I couldn’t tell if it was seven separate objects or one object with 7 lights. If it was several objects they moved in perfect formation…evenly spaced and moved at the same time.

I had driven less than a mile and decided to make a U-turn and raced back to the TV station so I could catch the weatherman before he left. He had a pilot’s license and would certainly know what this is. As I drove back I kept glancing over my right shoulder to keep an eye on it. I didn’t want to lose sight of it. As I turned into the parking lot of the TV station, it was gone. “No no no no nooooo” I remember thinking.

I turned back tried to find it again. I drove for a few miles but it was gone. I don’t feel that the lights sped off. I think they just disappeared. From the time I opened the door to the time I lost sight of the lights, the whole thing lasted about 5 minutes. I was disappointed that I didn’t find out what it was but I let it go.

About a year later I was watching a show about UFO sightings. I saw the “Phoenix Lights” story and said “Oh my God! That’s what I saw!” Even though I had never given the lights another thought, I was thrilled to see that other people were questioning what they were because I still am curious to find out what they were.

I’ve read that some have downplayed these as being flares. But flares fall downward. What I saw was almost hovering, moving away and slightly upward. I’ve read that some reports say the lights were amber in color. The ones I saw were bright white yet they were not illuminating anything on the ground. I am excited to find out what it was that I saw but after ten years I doubt we will ever know. Even if I was proven to me that it was a government aircraft, I would be satisfied. I’m just not satisfied with stories of them being flares. I know they weren’t. I can’t tell you for sure what it was I saw, but I can tell you for sure what I didn’t see….and I didn’t see flares.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Wales' History of UFO Sightings

Wales UFO
By Tryst Williams

     Wales has had its fair share of UFO sightings over the years.

In the '70s an entire class of primary school children in Broadhaven, West Wales, claimed to have seen a UFO landing and aliens get out.The pictures they drew of what they had seen - a cigar-shaped object - appeared uncannily similar.

In 2006 however, James Carlson of New Mexico, a serviceman based at Brawdy, West Wales, in the '70s and '80s, told paranormal magazine the Fortean Times in a letter that

the Harrier vertical take-off jet used in the UK from 1969 might explain the cigar-shaped object sightings because it did not move like a conventional aircraft.

In October 2005, the Ministry of Defence admitted they had investigated 28 UFO reports in Wales in the previous three years.

They included a giant black object seen over Rhyl, a flying disc with legs seen over the Rhondda and a flying disc seen over Newport.

Military Industrial Complex - "Ike Was Right!"

Military Industrial Complex

By By John Hanchette
The Niagra Falls Reporter

     OLEAN -- I have come to believe Dwight David Eisenhower, our 34th president, is one of the most underrated and unappreciated men ever to hold that office.

All of my high school years occurred during Ike's second term. Think "Happy Days" of TV fame, with Fonzi and the malt shop. To most parents, the biggest crisis seemed to be this terrible rock 'n' roll music that was sweeping the nation and corrupting our youth. The new dance sensation the Twist (in which partners never even touched each other) was banned at my high school, despite being downright puritanical by today's standards.

The White House coverage was pretty boring, and so was Ike. The American public loved him because not much all that bad was happening and he'd gotten us out of the Korean War, but he was viewed by most commentators as an unimaginative avuncular type.

Young people paid so little attention to him that my birth cohort was dubbed the Apathetic Generation. (We dispelled that unfair tag when Vietnam came along.)

Eisenhower, however, in January of 1961, in his last speech before vacating the White House to make room for the just-elected John F. Kennedy, warned America of a "disastrous rise of misplaced power" if we continued allowing the germination of a new historical entity he called "the military-industrial complex."

Very few Americans knew what the heck Eisenhower was talking about. We do now.

It's 46 years later, and we are rapidly coming to realize the federal government really doesn't run this country anymore. Huge, shady corporations with fat federal contracts do.

The public's concept of federal government was basically forged by FDR's all-encompassing, can-do successes of ending the Depression and winning World War II. That no longer holds. Recent presidents and Congresses -- under pressure from taxpayers and voters -- have downsized government to the point where private companies are under federal contract to perform a broad scope of functions and get the actual work done. Almost everything is farmed out.

Don't believe me? Consider this mind-twisting equation from a well-researched article in the current issue of "Vanity Fair" magazine: Private federal contractors now "absorb the taxes paid by everyone in America with incomes under $100,000."

Viewed a bit differently, "more than 90 percent of all taxpayers might as well remit everything they owe directly ... to some contractor rather than to the IRS."

Disastrous "misplaced power" indeed. Ike was right.

