UFO buzz puts NT into flap
NT News
A "UFO flap'' is taking place and Territorians are needed to help scan the skies during a national spotting session tomorrow.By BEN LANGFORD
NT News
The Australian UFO Research Network has about 40 people across the country ready for a co-ordinated effort.
Network national director Diane Frola said there had been more than 35 sightings in the past seven weeks.
"Certain parts of the world go through what is called a UFO flap ... when there's a multitude of sightings coming from all different areas at the same time,'' she said.
"Because it's been active the past seven weeks we decided the more pairs of eyes looking up the better.''
Ms Frola there were only two or three Territorians signed up for tomorrow's 6.30pm start.
"There have been sightings of triangle-shaped craft with lights underneath, cylinder-shaped craft, there has been craft that look like a wheel of lights,'' she said.
"There have been 30 or 40 dancing lights off SA that took off in different directions.''
A navy sailor contacted the Northern Territory News following Thursday's report of a UFO sighting on Groote Eylandt.
Aaron Clement remembered seeing a similar flying object while in the Gulf of Carpentaria as a seaman on HMAS Kanimbla in July 2006.
"I read it in the paper ... and I said 'get out' -- I saw exactly the same thing,'' he said. "It was high up in the sky.
It was like a ball (then) it went orange and went away. Everyone thought it's a bit strange.''
Thursday's story prompted several more reports of flying objects.
One woman said she saw a straight-moving ball of light crossing Darwin Harbour last Saturday night, another woman saw "orange, green and white'' flashing shapes moving around the moon.
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