Thursday, August 30, 2007

MY UFO EXPERIENCE: Witness Recounts UFO Sighting During Family Outing in Texas

UFO Over Braunfels Texas
Reader Submitted Report

     n around 1969, my parents, aunt and uncle, two cousins, grandparents, and my younger sister were returning from a restaurant in New Braunfels, Texas, when we all were mesmerized by a huge, (approximately the size of a full moon), light nestled within another crescent-shaped light.

The object remained motionless long after we reached our house in Wimberly. My father remarked that it was just the full moon, until I pointed out the moon in phase on the other horizon. When we turned on the news, the reporter said a high-ranking military official from Lackland Airforce Base in San Antonio said that they were testing a new high-power searchlight. I then also pointed out that it was a clear, cloudless night with no backdrop for the light to reflect off. After stepping back outside to look at the object again, it had disappeared. Very strange.

Then again about 6 months ago, I was standing outside in my rural backyard, when I noticed a small, completely silent pulsating, (and I stress pulsating, not strobing, as with conventional aircraft), red light. It took it only seconds to traverse 180 degrees from horizon to horizon.

One other thing, (doubt as you may). Once when I was a child, I had a dream about an object landing in the woods behind our house. I remember approaching it with fearless, childhood wonder, and then nothing. The next morning, I awoke believing that it was indeed just a dream, until I noticed my bare feet were abraded and had a sparse coating of grassburrs.

I told noone about this incident, avoiding the inevetable taunting that would have doubtlessly ensued. Perhaps the more open minds of your readership will consider it plausible.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

UFO Photographed Over New Forest

UFO Over New Forest
UFO spotted over the New Forest

By Julian Robinson

     A FLYING saucer, a practical joke or simply a trick of the light?

Call it what you will, an eagle-eyed walker has spotted yet another UFO hovering in Hampshire's skies.

This mysterious object was seen circling above trees in the New Forest in broad daylight on Sunday morning.

The photo was taken by an astonished onlooker, who has asked not to be named for fear of being ridiculed, who was with his family in Ipley at the time.

He told the Daily Echo how he snapped the picture moments before the strange contraption vanished into thin air.

'Flying Saucer' Captured in Family Photo Circa 1878?

UFO Captured in Family Photograph Circa 1878 (Enhanced & Cropped)
Good friend and colleague, “Mr. Rick Stokes” forwarded the following photograph to us; Rick of course is the recently appointed news editor of the world-renowned web-site, The Anomalist.

He (Rick) states that a reader sent the pic in and wanted to remain anonymous; however, in part writes, “I got a stack of old photos from my grandmother, and among them was this one. I have brightened it a bit in Photoshop, and could provide a higher res version, but look in the upper left hand corner. What could that be? There is no exact information on the photo but it was taken in Florida in the late 1870's.”--FW

- click on images to enlarge -

- original as sent in by reader -

UFO Captured in Family Photograph Circa 1878

- carefully enhanced by your editor -

UFO Captured in Family Photograph Circa 1878 (Enhanced)

- saucer cropped and enlarged -

UFO Captured in Family Photograph Circa 1878 (Cropped)

Monday, August 27, 2007

The City of Fredericton is Proclaiming Today as Stanton Friedman Day

Stan at Aztec 06 (Blrd Bckgrd B)
Fredericton honours world-renowned flying saucer expert

The Chronicle Herald

     FREDERICTON — If alien visitors to Earth ever decide to formally introduce themselves to humankind, they should consider landing in Fredericton.

Not only is the New Brunswick capital friendly and accommodating, it’s also the home of Stanton T. Friedman, nuclear physicist, lecturer and world-renowned prophet of extraterrestrial existence.

The city of Fredericton is proclaiming today as Stanton Friedman Day, an homage to the 73-year-old UFOlogist who has talked and written his way to the top ring of the galaxy of believers who say Earth is being visited by aliens.

Friedman has built himself a reputation as the ultimate authority on flying saucers, alien abductions and the infamous Roswell incident, considered by many to be the definitive UFO event in world history.

This year marks the 60th anniversay of that day near Roswell, N.M., when the U.S. army claimed briefly it had recovered an unidentified flying disc — triggering a flying saucer frenzy that endures to this day.

Although the U.S. military later backtracked, insisting the object was just a fancy weather balloon, that only gave birth to Friedman’s other major area of study — the so-called "cosmic Watergate."

Friedman says his personal success owes much to the fact that people have an endless fascination with space and the unknown.

"Can you think of anything that touches more deeply on who we are, where we stand and the mystery and the coverup?" he says in an interview from his comfortable Fredericton home.

"People are excited because it opens up the universe to wonderful possibilities."

Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside says Friedman is being honoured not only because of his tireless efforts in spreading the word about UFOs, but also because of his enthusiastic promotion of the city.

"Stanton has lived here for 27 years," Woodside says.

"He’s not only a nuclear physicist but also a world-renowned UFOlogist. In just the past few months, he has appeared on Larry King Live, Fox News Live and he appeared on CBS Sunday Morning. He could live anywhere in the world but he has chosen to live in Fredericton. . . . We believe it is worth celebrating his celebrity."

Friedman, who was born and raised in New Jersey and began his career in California, says he’s thrilled by the honour.

"I get friends in California saying to me, ‘Stan, don’t you miss being in California? What are you doing back there?’ And I say, ‘Yeah, I do miss the earthquakes and the horrible smog and the terrible traffic and the drive-by shootings and the drugs all over the place, but I’ve learned to do without those things.’ "

Although Friedman has been a UFOlogist for more than 40 years, he has yet to see an alien spacecraft.

He says his belief is founded in the data he has uncovered over the years about flying saucers and various UFO events, most of it buried in U.S. government documents.

"I have never seen a flying saucer and I have never seen an alien. But remember, I chased neutrons and gamma rays for a lot of years as a physicist and never saw one of them either," he says.

"In fact, I’ve never seen Tokyo, but I’m convinced it’s there."

Friedman, who refers to himself as "a wandering Jew," says he has so far lectured at more than 600 colleges, addressed more than 100 professional groups and toured all 50 American states, as well as nine Canadian provinces, the Yukon and 16 other countries.

He has no plans for retirement, but he admits he has been at it for a long time.

"One reason I’m beginning to feel old, I did Merv Griffin twice and he just died," he says ruefully.

’I have never seen a flying saucer and I have never seen an alien. I’ve never seen Tokyo, but I’m convinced it’s there.’
Stanton Friedman UFOlogist

SJ Hosts Renowned UFO Convention

Bay Area UFO Expo 07 Logo

     SAN JOSE, Calif. -- A popular convention that attracts hundreds of UFO enthusiasts from around the country has returned to San Jose.

The 9th Annual Bay Area UFO Expo started Friday evening at the Doubletree Hotel.

Some of the country's foremost experts on extraterrestrial encounters, time travel, big foot, alien implants and energy healing will be on hand to deliver lectures and workshops for attendees.