The "Vanity Fair" article is written by two of the best investigative reporters of our time, Donald L. Bartlett and James B. Steele, who used to ply their craft for The Philadelphia Inquirer until that double digit-Pulitzer Prize winning newspaper lost its appetite for expensive investigative reporting. Bartlett and Steele, who won two of those Pulitzers and 50 other national journalism awards, went to "Time" magazine and now to the increasingly aggressive "Vanity Fair."

Their first article for the big, slick magazine lays open the above situation, which the authors call "Eisenhower's nightmare." They illustrate the dominance of the military-industrial complex by describing the success of a powerful private company only a tiny fraction of Americans have even heard of -- Science Applications International Corporation, or SAIC.

I first came across SAIC about 15 years ago while toiling as a Washington reporter covering the Pentagon and other bureaucracies in the wake of the Persian Gulf War -- Bush the Elder's speedy eviction of Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991, and equally speedy pullout once the work was done. (Daddy Bush was smarter than his son in suspecting an American occupation force in Iraq would lead to deadly and ruinous civil war, a conflict of religions and disruption of political balance in the entire Middle East.)

Thousands of troops had come home from that war with mysterious, multi-symptom maladies -- some deadly -- that for years drew persistent Pentagon scorn for the afflicted vets as gold-bricking shirkers and benefit-seekers who weren't really sick at all, or if they were, the Defense Department held, the illnesses were minor and mostly in their heads.

Non-government doctors and medical experts in the Veterans Affairs Department tended to think otherwise, validating the illnesses as serious and chronic under the general term Gulf War Syndrome, but still seeking the causes. The ensuing conflict of professional opinions led the Pentagon, VA and Department of Health and Human Services to hire dozens of private-sector consultants to advise the federal defense, health and intelligence communities.

One of the favorite consultant firms that kept cropping up on this or that aspect of the debate was SAIC -- and surprise of surprises, SAIC almost always backed the Pentagon view, despite the evolving government admission the debilitating mystery illnesses eventually affected almost a fifth of those who served.

Editorial interest in pursuing descriptions of some vague consulting firm waned, and I never got the go-ahead to write much about SAIC, but now Bartlett and Steele have nailed this spooky firm they call a "stealth company."

SAIC, founded in 1969, employs more than 44,000 workers and took in about $8 billion in revenue last year, almost all of it from the federal government. It currently holds more than 9,000 active federal contracts. More than 100 of them, state the authors, are worth more than $10 million each. Two of them are worth more than $1 billion. If all the contracts negotiated and pending are eventually signed, federal taxpayers will shell out another $13.6 billion to SAIC. Indeed, it is hard to keep current with the federal government's use of SAIC.

Over the weekend, as this column was in preparation, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration hired SAIC for $13.5 million to "support" NASA's Johnson Space Center "financial and administrative system services" in procurement, human resources and daily operations. The contract will be worth $25 million if two additional one-year options are signed. The language says SAIC will provide "sustaining engineering and system integration support for administrative systems." That's about as specific as most federal contracts get these days.

In its recent existence, SAIC was the largest employee-owned research and engineering firm in the country, ranking 285 on the Fortune 500 list and boasting a return on revenue larger than ExxonMobil's storied percentages. SAIC stock went public last fall. Its share price rose 40 percent within a matter of days.

What SAIC purports to do is provide the federal government with the brainpower and computer expertise to run its vast and extensive defense, security and intelligence operations. According to Bartlett and Steele, "no Washington contractor pursues government money with more ingenuity and perseverance than SAIC. No contractor seems to exploit conflicts of interest in Washington with more zeal. And no contractor cloaks its operations in greater secrecy."

SAIC, according to the "Vanity Fair" article, "has become the invisible hand behind a huge portion of America's national-security state."

Talk about conflicts of interest. SAIC hires top federal officials at such a prodigious rate the Washington "revolving door" spins so fast it makes the mind blur. SAIC, write Bartlett and Steele, "might as well operate an executive shuttle service between its McLean, Virginia offices and the CIA, the FBI, the Pentagon, and the Department of Energy."

Some examples:

New Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates is a former SAIC board member.

Former defense secretary Melvin Laird is a former SAIC board member.

Former CIA director John M. Deutch is an SAIC board member.

Donald Foley, until recently a top executive at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the military agency that invented the Internet, is a current SAIC director.

Rear Admiral Bobby Inman went from head of the National Security Agency to SAIC board member.

Undersecretary of Defense Ryan Henry is former senior vice president of SAIC.

