Saturday, May 31, 2008

Space Alien Video Lands in Denver: Was it Real or Fake?

Alien Picture Denver
By Daniel J. Chacon
Rocky Mountain News

     The eyes of the world were on Denver today for the showing of a video that purports to show a space alien. Live transmissions and recordings of the video were not allowed. The Rocky's Bill Scanlon blogged live.

3:45 p.m.Several dozen people were in attendance today at the Tivoli on the Aurara campus in Denver. What did they see?

A classic E.T.-like creature, about 4 feet tall, with a narrow chin, a broad forehead and almond eyes.

Some people claimed to see its eyes and muscles move during the roughly two-minute video, which was briefly screened for reporters and the public at the Auraria campus today.

A skeptic said the being has a suspicious similarity to "Grey," the creature depicted in the classic 1957 movie "Earth vs. The Flying Saucers."

2:13 p.m. A Denver man Thursday night spent five hours and $90 creating a hoax video of a space-alien-looking creature peering through a window (click here to watch).

It looks eerily like the space alien video shown to the media today by a man who wants the city of Denver to create an extraterrestrial commission to welcome visitors from distant galaxies.

Believers in the Nebraska space alien video said the creature moved its eyes and muscles — and you can't just fake that unless you're a Hollywood special-effects expert and have thousands of dollars, they say.

Yes you can, said Bryan Bonner, a member of the Rocky Mountain Paranormal Research Society, which normally investigates claims of haunted houses.

Bonner says his group normally ignores the claims of UFO buffs, but when he realized that Jeff Peckman was asking for taxpayer dollars to form a commission, he figured he should do something.

"When we heard Peckman was going to show the video to the media, I said, 'I'll bet it's the Romanek video,'" he said, referring to the video that Colorado Springs resident Stan Romanek said he made on the night on July 17, 2003, at his home in Nebraska.

Thursday, Peckman announced that indeed it was the Romanek video.

So, Bonner got together five members of the society Thursday night.

"We started production about 8 p.m.," he said.

"We rented ourselves a 4-foot-tall foam latex alien" from a costume shop, said Bonner, who saw the Romanek video six months ago. "We were going to buy one, but I didn't want to blow the $230."

"They started rolling the video and moving the puppet up, down, around and sideways.

They sent the video from the camera straight into a computer, and one of the computer geeks used 3-D animation graphics to make the puppet's eyes seem to move, he said. "We gave him a couple little blinks."

The result was a ghost-like creature that looks slightly more animated than the one in Romanek's video.

"What they're claiming would take thousands of dollars and a lot of time ... we pulled the whole thing off for $90 and in five or six hours," he said.

Bonner said, "It's so amazing that anyone would believe that video is a real space alien. And it's so frustrating to see that they want to use city time and tax dollars on this."

12:33 p.m. Shannon Mundell, of Arvada, said she wanted to see the video because she's known people who have had contact with aliens and "when you look in their eyes you know that what they saw was real."

She said that other countries are more accepting of ET's, but that "in America, we just want to deny it."

Mundell said the video of the creature in the window "was very interesting."

"I can't say exactly what it was, but I think there's a good chance it was real.

"I saw the muscles moving and the eyes moving."

She said it was unlikely it was just a puppet because "only in Hollywood can they make such realistic-looking puppets and they cost thousands of dollars.

"It's very unlikely that Stan would have done something like that."

She said the video needs to be investigated further.

Mundell thinks that if there are aliens among us, and they are peaceful, "It would be wonderful for them to interact with our world and teach us their technologies."

She is worried, though, that if there's conclusive proof of aliens it would cause a lot of emotional suffering from people whose religious beliefs aren't compatible with intelligent life from another galaxy.

12:24 p.m. Jeff Peckman, the man trying to form an extraterrestrial commission in Denver, told the audience it's time to take extraterrestrial life seriously.

"It's time to get ahead of the curve," he said, adding that some high government officials in other countries and some retired military officers in the U.S. are among the believers.