Well-known actor Gary Busey and radio talk show host George Noory are two of the guests.

Event organizers said the expo is the most popular of its kind on the West Coast.

1,000 to 1,500 people are expected to attend.

The event ends Sunday.

UFO Researchers Seek 'The Truth'

UFO Case Collage
By Leonard David

     DENVER, Colorado – With so much planet-hunting and -spotting going on, we are in a showdown to see whether the universe is perhaps chock-full of extraterrestrial life.

Distant starfolk is one thing. Having ET stopovers here on Earth, via UFOs, is another. And that was just the topic du jour here at the 38th Annual International UFO Symposium, subtitled An Estimate of the Situation: The ET Hypothesis, held August 10-12 and sponsored by the Denver-based Mutual UFO Network, Inc., or MUFON for short.

As a yearly affair, the symposium provides a platform for specialists and investigators that delve into UFOs, purported military cover-ups and denials, physical evidence surrounding UFOs, as well as those "high strangeness" encounters with alien visitors.

The MUFON summit brought together more than 500 people – a true gabfest for the flying saucer devotee.

Passion for the truth

James Carrion, MUFON's International Director, said the organization is fervent about resolving the scientific enigma known as unidentified flying objects.

"To me, it's all about the truth. I have a passion for the truth," Carrion told

Still, after decades of pursuing "the truth" behind UFOs, Carrion admitted that the quest is befuddling. "Why is it always within out of reach...kind of there, but it's not there?"

A new MUFON initiative being implemented this year is outreach to engage mainstream scientists, Carrion said, to assist in taking a more detailed look at the data. An open letter to the professional scientific community is now being drafted, to be issued before year's end, he said.

"We have to gain respectability here ... so we're trying to kick-start intellectual curiosity out there," Carrion added. "We know that there are folks in academia who have an interest, but they don't know what to do with it."

The MUFON strategy initially centers on the hypothesis that UFOs are human-manufactured and then evaluate the data amassed to date against that premise, Carrion advised. "If this triggers your intellectual curiosity ... help us out," he said.

Carrion said that MUFON is also forming two research teams: One to dive into the history of "UFOlogy" and government archives, the other to probe into the abduction encounters.

"I'm a skeptical believer," Carrion pointed out. "I've never seen a UFO. But I've read enough of our own evidence. There's something real to this. To me, it's an issue of what is it?"

Tell it like it is

For nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman, there is no doubt that some UFOs are alien spacecraft. Moreover, the subject of flying saucers, in his view, represents a "Cosmic Watergate" - a colossal government cover-up.

Friedman is a globe-trotting lecturer on UFOs and is the original civilian investigator of the celebrated UFO crash case in Roswell, New Mexico. That out-of-the-blue happening supposedly occurred some 60 years ago, in 1947, involving no less than two crashed saucers, strewn debris and recovered alien bodies, he reported at the MUFON meeting.

"I come on very, very strong. I'm not an apologist UFOlogist...I tell it like it is," Friedman told He senses that a "big sea change" is taking place on several fronts.

"My overall impression is that people are more ready to accept [UFO visitation] because the world has travel being an important part of that," Friedman noted. "What I'm saying is that the notion that most people don't believe in UFOs isn't true."

Also, the media is giving UFO sightings a much fairer shake than in the past, Friedman suggested, citing not only Roswell coverage, but the reporting of UFO sightings made at O'Hare Airport late last year and more revelation concerning the Phoenix lights saga of March 1997.

"I don't look for advocacy...I want fairness," Friedman added. "I feel the world is ready. I'm outspoken, yes. But I try to make it a rule: Fact in hand before mouth in gear."

Mind-bending finding?

UFOs as visitors from afar would be a simple, easy-to-grasp explanation, suggested George Knapp, an investigative reporter for KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, Nevada. But he wonders if there isn't a mind-bending finding waiting at the bottom of the UFO barrel.

"It seems to stay one or two steps ahead of what we can do...from airships to the saucers, to giant flying triangles...almost teasing, taunting, or inspiring," Knapp told Given cutting-edge physics, talk of the multi-verse and parallel universes, along with threshold biological and computer work, there are fundamental paradigm shifts ahead, he said.

"Although we can't figure out a way to get there...doesn't mean they can't figure out a way to get here," Knapp said. Involved in UFO reporting for some two decades, Knapp said he's committed to the journalistic credo that the public has a right to know.

"But you know what? Maybe not! It goes against everything in my professional life that I believe. What if it's not something we should know? That the truth is so unsettling that our social institutions would, in fact, crumble," Knapp confided.

Knapp underscored the prospect that perhaps we Earthlings live in the middle of some other kind of intelligence. Perhaps our planet is nothing more than a cosmic drive-in theater, he added, and UFOs skim in and out of our skies just to watch goofy movies.

"And if it's something else - like they live here among us and everything we do is like being in a glass shower - people are going to go crazy. So maybe there is a reason for keeping this secret...and a need for government cover-up which I believe there is," Knapp said.

Knapp's on-air investigative work focuses primarily on government corruption and organized crime. But asked about the angle that his next investigative piece on the UFO phenomenon will take, he quickly responded. "Nothing I'm going to tell you about."

Thursday, August 23, 2007

" . . . There Have Been Skirmishes Between UFOs and American Fighter Jets"

Pilot Chasing UFO
‘It’s life folks but not as we know it’ claims ET author

By The Bromley Times

     A SECRET war is raging between Earth and alien UFOs, according to an investigator specialising in extra terrestrial life, writes Martin Croucher.

After pouring through declassified and leaked government documents, author Timothy Good, of The Avenue, Beckenham, has come to the conclusion that there have been skirmishes between UFOs and American fighter jets.

Moreover he believes there is still some conflict between certain types of UFOs and the military.

His book, Need to Know: UFOs the Military and Intelligence, compiles several hundred reports by military and civilian pilots, astronauts, naval officers and refers to documents previously classed as Top Secret.

He said: "It is quite obvious just how serious the government takes this. In one report it addresses airforce pilots quite strongly not to approach these objects.

"In May 1947 in America, the military began firing at the unknown aircraft. This led to phenomenal repercussions. They caused a number of aircraft to disappear or crash.

"There were hundreds of unexplained air accidents that were in my opinion attributed to UFOs. President Truman ordered an investigation into them.

"This wasn't just in America, it was around the world. Many planes couldn't get off the ground.

"Many of those that did get off the ground dropped out of the air soon after. Some people said it was because they ran out of fuel but you don't get planes running out of fuel so soon after taking off.

"This was very disturbing for the military. There is still a conflict situation with some of them if not all."

A Ministry of Defence spokesman was unavailable for comment at the time of going to press.

Mr Good said that from his research there appeared to be different types of UFO and not all of them were hostile.

The revelations in the book may be due in part to a steady relaxation on the classification of the British government's UFO files.

