Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Could West Kilbride Be Replaced as UFO Hotspot? VIDEO

By Largs & Millport Weekly News

West Kibride's mantle of being the top spot in Scotland for UK sightings may be in danger after video footage of sightings a short distance away ... in Saltcoats.

      Fascinating new footage which has received tens of thousands of hits all round the world displays UFO activity above the skies of Saltcoats.

Alex Gibb, 34, had been sitting in his home in Saltcoats when he spotted the four strange lights at around 9pm.

He doesn't believe in UFO's and so he went outside to investigate and took some shocking footage which can be seen above.

Alison Kelly was in Adams Road in Saltcoats at the same time when she saw the unusual sight and she and her family were gobsmacked at the sight.

West Kilbride has received nationwide coverage after it was highlighted as the Scottish town with the most sightings of unusual objects in the sky during recent years, after over-taking the original UFO capital Bonnybridge.

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