He said even some Vatican officials say it's not incompatible for Roman Catholics to believe in extraterrestrials.

"They're our brothers -- God's creatures," Peckman said.

12:04 p.m. The presentation lasted about an hour and the video itself was a few minutes long.

Randy Bancroft and fellow skeptic Bela Scheiber found it interesting that the creature was never seen from below the neck.

"It looks like the quintessential Grey, right out of E.T.," Scheiber said.

Bancroft added, "Like with Alfred Hitchcock, it was what he didn't show you that was the key."

Audience members wanted to know why the creature traveled all those light years just to peep in a window.

"I have no idea," said Alejandro Rojas, a moderator from the Mutual UFO Network International, who said more investigation of this film needs to be done.

Other audience members asked why the government seems to be keeping evidence of UFOs secret.

Rojas, the education coordinator for the Mutual UFO Network, said perhaps the government feels the public isn't ready to see the truth.

The presenters of the video said it's been reviewed by experts who say there are no post-production add-ons, but Scheiber says that misses the point. The key is to find out whether the original video was a hoax. He noted many hoaxes in the past were perpetrated by teenagers and found it interesting that the Nebraska man -- Stan Romanek, now of Colorado Springs -- had two teenage daughters.

11:59 a.m. The film showed a window, reportedly 8 feet off the ground in a rural Nebraska town in 2003.

It was shot by the homeowner, who had earlier reported seeing UFOs hovering above his house.

This time, he said he set up a camera because he feared a peeping tom was spying on his two teenage daughters.

In the enhanced version of the video, a creature pops up in the window, looks around, and pops back down, again and again.

To skeptic Randy Bancroft, the creature looks a lot like the seminal "Grey," the creature in the 1957 movie "Earth vs. The Flying Saucers," which has a narrow chin, a broad forehead and almond eyes, not too different from the friendly alien in "E.T."

11:45 a.m. The drama must be intense down at Auraria. Hold the phone, because we should hear from our fearless correspondent shortly. Peckman was expected to keep a tight rein on the video and other live transmissions from the scene. No cause for alarm, we think.

11 a.m. Joanne Almeida, of Englewood, is at the film screening because, "I've seen things in my life.

"I feel a lot of people are arrogant" in their dismissal of UFOs and the paranormal, she said.

"Instead of being open-minded, they make jokes."

"They're arrogant to think this is silly and a waste of time when there are so many other things that are silly and a waste of time."

Almeida said she thinks a lot of this is tied in with oil.

"People in the high circle of politics are very greedy," she said.

"I believe there are a lot of alternative fuels that the politicians are hiding. Maybe that's the kind of thing they're trying to tell us."

Bela Scheiber, a member of the Rocky Mountain Skeptics, said "photoshop has come a long way."

He said it's no great trick to project an image on a video, given that two girls in England fooled the world about fairies 90 years ago.

He noted that a man who faked a photo of the Lochness monster confessed to it on his deathbed and that more than one person has admitted to faking signs of Big Foot.

Scheiber predicted that Jeff Peckman will show an ambiguous video and then "cherry pick the things that he wants to show the audience.

"And of course we'll cherry pick the things that we want to show the audience."

10:30 a.m. Claude Swanson, a physicist from Virginia, was the first to show up at the news conference in the Tivoli on the Auraria campus.

He said he'll talk for a few minutes about "how time travel is theoretically possible."

"There have been some faster-than-light propagations in the labs," he maintained. "There are lots of reasons to be open-minded about these things."

He said he's been familiar with the Colorado Springs video for years.

"The first year I was pretty cautious," he said. "I gradually became persuaded there was something real going on here."

6 a.m.

A proposal to create a commission that would prepare Denver for space aliens has turned the eyes of the world on the Mile High City.

From CNN to NTV in Moscow to the Daily Mail in London, news organizations worldwide are scrambling to land an interview with Jeff Peckman, who is sponsoring a ballot initiative to create an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission in Denver.