Mr Good said: "The main reason this subject is covered up is because there is no way they could come out with all this material all at once. I have been told by informed sources that the agenda is for gradual disclosure."

Signed copies of his book are available in Waterstones in the Glades, Bromley now.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Mexico: Alleged UFOs Crash in San Luis Potosi

UFO Crash at San Luis Potosi
Inexplicata Logo
By Ana Luisa Cid

     According to a news item published on August 21 2007 by the El Mañana de Valles newspaper, two unidentified flying objects allegedly fell in Valles and Xilitla (San Luis Potosi).

The first of them was reported on the evening of Sunday, August 19 and the second during early morning hours of Monday the 20th.

Reporters Antonio Martínez and Maribor Villalobos state that the initial report was received by Jose Angel Avalos, an officer on duty at the Centro de Control y Comando (C4) through the 066 call line. This report was from Rubén Velázquez, who stated that a silver object measuring 20 cm long had fallen from the sky in a plot of land of the San Miguel collective farm.

Another witness, high school student Oscar Gonzalez Mar, a resident of the El Sidral collective farm, told the "El Mañana" newsromm that he had seen a shining object streaming across the skies toward the Gulf of Mexico between 8 and 9 p.m. on August 19 before he lost it from sight, not knowing whether the object crashed or not.

Nearly two and a half hours after the San Miguel incident, Mrs. Saturnina Castillo reported from Xilitla that an object resembling a fireball had impacted a tree in a property located near the "Montoya" metal shop, owned by her husband Juan Montoya, adding that the tree had caught fire.

Joaquín Hernández was a direct witness to the sighting. He and his family prepare zacahuil and live next to where the object hit the ground. In fact, Hernández was preparing the zacahuil batter and he saw the "fireball" as it came down over the tree. Afraid that no one would believe him, he screamed for Juan Montoya and his wife to witness the tree bough catching fire.

He added that it was a highly unusual thing to see, as there was no thunder or storm activity that could lead anyone to think it had been a stroke of lightning.

The incident was reported to the Municipal Civil Protection unit, but no investigation was conducted.

* (translation (c) 2007, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Prof. Ana Luisa Cid)

See Also:

Flying Saucer Reports Rise in Mexico

Astounding Photographs of Triangular Shaped UFO Over Cuzumel Mexico!



The Truth About Those Weird UFO Videos on YouTube

It came from outer space

By David Sarno
The LA Times

Images of UFOs, purportedly videotaped in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, have Internet viewers watching and debating.
     THOUGH the island in the Caribbean shared by Haiti and the Dominican Republic was spared a direct hit from Hurricane Dean this week, it may be that other, stranger entities made landfall there.

Evidence "UFO Haiti" and "UFO Dominican Republic" -- two authentic-looking home videos recently posted on the "News and Politics" section of YouTube. The films, which were uploaded from two different anonymous accounts, both appear to record close-up sightings of Area 51-type craft hovering above the island's beaches at sunset. As the ships pass eerily over, wind whips through the palm trees, dogs bark and a woman gasps in disbelief. All very real seeming. The jerky, amateur camera work could easily be that of a panicked Caribbean tourist.

The videos hummed to the top of YouTube's "Most Viewed" list, and from there invaded discussion forums and news aggregator sites across the Web, where debate raged about their origin and authenticity. Skeptics pronounced the videos a computer-generated fraud, probably part of some viral marketing ploy. Microsoft's Halo 3 was coming out soon, wasn't it? Or maybe it was for Nicole Kidman's movie "Invasion" -- or even the secretive new J.J. Abrams project about some kind of monster attack on New York.

Still, with all the cries of fraud and corporate opportunism, even the most steadfast doubters couldn't find anything in the footage that was obviously bogus. No matter where you stood, you had to agree that the quality of the movies was surpassing. More than a few observers in either camp called them "the best UFO videos ever."

"Frankly I'm worried about this," wrote one observer on the conspiracy site "If people feel it necessary to flood the Internet or the UFO community with increasingly more 'realistic' hoaxes, what will happen in the event of a true landing?"

They're fake, right? Right?!

With so many people scrutinizing every frame in the videos, it was not long before the first imperfections were spotted in the story's hull. For one thing, no one could find any reports of flying objects in the Haitian or Dominican press -- or anywhere else. Surely an extraterrestrial visitation would've at least merited a brief. Or, failing that, a blog entry?

And yes, after a few viewings, "UFO Haiti" began to feel a little too real. In spite of the camerawoman's shaky hand and trouble keeping focus, she still manages a cinematically perfect tracking shot of the ship as it flies directly over her head. Moreover, her gasp is rather glaringly mistimed. It comes after she's already aimed the camera at the UFOs -- seconds after she's first seen them.

But it was the trees that aroused the most suspicion.

Freeze-frame the Haiti and Dominican Republic videos side-to-side, critics found, and you will see a palm tree in both videos that appears to be almost the exact same shape.



Two palm trees on the same tropical island? And they look really similar? Have you ever seen two palm trees that don't look really similar? That was the best the Internet crowd could do?

Someone needed to look deeper. And perhaps that someone was named Web Scout.

False starts, red herrings
The key would be to find the source of the videos. But there was a complication. For one thing, the videos had been posted and re-posted across the Net, and it was not trivial to identify which ones were the originals.

By the time I got in the game, there were several videos entitled "UFO Haiti" that actually predated the version that was on the "Most-Viewed" list. The best idea, then, was to contact the posters of several of the earliest "UFO Haiti" videos, including barzolff814, whose 2.2 million-view video was listed as the fourth to be posted under that name.

Within an hour, I got a message back from a 17-year-old Irish girl named Heather. It read as follows:

"umm yeah. whatever. you people are stupid. find something better to do with your time. and get a life."

A closer look at Heather's "UFO Haiti" revealed that it was 10 seconds of a still photo of her kissing her boyfriend, followed by a video short clip of a scared-looking squirrel, with the word "Pervert!!" flashing repeatedly in white.

Heather was a hoaxster, all right. Just not the one I was looking for.

As I waited for other "Haiti" posters to respond, I decided to make another study of the clues. In the discussion of the controversial palm trees, the name Vue 6 kept coming up. Vue 6 was a program by E-on Software that animators use to generate sophisticated-looking natural environments. A promotional clip on E-on's website included several scenes of tropical islands -- covered in hundreds of identical windblown palm trees. Furthermore, one of the promos even showed a cartoonish flying saucer skimming over a field!

I immediately tried to reach E-on President Nicholas Phelps at his office in Paris. (Another video -- "UFO OVER PARIS" -- had been posted in April. It was nowhere near as convincing as "UFO Haiti," but still -- vaguely reminiscent.)

Phelps' receptionist said he was not available. Soon afterward, I received a message from Phelps asking if we could conduct the interview by e-mail. Despite my repeated attempts to get him on the phone, he was recalcitrant.

