Reader Submitted Report
My name is David Xxxxxx and I live in Xxxxxxxxxx, Alberta. I was a police officer for 28 years with the Xxxxxxxxxx Police Dept.[Unedited]
My UFO sighting happened when I was 17 years old in 1971. I was working for a farmer combining and was driving my self home at about 11:30 pm. I was driving east on the Hyway just past Torrington, Alberta. It was in Septemper. I thought a car was coming up behind me as I saw lights in my rear view mirror but something passed overtop of my car and I saw it was a saucer shaped disk. It flew passed me and then rose up into the sky.
I was close to my home and went into my house and woke up my Dad. I told him he could see a UFO outside our house. I got our Binoculars and went outside with my Dad. We watched the saucer for about 5 minutes. As I saw it thru the binoculars I got a good look at it. I appeared to be revolving in the middle and had what looked to be portholes on the top section. I definetly had motion to it as if it was spinning at least the middle section.
It started to move slowly east and we got into our car and followed it. We went right out to HYway 21 and stopped and watched it. It suddenly seemed to tilt to it's side and flew off very quickly to the North east. You could see it accelerate and then was gone. I have told this to my children etc but at the time did not report it to anyone.
I have never reported it to any other UFO sites. I just saw your site and was curious. I listen to people debate about them but I know something exsits as I observed one for numerous minutes, saw it with my Dad, and studied it thru binoculars.
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