"I've got about four or five interviews already, and I'm in discussion with Inside Edition, Good Morning America, Fox national news and a Moscow TV station that wants to send a team,"Peckman, 54, said Thursday.

His phone kept ringing all day.

"NBC national wanted me in five different time slots tomorrow on different programs. I took three of them," Peckman said Thursday afternoon.

Later in the day, Peckman said he might appear on Larry King.

The media bombardment was triggered by a report on Wednesday in which Peckman said that a video purportedly showing a living extraterrestrial would be shown at a news conference today.

The story generated hundreds of thousands of hits.

"It's just an interesting story because you do have a lot of people who believe there is superior life, if you will, or another life form out there, other than ours," said Adrienne Wheeler, a producer for The Early Show on CBS News. "There's a huge following for this, as I'm sure you know," said Wheeler, who believes there is intelligent life outside of Earth.

Paul Thompson, a Florida-based correspondent for the Daily Mail in London, said the newspaper, which has a circulation of about 2.5 million, asked him to check out what was happening in Denver.

"In England, there was a big story recently where the government declassified certain files and it was all the UFO sightings," he said. "I think everyone is interested in UFOs."

Well, not everyone.

Denver City Councilman Charlie Brown said people can believe what they want, but the attention "is not very favorable to our city."

"Suddenly we're getting more national and international attention on this issue than the DNC," he said, referring to the Democratic National Convention in August.

"In some respects, it's a welcome relief amidst all the polarizing politics that we have," he said. "That's probably good, but it just doesn't bode well for our city."

Friday, May 30, 2008


UFOs Over Saltcoats
By The Ardrossan Herald

THE SIGHTINGS of strange objects in the skies over Saltcoats more than a month ago continue to fascinate people in the local community - and Herald readers around the world.

     The owner of a factory in Thailand, Ron de Jong, emailed us this week with his own take on the mystery.

“I have read your article about the possible UFO sightings in your town,” said Ron.

“I am the owner of a Chinese sky lantern manufacturer in Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand, and we have a website which shows around 10 videos of the many shapes and sizes that our lanterns come in and I thought you may find this useful. As I do not know enough about your sightings I cannot be the judge but maybe you can come to a conclusion.”

After viewing several videos of the fireworks we are still unsure that lanterns are the cause of the sightings on April 27. Although they go high in the sky it would depend on the weather to simulate the same movement. And as some reports say that the UFOs changed shape - and others claim that they moved in odd patterns - it would be impossible to definitely state that people had seen Chinese lanterns.

This week The Herald has also been looking into past UFO sightings by delving into recently-released Ministry of Defence MoD files.

It appears that the area around Saltcoats has been a major hotspot for strange lights in the sky over the years. And as many readers will remember, West Kilbride was dubbed “the new Roswell” (the American desert site where eyewitnesses claimed to have seen aliens landing in the 1950s) in 2004 as no fewer than 12 reports of strange lights flooded in.

It appears that all the recorded sightings in local skies took place between the months of April and May and between 10pm-12am. One of the most bizarre recordings of lights over West Kilbride was on May 30, 2004 when one eyewitness claims to have seen five bright lights flying together around 12.15am. Another strange sighting was later on in the year on November 26, where a witness reported seeing 25 flying objects in groups of five fly over and head north.

But West Kilbride isn’t the only place that has had some strange sightings. According the MoD files, on November 19, 1996 a witness saw large, bright orange lights in the sky over Dalry at around 11.30pm. The sighting lasted for 15 minutes and is very similar to the reports we have received recently.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Purported UFO Video to be Shown Friday

The Day The Earth Stood Still
By Daniel J. Chacon
Rocky Mountain News

     A video that purportedly shows a living, breathing space alien will be shown to the news media Friday in Denver.