On the matter of the video, Phelps admitted that it appeared "very much like the movie was created with Vue 6" but denied E-on had anything to do with creating it. "Although I admit it would have been smart marketing, lol!"

With my main lead blown, I could find nothing to lol about.

Somebody up there . . .
It has been said that the harder you work, the luckier you get. But this is not always true. Sometimes you get lucky even if you barely work hard at all.

The next morning, with all the good leads exhausted and most hope lost, the telephone rang.

(Actually, the computer rang. The Scout uses Skype.)

It was a woman named Sam. From Corsica. "Hello," she said. "I am calling on behalf of barzolff814."

Barzolff814? Why, he was the person who had posted the No. 1 Haiti video!

Barzolff, Sam said, wished to remain anonymous, but he was prepared to share the full story of the videos. I agreed not to reveal his real name. Then I was all ears as Sam began parroting into the phone the words I could hear Barzolff saying in the background.

The 35-year-old Barzolff is a professional animator who attended one of the most prestigious art schools in France and has a decade of experience with computer graphics and commercial animation.

It took Barzolff a total of 17 hours to make both the Haiti and Dominican Republic videos. He did it all by himself using a MacBook Pro and a suite of commercially available 3-D animation programs, including Vue 6. The videos are 100% computer-generated.

The videos, he said, were intended as research for a feature film project he's been working on with Partizan, the France-based production company responsible for, among others, Michel Gondry's "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind."

When contacted to verify the story, "Eternal Sunshine" producer Georges Bermann said it was all true, and that Barzolff was "an absolute genius" who could "make anything look entirely real."

To prove that he was truly behind the videos, Barzolff agreed to provide the L.A. Times with a new spacecraft video. Called "Proof," the video depicts a small version of one of the spacecraft floating above a Paris street. As the camera pans over, the viewer sees two elderly women at a cafe. One of whom is holding a remote control device. Humorously, of course, this video makes use of computer graphics as well.

The movie Barzolff is working on for the big screen is about two guys who create a UFO hoax so realistic that it spirals out of their control. "For better or worse," said Barzolff, who cited being "overwhelmed" by the response to his video as one of the reasons he didn't want to go public with his name.

Barzolff stressed the videos were not intended as a viral marketing ploy. His movie is still in the idea phase, and he created the hoax strictly as a "sociological experiment" -- in other words, just to see what would happen.

What happened far exceeded his expectations.

After he finished producing the videos, he posted them and went to bed. "I thought they would reach perhaps 2,000 people," he said through Sam.

"When I woke up the next morning there were 70,000 views," on the Haiti video. "Twenty minutes later it was up to 130,000 views. It grew exponentially from there."

Barzolff called the results of his experiment "entertaining, thrilling, completely addictive, and a little scary."

The scary part, he said, was that in spite of the evidence, "many people refuse to believe it's a hoax."

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

MY UFO EXPERIENCE: Witness Recounts Seeing 'Flying Disc' in Louisiana

My UFO Experience
Reader Submitted Report

     Yes, I have seen a flying disc, I have since reported it also on the NUFORC web site. This is how it occurred…

I live in southwest Louisiana, I was in my back yard around 10 PM local time in September 2003. I was setting up my 4 inch refractor telescope to look at the stars that have a good field of view to my south, I was also facing south at the time… I noticed in my peripheral vision to my left or east, there was movement of something rather large just above the trees about 500-1000 feet up from the ground and about 100-200 yards away from me.

My first thought was that it was a flock of big birds, but it was a flying disc…it had a definite shape and shades of white and grey color. I must also say I saw this craft on a clear moonless night, and I was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol…

I could describe the craft because of the ambient street lighting, just below it, was providing faint lighting of the craft…it was circular on the bottom with a “top hat” looking structure on the top, probably a canopy hatch of sorts. The circular craft was dull grey, the top hatch structure was black, the bottom of the craft had a white circular ring on its outer edge. It had no lights, no visible exhaust, no visible insignia, no wings…it was a flying disc…now, logic tells me it had to come from one of two places, either the military is experimenting with top secret aircraft flying at just above tree top level in a residential neighborhood without any FAA required running lights, or maybe the military is using UFO captured technology to build such craft or, we are being visited by alien civilizations.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Sky Time for UFOs

Fyffe UFO
By Jan Galletta

     Friday's launch of the third annual UFO Festival is a nod to the curious aerial masses that numerous residents of the DeKalb County town said they saw in March of 1989, according to Mayor Larry Lingerfelt. But this time around, he said, UFO is an acronym for a two-day "unforgettable family outing."

Mayor Lingerfelt said he didn't witness the red lights and banana-shaped ships that supposedly coursed across the night sky above the Sand Mountain community -- oddities that caused thousands of inquisitive gawkers to descend soon after on Fyffe, a town of about 1,000 population.

"But they were seen more than once," he said. "They were seen by a lot of people, including our police department and some other ones (area police departments), too."

"We had (media) broadcasts from here to all over the country. It kind of put us on the map."

Some 42 years before the Fyffe phenomena, the desert hamlet of Roswell, N.M., marked an incident that many credit with spawning the modern UFO-tracking era, according to news accounts.

Records show the event stemmed from the Roswell-based 509 Bomb Group's news item issued in July 1947, noting that crews had recovered a crashed saucer-shaped spacecraft on a remote ranch. Military brass swiftly issued a retraction, explaining that the disk was actually a burst weather balloon.

But in 1978, a former high-ranking officer at the base gave an interview, asserting an alien ship had indeed been found at Roswell. His claim gave the legend new legs, and last month, some 50,000 UFO buffs made the desert pilgrimage to observe the incident's 60th anniversary, news reports show.

The Chattanooga area has had many UFO sightings, said David Kammer of Brainerd. He said that in the 1960s, he interviewed UFO observers for the National Investigative Committee of Aerial Phenomena.

"We went out and investigated when people reported seeing aerial phenomena," said Mr. Kammer, a retired engineer. "We went throughout the Southeast to such cities as Johnson City, Tenn."

Mr. Kammer said no Chattanooga encounter he investigated featured photographed phenomena.

"I was interested in the subject at the time but haven't been into it for a long time now," he said. "But there were quite a few (reported sightings) back then. I suspect there are today, too."

During one week in October of 1973, at least three accounts of supposed UFO sightings appeared in Chattanooga newspapers, records show. One quoted two Ooltewah women as having seen red and yellow objects flying overhead. It left burned spots in a vacant lot near their homes, the story said.

Two days after that, reporters wrote about the "luminous oblong object" that several interviewees claimed to have ogled in Alton Park, around the Charles A. Bell school. Among the witnesses weighing in with personal testaments were two police officers, Capt. Oscar Eaves and Sgt. Lester Schell.

Three days later came a published account of a "long narrow light that changed shapes," by the description of Mrs. Paul Heiner, of Berkeley Circle.

Mayor Lingerfelt said he knows of no repeat sightings in Fyffe since the 1989 incidents.

