Reader Submitted Report
I am a 70 year old retired psychotherapist. I grew up in Santa Rosa, New Mexico, which is around 90 miles or less north from Roswell, New Mexico, where the UFO's crashed. I was 9 years old on that 7/47 night in question I vividly remember around 10:30 pm or so, looking into the sky and seeing a V-shaped line of about eleven lights streaking across the sky, first from one area, then from another, then another. They were streaking across the sky at a rate of speed that was quite clearly faster than anything made on earth in 1947. After about five minutes the V-shape changed to a diagonal line and continued the same pattern of streaking across the clear sky for a few more minutes. 11-5-08
Needless to say I was stunned. In the morning I dashed down the street to tell Mr. Hoy what I had seen. He was the editor of the small newspaper, put out once a week. He shared with me that the Deputy Sheriff, Joe Pat Downing, was on patrol the night before and had told him he had seen the same thing.
The vividness of that memory has stayed with me and it wasn't until thirty years later that I started hearing about the UFO crash in Roswell. That was when I connected my experience that night seeing those strange lights with what was taking place 90 miles south of my hometown. It is also my understanding that "weather balloons" don't do that....
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