Reader Submitted Report
[Edited for Punctuality]
My name is Mr. XXXXXX, my home is now here in the remote/wilderness of Alaska, but in 1973 while a native of the state of Maine, I grew up on a horse farm.[Edited for Punctuality]
I remember the sighting very well; I was 14 years old and it was a few days after Christmas; my folks bought me a camera; I was always looking out at the stars and before that year I had telescopes; my sighting has been very real; because for years after I have had dreams about my experience.
It was a clear night, around the 29 or 30 of December 1973; I went outside around 10pm with my new camera; it was a very clear night with lots of stars. As I walked around the farm house towards a grove of apple trees I notice the sky was very bright; I looked to my right overhead, but I knew the moon was almost full behind me. As I looked up into the sky I was so overcome with fright that I dropped to my knees and tried to get air into my lungs; I saw bright lights on a large object that was at least a mile long, by half a mile or so wide; the lights were so bright, but the lights were all around the object and a real bright light came on under the belly of the object there were different colors around the object.
I remember seeing it move slowly across the sky with no sound and the night was very quiet. I had to keep looking away from the object cause the lights were so bright. I kept trying to figure out what it was, then it just shot off in a high arc, but when I was first viewing it, it moved slowly thru the sky; it was as if the object was completely overhead; after collecting my thoughts I got up off the snow; I ran inside my farmhouse, my folks had company over and they were showing family slide shows on a big screen ... that was entertainment back then. My father jumped up and asked me what was wrong ... he could see the fear on my face ... I had a hard time talking, but the family & guests went outside to view for themselves... but they saw nothing.
I was very sick the next few days. & weeks; I had water blisters on my face & neck that came out the next morning; they lasted about a week & dryad up with no scaring thankfully. I was very tired & weak for about three weeks; I missed a lot of school early that new year; I know that what I saw traumatized me to some degree; I had to sleep with a light on in my room with the door open till I was about 18 years old ... thats my story!!!!
Note--I have spent almost 10 years in the army 10th mountain infantry unit; I enjoy airplanes & flying; I have never seen anything like it on earth before and anything humanly made would not have troubled me for years. I live a quiet peaceful life and I am a non smoker ,non drugs ,non drinker; I still go outside into the Alaska
nights and spend hours looking, searching, wondering, but this is my experience & story.
I have a handful of friends that I have known, some as long as 34 years; the least is 5 years and they can tell you I am a man of integrity; I have nothing to gain sharing this story, but it is a fact. I just wish I had pulled up my camera and took a photo; I had good film for low light, so why I didn't take the photo ... just to damn scared to do nothing but freeze up and look & wonder.
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