"But it got to where people (who'd claimed to see a UFO) had been ridiculed," he said. "They might not have spoken up, if they'd seen anything else."

He said that instead of hiding that heritage, Fyffe now capitalizes on it as a visitor draw, seeded by a $10,000 tourism grant from the legislature that also proclaimed it the state's UFO hotbed.

"Ider, Ala., has its Mule Day," he said. "UFOs are what we're famous for."

The UFO festival features hot-air balloon rides, continuous live entertainment, and arts-and-crafts vendors, among other highlights of the daylight-to-dusk celebration.

And while Mayor Lingerfelt said it's possible the glowing airships may spark new reports of curious flying objects, "We hope they won't be flat balloons, like they said they were in Roswell."

NRC Suggests NASA Should Look for "Weird Alien Life"

Dust ‘comes alive’ in space

By Robert Booth
The Sunday Times

     SCIENTISTS have discovered that inorganic material can take on the characteristics of living organisms in space, a development that could transform views of alien life.

An international panel from the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Max Planck institute in Germany and the University of Sydney found that galactic dust could form spontaneously into helixes and double helixes and that the inorganic creations had memory and the power to reproduce themselves.

A similar rethinking of prospective alien life is being undertaken by the National Research Council, an advisory body to the US government. It says Nasa should start a search for what it describes as “weird life” - organisms that lack DNA or other molecules found in life on Earth.

The new research, to be published this week in the New Journal of Physics, found nonorganic dust, when held in the form of plasma in zero gravity, formed the helical structures found in DNA. The particles are held together by electromagnetic forces that the scientists say could contain a code comparable to the genetic information held in organic matter. It appeared that this code could be transferred to the next generation.

Professor Greg Morfill, of the Max Planck institute of extra-terrestrial physics, said: “Going by our current narrow definitions of what life is, it qualifies.

“The question now is to see if it can evolve to become intelligent. It’s a little bit like science fiction at the moment. The potential level of complexity we are looking at is of an amoeba or a plant.

“I do not believe that the systems we are talking about are life as we know it. We need to define the criteria for what we think of as life much more clearly.”

It may be that science is starting to study territory already explored by science fiction. The television series The X-Files, for example, has featured life in the form of a silicon-based parasitic spore.

The Max Planck experiments were conducted in zero gravity conditions in Germany and on the International Space Station 200 miles above earth.

The findings have provoked speculation that the helix could be a common structure that underpins all life, organic and nonorganic.

Scientists Hail "Miracle Material!"

Scientists hail ‘frozen smoke’ as material that will change world

By Abul Taher
The Times On Line

     A MIRACLE material for the 21st century could protect your home against bomb blasts, mop up oil spillages and even help man to fly to Mars.

Aerogel, one of the world’s lightest solids, can withstand a direct blast of 1kg of dynamite and protect against heat from a blowtorch at more than 1,300C.

Scientists are working to discover new applications for the substance, ranging from the next generation of tennis rackets to super-insulated space suits for a manned mission to Mars.

It is expected to rank alongside wonder products from previous generations such as Bakelite in the 1930s, carbon fibre in the 1980s and silicone in the 1990s. Mercouri Kanatzidis, a chemistry professor at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, said: “It is an amazing material. It has the lowest density of any product known to man, yet at the same time it can do so much. I can see aerogel being used for everything from filtering polluted water to insulating against extreme temperatures and even for jewellery.”

Aerogel is nicknamed “frozen smoke” and is made by extracting water from a silica gel, then replacing it with gas such as carbon dioxide. The result is a substance that is capable of insulating against extreme temperatures and of absorbing pollutants such as crude oil.

It was invented by an American chemist for a bet in 1931, but early versions were so brittle and costly that it was largely consigned to laboratories. It was not until a decade ago that Nasa started taking an interest in the substance and putting it to a more practical use.

In 1999 the space agency fitted its Stardust space probe with a mitt packed full of aerogel to catch the dust from a comet’s tail. It returned with a rich collection of samples last year.

In 2002 Aspen Aerogel, a company created by Nasa, produced a stronger and more flexible version of the gel. It is now being used to develop an insulated lining in space suits for the first manned mission to Mars, scheduled for 2018.

Mark Krajewski, a senior scientist at the company, believes that an 18mm layer of aerogel will be sufficient to protect astronauts from temperatures as low as -130C. “It is the greatest insulator we’ve ever seen,” he said.

Aerogel is also being tested for future bombproof housing and armour for military vehicles. In the laboratory, a metal plate coated in 6mm of aerogel was left almost unscathed by a direct dynamite blast.

It also has green credentials. Aerogel is described by scientists as the “ultimate sponge”, with millions of tiny pores on its surface making it ideal for absorbing pollutants in water.

Kanatzidis has created a new version of aerogel designed to mop up lead and mercury from water. Other versions are designed to absorb oil spills.

He is optimistic that it could be used to deal with environmental catastrophes such as the Sea Empress spillage in 1996, when 72,000 tons of crude oil were released off the coast of Milford Haven in Pembrokeshire.

Aerogel is also being used for everyday applications. Dunlop, the sports equipment company, has developed a range of squash and tennis rackets strengthened with aerogel, which are said to deliver more power.

Earlier this year Bob Stoker, 66, from Nottingham, became the first Briton to have his property insulated with aerogel. “The heating has improved significantly. I turned the thermostat down five degrees. It’s been a remarkable transformation,” he said.

Mountain climbers are also converts. Last year Anne Parmenter, a British mountaineer, climbed Everest using boots that had aerogel insoles, as well as sleeping bags padded with the material. She said at the time: “The only problem I had was that my feet were too hot, which is a great problem to have as a mountaineer.”

However, it has failed to convince the fashion world. Hugo Boss created a line of winter jackets out of the material but had to withdraw them after complaints that they were too hot.

Although aerogel is classed as a solid, 99% of the substance is made up of gas, which gives it a cloudy appearance.

Scientists say that because it has so many millions of pores and ridges, if one cubic centimetre of aerogel were unravelled it would fill an area the size of a football field.

Its nano-sized pores can not only collect pollutants like a sponge but they also act as air pockets.

Researchers believe that some versions of aerogel which are made from platinum can be used to speed up the production of hydrogen. As a result, aerogel can be used to make hydrogen-based fuels.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Secret Pratt Tapes and the Origins of MJ-12

Top Secret Majic Eyes Only
By Brad Sparks & Barry Greenwood
MUFON Symposium Proceedings
August 2007

     In 1982, the late author, reporter and later MUFON UFO Journal Editor, Robert Pratt, secretly tape-recorded his meetings and phone conversations with Roswell investigator, William L. Moore, in which they discussed Moore’s recent meetings with Staff Sgt. Richard C. Doty, Special Agent of the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI).