William B. Black Jr. retired from a top National Security Agency office in 1997 to become SAIC vice president. In 2000, he returned to the NSA. Two years later, NSA awarded SAIC a $280 million contract for "Trailblazer" -- a much-touted effort to redesign an NSA computer system that had failed to highlight and interpret such missed such 9/11 terrorism clues as the intercepted Arabic message on Sept. 10: "Tomorrow is zero hour."

"Four years and more than a billion dollars later," write Bartlett and Steele, "the effort has been abandoned." SAIC is not fretting. It recently was awarded another $361 million intelligence contract to have another go at the Trailblazer concept.

The company is "packed ... with generals, admirals, diplomats, spies, Cabinet officers -- people with access." SAIC, write the authors, is "a private business that has become a form of permanent government." SAIC developed expertise in getting both ends of the play -- "writing regulations on the recycling of radioactive metals even as it went into the recycling business."

But things may be changing. Government audits, employee lawsuits and federal whistleblowers have been key in revealing a trail of SAIC failures to fulfill contract promises despite the river of taxpayer money. Still, there's a long road ahead for taxpayer satisfaction. Steele, interviewed for the magazine's "Contributors" blurbs, said, "There is no oversight; no one is watching the money, taxpayers' money."

You will hear more about this hugely powerful firm. Bartlett and Steele -- despite their intrepid digging -- have only scratched the surface. Write your members of Congress ... if they aren't on SAIC's payroll already.

Over 200 UFOs Spotted

UFO Files Data Base
By Sara Nelson
     A DATABASE of UFO sightings by police officers has clocked up more than 200 cases in five years.

Launched by Detective Constable Gary Heseltine, of the British Transport Police (BTP), the unofficial site has seen around 100 officers added each year to date.

Sightings in the News Shopper region include one in Farnborough and one in Gravesend.

In October 1993 PC Tony Francis was called to an address in Gravesend after reports of a UFO from a mother and her son.

The craft was described as changing its shape from that of a bell to an oval with protruding spikes.

According to the DC Heseltine, a seven-page report on the sighting was submitted to the Ministry of Defence, which gave no explanation for the UFO.

Back in April 1978, PC Alan Craggs was called to an address in Farnborough, following an alleged UFO sighting.

According to the site, PC Craggs described it as: "being 20-30 feet above him with wings like fins on a dolphin."

The craft had allegedly been in the sky for close to an hour before the officer arrived.

PC Craggs is reported to have said: "I've been in the Air Force, I know what an aircraft looks like at night."

The site lists a total of 43 new reports of UFOs seen by on-duty police officers across Britain in the past year, with the largest number of sightings taking place in West Yorkshire.

DC Heseltine, who works for the BTP in Leeds, said: "After studying the subject for over thirty years I am totally convinced that a small proportion of UFO sightings are genuine and represent an extraterrestrial presence on the earth.

"I urge any officer out there, whether serving or retired to contact me about their respective UFO experiences.

"Anyone wishing to have their identity witheld can do so safe in the knowledge that I will never release their details unless they specifically allow me to."

Scientists Unite to Push Bush on Climate

Greenhouse Effect
By Lewis Smith

     Pressure on the White House to act on scientific assessments of global warming mounted yesterday after the world’s largest general scientific society said that climate change was a “threat to society”.

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) joined the growing clamour for political action in a public statement approved by its board.

It is the first time that the AAAS, which represents 262 societies and scientific academies, has published a statement of consensus on climate change. It was issued on Sunday during a conference where a series of studies added weight to the body of evidence of human impact on the climate and environment.

In the statement the association said: “The scientific evidence is clear: global climate change caused by human activities is occurring now, and it is a growing threat to society.

“Accumulating data from across the globe reveal a wide array of effects: rapidly melting glaciers, destabilisation of major ice sheets, increases in extreme weather, rising sea level, shifts in species ranges, and more.

“The pace of change and the evidence of harm have increased markedly over the last five years. The time to control greenhouse gas emissions is now.

“The growing torrent of information presents a clear message: we are already experiencing global climate change. It is time to muster the political will for concerted action.”

The statement reflects growing frustration among US scientists with the White House’s reluctance to tackle climate change.

In June 2005 the national academies of science for all the G8 countries and those of Brazil, India and China issued a joint statement demanding an end to political procrastination. Among the signatories was Bruce Alberts, president of the US National Academy of Sciences, but there has been little shift since then in President Bush’s position.

The AAAS said that concentrations of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, were higher than they had been for at least 650,000 years and that temperatures were heading to “levels not experienced for millions of years”.

The association said that the result of burning fossil fuels and deforestation was already being observed in the intensification of droughts, heat waves, floods, wildfires and severe storms.


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