Jeff Peckman, who is pushing a ballot initiative to create an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission in Denver to prepare the city for close encounters of the alien kind, said the video is authentic and convinced him that aliens exist.

"As impressive as it is, it's still one tiny portion in the context of a vast amount of peripheral evidence," he said Wednesday. "It's really the final visual confirmation of what you already know to be true having seen all the other evidence."

When Peckman went before city officials this month to discuss his proposed ET initiative, he promised to show the video.

Peckman said the general public will have to wait to see it because it's being included in a documentary by Stan Romanek.

"No one will be allowed to film the segment with the extraterrestrial because there is an agreement in place limiting that kind of exposure during negotiations for the documentary," he said.

But people won't have to wait too long to see it for themselves.

"There is an open, public meeting in about a month in Colorado Springs," Peckman said. "We'll hope to do one in Denver at some point, and then in a few months, there will be the documentary that anybody can have, and it'll have the footage."

An instructor at the Colorado Film School in Denver scrutinized the video "very carefully" and determined it was authentic, Peckman said.

Peckman, 54, said the video was among the reasons he was "compelled" to launch the proposed ballot initiative, which has generated news as far as South Africa.

"It shows an extraterrestrial's head popping up outside of a window at night, looking in the window, that's visible through an infrared camera," he said. The alien is about 4 feet tall and can be seen blinking, Peckman said earlier this month.

In a statement, Peckman said "other related credible evidence" proving aliens exist will be shown at Friday's news conference, too.

In 2003, Peckman authored an off-beat ballot initiative that would have required the city to implement stress-reduction techniques. The "Safety Through Peace" initiative failed, but garnered 32 percent of the vote.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

UFO Explodes Over Phu Quoc Island

UFO Collision

VietNamNet Bridge – An unidentified flying object exploded at about 10a.,m on May 27 over the northern part of Phu Quoc Island, off the coast of the southern province of Kien Giang, according to Col. Nguyen Van Qui, military chief of the island district.

     Many local residents found many grey metal pieces, including a 1,5m long piece.

The island district authorities quickly contacted airline companies in Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand, but as of 10p.m. the day, none had confirmed any of their flights having faced accidents.

The explosion happened at about 8km above the ground, and perhaps it was a plane, but authorities could not identify whether it was a civil or military aircraft.

The Phu Quoc Island People’s Committee mobilised local armed forces and residents to rescue duty.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The FAA and FBI are Investigating Pilot's Report of Close Call with UFO

UFO Sighted By Pilot
UFO reported near Bush Airport


     HOUSTON (KTRK) -- We have an update on a mysterious object seen by a Continental Airlines pilot on a flight from Bush Intercontinental Airport. That pilot called federal authorities, who launched an investigation.

Though federal officials don't know for sure what that mysterious object in the sky was, they think it could have been some sort of model rocket.

Continental flight 1544 was bound for Cleveland out of Bush airport. It had just taken off around 10:15am Monday, when according to the FBI, the pilot reported an object near the plane.

One-hundred-and-forty-eight passengers and 6 crew members were onboard the Boeing 737. Continental tells us the flight landed in Cleveland with no problem. No emergency was declared. But we do know the FBI is investigating this incident.

The FAA thinks the incident Monday involved a high powered model rocket. Some can fly as high as 10,000 feet. But you need FAA clearance to do so.

The FAA and the FBI are trying to find who was behind this flying object. An FBI spokeswoman says it was several miles from the plane, still close enough to prompt some serious safety concerns.

More . . .

See Also:

Continental jet has near miss with 'rocket'

By Jeremy Desel
Texas Cable News

      HOUSTON -- Jet pilots aren’t used to sharing their airspace, so you can bet a rocket will get some attention.

Continental Flight 1544 was flying at 5,000 feet about 11 miles east of Bush Intercontinental Airport after takeoff Monday morning when the pilot called the tower to report an object headed toward the plane. The pilot described seeing a fast moving object with a thick smoke trail nearing his airspace.