Moore had been in contact with a mysterious AF Colonel (later called “Falcon” by Moore) since about September 5, 1980, and had been meeting with the Colonel’s designated “middleman” special agent Doty (“Sparrow”) since September 30, 1980.1 At that first meeting, Doty outrageously claimed that Friedman and Sparks knew him personally and would vouch for him – Moore immediately phoned both and verified that neither one had ever even heard of Doty before. This would be typical of Doty’s brazen self-contradictions for decades to come.2

Subsequently Moore told me (Sparks) he was passing to Doty every scrap of information he and his fellow Roswell investigator, nuclear physicist Stanton T. Friedman, collected on their Roswell investigations and on UFO research and UFOlogists.3 The identity of the Colonel has never been disclosed, but possibly may be Doty’s superior officer in AFOSI, Col. (John) Barry Hennessey, or someone in a similar position. Both Doty and the Colonel were repeatedly caught lying to Moore and Friedman yet the latter continued to maintain contact for years in hopes of obtaining some inside government information on UFO’s.4

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

MY UFO EXPERIENCE: Family Sees UFO Near St. Louis With Rotating Lights

UFO Spotted Near St Louis
Reader Submitted Report

     My story happened about 9 years ago outside st. louis, MO,I am 22 now, Me and my mother and my sister were driving home on the Highway listening to music and just your casual drive in the car. I dont recall the exact time but it was clearly dark outside probaly between 6-9 oclock. When we came up to our exit(beau-antire RD exit if I remember it right I live in wisconsin now). As we were getting off on the exit ramp going uphill I noticed a strange light before I could say anything my mom Says DANNY DANNY LOOK and starts pointing to what I was seeing and telling my sister who was 8 at the time to look look, whatever this was could not have been more than 200-400 feet above our car by the time we reached the top of the exit ramp. As we drew closer more lights came on and they were rotating in a way unlike anything I have ever seen and I remember distinctly there was one light Bigger than the others that was very illuminating and hard to take your eyes off of. As bright as these lights were and it close as it was behind the lights was just darkness it was very hard to make out any kind of shape or see any design but I could tell that the darkness was moving almost like rotating its very hard to explain. As we were climbing the exit ramp this UFO was moving slowly towards the treeline of a conversation area right off this Exit no more than 30 feet from the top of the ramp.

After we all 3 sat there in complete awww it passed over the treeline out of view and we quickly tried to race to the opposite side of the exit ramp to see if we could see more of this thing. But despite the fact that there was nothing but trees for miles and the sky was clear this UFO vanishes as instantly as it appeared to us.

We arrived home shortly afterwards, maybe 5 minutes and I was completley estatic, I ran in telling my stepdad and as a 13 year old I even called the sheriffs office to report what I saw only to be laughed at and no one would listen so I just hung up on them.

I have been waiting to report this story to someone for awhile, it just feels better to tell people what I saw again. I will say in closing that I have never seen ANYTHING like it again and trust me it wasnt a flare, swamp gas, a bird , a plane or superman.

Thankyou for listening and sorry about the grammer in this.

EXCLUSIVE – Interview With Mike Fortson - Eye Witness To Enormous V-Shaped UFO - AKA "The Phoenix Lights" (Pt 2)

Phoenix UFO 2

By © Frank Warren

Note-Having recently passed the 10th anniversary of the so-called "Phoenix Lights" of March 13, 1997, the following is a continuation of a series of interviews/articles with and by direct eye witnesses of this monumental event.

Although many who witnessed this huge "V-shaped craft" have come forward, there are a great deal more who haven't; research concerning this case is ongoing to this day, and it is our hope by highlighting the event(s) and the individuals who witnessed it, more people will come forward and share their experiences. Comments are always welcome, and if requested confidentiality will be honored-FW

-Part II-

     FW: Mike we left off in "Part I" of this interview at the end of your narrative describing what you refer to as "your life-changing event," i.e., the sighting of a "huge" V-Shaped craft by you and your wife known as the "Phoenix Lights." This taking place almost ten years ago March 13, 1997.

I would like to begin the very next day, but first given what is now known about that night, calling it the "Phoenix Lights" certainly isn't accurate, to put it mildly; where and how did that name originate?

Mike Fortson (B)MF: Frank, that’s a really good question, and I don’t know if I have the right answer. I think several people will take the credit for the name, “Phoenix Lights”. The massive sighting occurred Thursday evening March 13, 1997. After I reported it to MUFONAZ, I was asked to be at Village Labs in Tempe, AZ., on Sunday March 16. There the “Strange Universe” crew met with us and videotaped our experience. I think the term was first used then. However, a few others may claim the term, I’m just not sure. Another, which I thought was first, was a producer from MSNBC. One fact does remain…I have argued this title since it’s creation as inaccurate. What was seen that night was witnessed nearly all over the state of Arizona. Today I equate the term “Phoenix Lights” to the 5 videos of a diversionary flare drop around 10 PM that night. These more than likely flares were dropped at around 16,000’ foot altitude and witnessed by a few people in Phoenix metro area. These “lights” weren’t over Phoenix. And truthfully, they weren’t even over Maricopa county. But the descriptive name for March 13th will forever be “Phoenix Lights”. Sad but true.

I do agree with the late Doc Barry; “The Massive UFO Flyover of Arizona March 13, 1997”, is the most accurate way to describe that wonderful night.

FW: In our private correspondence, you often refer to your experience as, "life changing" and "wonderful" etc., which by the way is a common theme amongst witnesses who saw this massive object "up close"; take us back to the "next day" after the event; when you woke up that morning, what was going through your mind?

MF: Since we both worked, we would have started the day doing the normal things to get ready for work. We had questioned each other wondering if anyone else had seen this massive V shaped object. Our questions were soon answered…yes, hundreds, maybe even thousands had seen it. We soon learned that Thursday evening the phones had lit up at various TV and radio stations. Talk radio was a buzz. There was, I guess the best word to describe the first day after the sighting…confusion. The most upsetting part of the early hours of the first day was the constant spinning by talk radio hosts of something explainable. They would laugh and tee-hee at some of the callers reports of what they had seen. Everyone was made fun of. People were told to rest assured that what was seen last night was explainable and probably a military exercise. They (talk radio) had no idea that there was more than one event Thursday evening. A few of the five (5) videos were being turned in to MUFONAZ and one or two were already on television news. It truly was the talk of the town.

I was listening to talk radio most of the day. I had yet decided to call in. Mainly because of the debunking that was already going on. They (radio) really made the callers feel ignorant and silly from the beginning. I was really getting upset. I have never experienced anything like this before. Without investigation…conclusions were being drawn. This was very frustrating. And this is why I believe so many that had seen this massive craft refused to call in or report their sighting. One so called expert said, “this is why people shouldn’t look up!”. Everyone laughed.
At one point I had to report in to my boss in California. After our conference, I told him what Nannette and I had witnessed Thursday evening. His response was just like the talk radio hosts…”no way, there has to be an explanation, probably military”.

