By Piotr Cielebiaś
According to Gazeta Starachowicka; newspaper on 23rd December 2007 a luminous sphere sighting was reported by an inhabitant of Rataje village in Central Poland. The object itself was hovering over nearby Weglow village. But what happened next is even more puzzling
POLAND: Weird UFO incident in Swietokrzyskie (23/12/07) 1-9-08
According to Gazeta Starachowicka; newspaper on 23rd December 2007 a luminous sphere sighting was reported by an inhabitant of Rataje village in Central Poland. The object itself was hovering over nearby Weglow village. But what happened next is even more puzzling
According to “Gazeta Starachowicka” newspaper on 23rd December 2007 a luminous sphere sighting was reported by an inhabitant of Rataje village in Central Poland. The object itself was hovering over nearby Weglow village. But what happened next is even more puzzling…
Local newspaper “Gazeta Starachowicka” reports a story of a man from Rataje village who observed a strange luminous sphere over Weglow.
On 23rd of December the newspaper received a call from a reader. It was about 8:30 p.m. With nervous voice he reported that his father had noticed some strange phenomenon about half an hour before.
“He saw some bright light” – the witness’ son said. “It was in size of small full moon but was positioned very low over the horizon, directly over the village. My father was sure that it was just a falling star or some comet. It was flying down. Suddenly it stopped and remained hovering in the west sky. It remained stationary for a while and then shot off. It passed very quickly several hundreds of meters and then stopped and began to descend. But it wasn’t on the ground. Then again it began moving horizontally and with enormous speed the enlightened ball shot off upwards and disappeared in the skies. My father thought that it was a thunder but its movement remains puzzling.”
The sighting lasted about 20 seconds. As the newspaper article stated the man’s relation was rejected at first due to reason that the only one witness wanted to remain anonymous. Anyway, it would never saw the light but there exist Police and Fire Dept. reports that added some controversial details to Rataje sighting.
Andrzej Pyzik from Emergency Center informed that on that day, about 9 p.m. there was a report of wooden house fire in Weglow. The fire source was, according to fire dept. report, a failing of the electric installation in the house.
“We put the two and two together” – the newspaper article says. “From Rataje village perspective the UFO was hovering directly over Weglow. The witness who after a hour of the UFO sighting saw a fire glow in the place of previous strange object didn’t realized that both incidents might have something in common. He rushed to help his neighbors but didn’t tell about his UFO sighting to anyone. But the call from our reader was received about 8:30 pm. It was set basing on billing lists. […] The fire was reported about 9 p.m. […] If the unidentified object could influence on the house electric installation, it is possible that we deal here with event of unknown nature. […] Moreover, according to our informer, the glowing ball was hovering directly over the house that then was in flames.”
The case reported by the newspaper should be taken with suitable dose of skepticism although the case seems interesting enough to ensue some efforts in searching of other information, both from the witnesses and officials.
* original source: Gazeta Starachowicka, #2 (812), 07/01/2008 by: NPN – http://www.npn.org.pl/ / „NOL-The UFO Journal of Poland”
More . . .
See Also:
UFO Photographed Over Mallorca
POLAND: Car Lifted Up By UFO
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