By Pam Harris
STEPHENVILLE (CBS 11 News) ― Dozens of Stephenville residents reported seeing UFOs in the area in January. At first, the military reported there were no aircraft in the area that night. Two weeks later, officials said they were conducting training exercises in the area.CBS11tv.com
Now some city officials want to know if a government exercise was being performed, why they weren't notified ahead of time.
"I want to know why public officials weren't notified of a large military operation in our area," said Stephenville City Councilmember Mark Murphy. He has filed a complaint with U. S. Air Force and the Federal Aviation Administration, demanding answers.
"My main concern is public safety," said Councilman Murphy. "I want to make sure that if anything like this is going on, people are alerted."
But residents were mixed on what the public needs to know.
"I think the government needs to let us know when we need to know, but on something like this, it's not appropriate," said Stephenville resident Cliff McMinn.
"I think the city has a right to know," said Dell Eastwood, a resident of Stephenville. "I guess the federal government doesn't think they do."
According to a local aviation expert, the military must communicate with the FAA, but they are not required to contact city officials. Councilman Murphy thinks that rule should be changed.
"Just so we know they're going to be operating in this area," he said. "It's only a courtesy - intergovernmental courtesy."
Councilman Murphy says he doesn't need to know details about what the military was doing over the skies of Stephenville that night, he just wants corrective action to be taken.
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