By Caracol and Noticias UFO
Residents of western Medellin and regions to the east of Antioquía claimed having seen an unidentified flying object on Sunday morning for several minutes.2-3-08
In telephone calls to the newsroom of Caracol Radio in Medellin, several citizens confirmed having seen a luminous "flying saucer" with green, blue and red lights that remained static and later disappeared.
The sighting was reported by residents of the San Javier, 20 de Julio, Belen and Altavista districts and subsequently by summer tourists from Rionegro in eastern Antioquía, who also claimed seeing an oval, silvery flying object.
Officials at the radar stations in the Olaya Herrara Airport of Medellin and Jose Maria Cordova Airport in Rionegro denied that the devices recorded any abnormal activity whatsoever attributing the phenomenon to the sighting of weather balloons.
* (Translation (c) 2007, S. Corrales. Special thanks to Lucas Grossi, Noticias UFO).
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See Also:
Riolândia, Brazil: Huge UFO Sighted with Physical Evidence of Landing
MEXICO: Luminous UFO Lands at Cerro Pie de Minas
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