The first day was terrible for the witnesses. Instead of trying to find out just how many witnesses there were state-wide, they would just ridicule and insult the intelligence of those who called in. I was really starting to boil….after seeing those late night videos time and time again…it was getting to me…for that was not what we had seen Thursday evening at 8:30 PM from our home in Chandler. And after taking just so much…I finally made the call. I searched ufo on the internet. After looking for a few seconds I found MUFON. I found Walter Andress’s phone number in Seguine, Texas. I made the call. He answered the phone, and the first words I said, was..”sir, my name is Mike Fortson. I live in Chandler, Arizona. I would like to ask you a question…has anyone from Arizona reported a mile-long ufo from last night?” I could hear him take a deep breath. He responded, “yes!” I then began to explain everything we had seen and felt. “You saw it?” he said. “Yes” I replied, “my wife and I both saw it for about 2 minutes”. “Call these people right away”, he said. I was then given the phone numbers to RM and BH of MUFONAZ. After several calls I finally got thru. I was asked to call back after lunch Saturday.

As of Friday March 14, the first day after the massive sighting, there was thought to be only one ufo event that occurred on March 13, 1997.

FW: SO understandably given the amount of witnesses who saw something, there was instantaneous feedback; had you ever called into a radio show before?

What you describe Mike, in my view, is a very interesting "social phenomenon"unto itself; that is a "can't be, so it isn't mentality! Obviously you took the ridicule that was bestowed on others personally--as anyone would since you shared a very significant experience.

Explain the difference between the "late night videos" being aired on television and what you witnessed for us.

MF: Frank, I’m thinking that if I had called into a radio station, it would have been to request a song. I listened to music rather than talk radio. I’m thinking the only time I turned to a talk station would be to check on traffic.

The 5 -10:00 PM., MST., videos are of distant lights. No one knows for sure just what they are, or aren’t. But it’s basically all the video evidence there is. This is where the term, “Phoenix Lights” began. The truth is the distant lights aren’t in Phoenix and probably aren’t even in Maricopa county! But like I said, it’s all they have. So every time a witness speaks of their sighting during a tv or documentary video…the distant lights video is shown in the background. And yes, the lights are more than likely flares. Or as I call it, the perfect diversion. This is one issue that will never be resolved. As of nine years and seven months after the fact…there are no witnesses that were close enough to the lights to accurately describe just what “they” were. (The sad part…99% of all the so-called investigation was on these lights videos…nearly all witnesses to the March 13, 1997 UFO Flyover were in the 8 o’clock hour!)

As I said earlier we all met at Village Labs Sunday, March 16 and were filmed by Strange Universe. There the videos were played before several witnesses and several MUFONAZ representatives. That’s when I first spoke up to them and said, “that’s not what we saw!” I described in front of all present and on film, for the very first time just what we saw at 8:30 PM., MST., not at 10 PM. Nannette and I saw a solid V shaped craft, not distant lights. We had no problem determining it was one object as it came thru the grey background of the city lights, the enormous black craft stuck out like a sore thumb. It was low and slow and it did not make any noise. And as I exclaimed during the sighting, “that son-of-a-bitch is a mile long!”

It was at that time the thoughts of multiple events first were considered. After the meeting at Village Labs ended, the entire film crew came to our home in Chandler and interviewed us and filmed from our vantage point. Clearly seeing that the city lights to the north west of our location did indeed give a grey background from the city lights.

What witnesses viewed in the 8 o’clock hour thru out Arizona on March 13, 1997, were not flares. The 5- 10 PM videos, more than likely are.

FW: In regards to what you call the "perfect diversion," didn't Dr. Bruce Maccabee (Optical Physicist) do an analysis of the 10:00 flares? Who was present at Village Labs on the 16th?

MF: Yes, Dr Bruce Maccabee came to Phoenix and examined all the videos, I believe thru a scientific method of triangulation he perceived them to be shot pretty close to the same time; app. 10 PM MST. I believe he calculated them to be a distance from Phoenix of about 30-36 miles and had to have been ignited around 16-17,000’. I would refer you to his conclusions he made that are on file at his website. Personally, I trust his conclusions because he was the only one who approached this from a scientific point of view. You see, the lights were just too far away

And there are no witnesses or videos close up to confirm just what they were. And in order for the lights or flares to be seen in the Phoenix metro area, they had to be very high up (16-17,000’). And keep in mind the only ones to see the 10 PM events were those with mountainside homes or elevated viewpoints.

Those present at the first get together at Village Labs on March 16, 1997 were: Jim Dellitoso (sp), Michael Tanner (both of Village Labs), Bill Hamilton (MUFONAZ), Tom King (shot 10 PM video from Mike Krysten’s home with Bill Hamilton), Richard Motzer, Tom Taylor (Both with MUFONAZ), Scott Montgomery and his wife (he shot video of F15’s chasing the orbs), Ozma Linderman and her boyfriend, both are 8:25 witnesses from Scottsdale), Mike Krysten and his wife Sue (he shot the famous footage at 10 PM), Mike Fortson and wife Nannette (8:30 PM witnesses), there were a couple radio people there, and Strange Universe filmed the entire meeting. There were probably others but my memory fails as this was nearly 10 years ago as to the rest of the visitors. MUFONAZ had acquired 4 or 5 videos and they were played for us. That’s when I stood up and said, “that’s not what we saw!”.

FW: In Dr. Maccabee's analysis seen here, he writes:
"the following analysis of March 13, 1997 sightings over Phoenix refers to the sightings by a few people of lights at about 10 PM. An earlier sighting by hundreds of people around 8:30 PM of a dark triangular object that blocked the stars was a UFO. It is not the subject of this analysis."

Seems he separated the "wheat from the chaff" right off the bat.Who initially "arranged the meeting" at "Village Labs," and for our readers, please define their function.

MF: Frank, I have no idea who set the first meeting up. I assume that there is a connection between someone at MUFONAZ and Village Labs. And it was Village Labs that got a hold of “Strange Universe”. Village Labs served as a meeting place and also as a source for witnesses and media to communicate with for several years.

FW: What did "Village Labs" do . . . their business?

MF: I’m really not sure. I’m assuming until they lost their funding and lease, they were looking for ET. They were a point of contact to analyze video tapes. And they had stuff from all over the world. There were videos I got to see from not only the US but Australia and Europe. That’s about all I know. I do know they opened their doors to all of us that were interested in updating the 3/13 stories as they came in. I could come in unannounced and they would see me and answer my questions and allow me to read new reports and see the videos anytime I wanted.

FW: So it would "seem" that prior to the "Phoenix Lights," Village Labs main activities were centered upon Ufology; when "exactly" to the best of your recollection did the media report a "flare-drop by the military?" Also, when did the "collective" of witnesses realize they might have seen different object(s)?

MF: The word probably started in April. I’m not sure when the Arizona Republic article came out, but it was an interview with then Captain Eileen Benze (sp) and the headline was something to the effect: “The Solution to the Phoenix Lights” something like that. This brings up the question, “that if you have a solution, you must have had a problem!” Anyway, this was one of the first. I remember flares being brought up among the first times as Bill Hamilton left MUFONAZ and became the Executive Director of Sky Watch International. As he did this, that’s when I remember Richard Motzer MUFONAZ beginning his attacks on the flare issue, trying to debunk Bill Hamilton’s theory on the issue of the 5- 10 PM videos.

Then, “lines were drawn in the sand”, so to speak. The rest is unfortunate history since there never really was an investigation of March 13, 1997. They just never got past those 10 PM videos.

Witness testimony of different objects from lights, to solid craft, to orbs, to triangles, to discs were immediately reported to media, Village Labs, local radio, television stations, etc. Problem was no one really listened to them since they did not have video of their events. That was the evil of the whole evening…unless you had video, it probably didn’t happen. This is why the so-called investigators nearly worshiped those 5- 10 PM videos. It was like their “holy grail”. It wasn’t until the USA Today article on June 18th, 1997, came out did people start listening to the 8 o’clock witnesses. At that point the national media got involved and people finally started listening. It was then most of my tv/radio interviews began.

FW: With the benefit of hindsight, if we could go back . . . what would you have liked to see happen?

MF: Well, first of all I would have liked to have seen my ass moving quickly and retrieving a video camera and taping the massive V shaped craft as it passed in front of us. I truly believe this would have ended and speculation that what we and thousands of other Arizonians witnessed that night was something other than flares, planes, blimps or balloons. I really apologize to the world that I did not think clearly and failed to react, as I should have. Instead I just stared and was somewhat paralyzed to the impossible craft I was witnessing.

Other than that, I would like to have seen the media react with a more keen awareness that something spectacular did happen. I would have liked to see them treat our fellow citizens with more respect and accept the fact that “they” (the media) are not the only ones with eyes and a brain.

FW: For those of us that "pay attention" Mike, two common traits for folks that witnessed the "huge craft," number one was "awe," the second was a sense of "warm wonderment" (opposed to fear). As you know, most "direct witnesses" stayed in their respective seats (so to speak) . . . no need to apologize.

This looks like a good place to conclude "Part II" . . . readers stay tuned for "Part III" with Mike Fortson.

More Reports of UFOs

UFOs Over East Dulwich
By ICSouthLondon

     REPORTS of UFO sightings have come flooding in to the South London Press following trails of bright lights being spotted in the night skies.

A number of witnesses have come forward after we reported on the mysterious lights being spotted flying in formation above East Dulwich on August 4.

Mike Hall, 62, of Therapia Road, East Dulwich, was in his back garden when the UFOs passed directly overhead.

He said: "I counted at least 20 and the light was intense, but as they passed over me they were completely silent. "The night was still and there was no breeze, there was absolute silence. "I have never seen anything like it in my life."

Anton Raes, of Sydenham, caught the string of lights on his camera phone. But he said despite their brightness they hardly showed up in pictures. He said: "I never have believed in UFOs or aliens or anything like that before.

"I would normally laugh at things like that. "I could clearly see it was not a plane or a star. "You could see planes flying past and instantly notice the difference."

Despite several reports of the unexplained lights, the Ministry of Defence has remained silent on the matter, saying that it will only investigate such an incident if there is a perceived threat.

Visitors of the Alien Kind

Exeter UFO Drawing
By Mike Bisceglia Jr.

     Some folks come from other states to visit New England. Others come from foreign countries. Some visitors come from even farther. (Do I hear the theme from Close Encounters?)

Actually Gentle Reader, I have no feeling on the subject of alien visitors one way or the other. I can't say I have run into anyone who doesn't claim earthly residence, but I haven't met everyone yet. Let me say that people see what they see, and sometimes what they see happens over the fair domain of New England. (Hey, it's a great place to visit. Right?)

The folks who report seeing what they see aren't necessarily summer toboggan riders or have nothing better to do with their time. I'm not here to pass judgment. After all, I'm simply the messenger. The following is not a complete list of "sightings."

Further, these events aren't from ancient history.

Records started being kept in 1951. So, read on . . . if you dare.

From New Hampshire: In September 1961, two policemen in Exeter saw a large, dark object with red lights circling a farm and scaring the animals. I wonder if it had a hole in the center. In 1997, people in North Stratford saw an object as large as a house glowing with pink and blue lights. A birth announcement . . .maybe.

In Hampton from March 17-25, 1998, folks reported seeing a large green tadpole-shaped object streaking across the sky over the ocean. Say, wasn't that the same week as college spring break? In Concord in August 2000, a man and his wife were sitting on the back porch and saw a bright white light zip across the sky faster than any plane they had ever seen. Hmm, Lucky Strike, maybe?

From Massachusetts: The town of my birth, Worcester, seems to have cornered the market on UFO sightings.

Here's one: On Dec. 28, 1977, folks saw a large object hovering close to a parking lot. It moved slowly, and then left. Spaces for those after Christmas sales are difficult to find.

In Westfield in March 1962, witnesses say they saw a red ball jet across the sky. I thought that the Red Sox didn't play at home until April. In 1989 in Webster, people there saw a large circular object ascend from a lake and disappear. Moon over Webster?

From Maine: Near Rangeley in 1954, folks saw two white lights descend into a valley and stay there for about 15 minutes. Maybe they just wanted some alone time. On June 28-29, Kennebunk in 1981, a resident saw a large football-shaped object with green and white lights pass over his house and then go out over the ocean. Were the Bushes in town that week? In Bangor in 1963, a resident saw a large white-domed object hovering over the road. He pulled over, yanked out a pistol and shot at it. It took off at a rapid clip. Well, sure. I would, too.

From Vermont: In Goshen, in 2000, witnesses saw a fireball appear in the sky and disappear. I guess the local movie theater had shown everything those folks had seen already. In Jericho in 1999, folks attest to seeing a blue, green and red object dance across the sky. To the tune of what? In Colchester in 1997, folks saw a green object jump about in the sky. They also reported that the radio was fried for about 10 seconds. Maybe it wasn't jumping. Maybe it was dancing.

From Connecticut: In February 1999 in New Haven, a person saw a red and blue pulsating object hovering over a neighbor's house. "I see the light. I see the party light . . .." In Old Saybrook in 1957, a woman reported having seen a UFO with portholes hovering outside her bedroom window. Suggestion: Draw your shades at night, lady! From Woodmount in 1997, residents saw a large, saucer-shaped object with a row of windows on the bottom. Tour bus, I bet.

From Rhode Island: In 1998, a person in Portsmouth saw a large amber and gold object pass above some trees. Now that color scheme shows taste. In East Greenwich in 1997, a person saw a cigar- shaped object move across the sky. Churchill or robusto?

Message to all visitors: Try the salt water taffy.

It's delicious.


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