The FAA now says it thinks that object was some kind of model rocket. Both the FAA and the Houston Area Joint Terrorism Task Force continue to investigate the incident that first reported early this afternoon.

Neither said conclusively what the pilot saw was indeed a model rocket, but an FAA spokesperson told 11 News that it was likely a high-powered model rocket. It is a federal crime to launch a rocket of any sort without notifying the FAA.

The plane was at about 5,000 feet at the time of the sighting and the flight continued on to Cleveland.

Sources told 11 News that the flight was met by Continental officials and FAA investigators to interview the passengers and crew.

Part of that investigation included a FBI call to John Etgen, who is an officer with one of the local model rocket clubs in the area.

When the FBI told him what had been reported, the rocket enthusiast was shocked.

"This is completely outside of all of our safety codes and all of our practices. We actually behave a lot like visual flight rules pilots. This is if we can't see clear airspace and already have permission to be in that air space we are not allowed to launch and we don't,” said Etgen.

Etgen said it's certainly possible for a model rocket to get that high up, but he also said the description given by the pilot doesn't match up.

At that height, a model would have been coasting for quite some time and maybe emitting a small trail of white smoke and not the thick smoke like the pilot’s report.

He explained that while model rocketry is supposed to be fun, it is also highly regulated. Regulated by the same federal agency that has oversight of the airlines – the FAA.
The FAA confirmed that there were no requests to launch or notifications filed for the Houston area for Monday.

There are also no official launch sites within 50 miles of Bush airport.

The Boeing 737 with 148 passengers and six crewmembers aboard, took off from Terminal C at Bush IAH at 10:17 a.m. Monday and arrived at Hopkins International Airport in Cleveland at 2:13 p.m. – nine minutes later than scheduled.

Monday, May 26, 2008

NASA's Phoenix Spacecraft Parachutes onto Mars

Phoenix Parachutes In
By Science @ NASA

     May 25, 2008: NASA's Phoenix spacecraft landed in the northern polar region of Mars Sunday to begin three months of examining a site chosen for its likelihood of having frozen water within reach of the lander's robotic arm.

Radio signals received at 4:53:44 p.m. Pacific Time (7:53:44 p.m. Eastern Time) confirmed the Phoenix Mars Lander had survived its difficult final descent and touchdown 15 minutes earlier. The signals took that long to travel from Mars to Earth at the speed of light.

Mission team members at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.; Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Denver; and the University of Arizona, Tucson, cheered confirmation of the landing and eagerly awaited further information from Phoenix later Sunday night.

Among those in the JPL control room was NASA Administrator Michael Griffin, who noted this was the first successful Mars landing without airbags since Viking 2 in 1976.

"For the first time in 32 years, and only the third time in history, a JPL team has carried out a soft landing on Mars," Griffin said. "I couldn't be happier to be here to witness this incredible achievement."

During its 422-million-mile flight from Earth to Mars after launching on Aug. 4, 2007, Phoenix relied on electricity from solar panels. The cruise stage with those solar panels was jettisoned seven minutes before the lander, encased in a protective shell, entered the Martian atmosphere. Batteries will now provide electricity until the lander's own pair of solar arrays spread open.

"We've passed the hardest part and we're breathing again, but we still need to see that Phoenix has opened its solar arrays and begun generating power," said JPL's Barry Goldstein, the Phoenix project manager. If all goes well, engineers will learn the status of the solar arrays between 7 and 7:30 p.m. Pacific Time from a Phoenix transmission relayed via NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter.

OCT - 13 - 1906

By The New York Times

Electric Car Record (Heading) - New York Times 10-13-1906

- click on images to enlarge -

Electric Car Record (Body) - New York Times 10-13-1906

Saturday, May 24, 2008

MoD UFO Files: "Extraterrestrial Intelligence is Very Likely"

Top Secret UFO Files
Close encounters of the alien kind

By Ian Mason
Richmond borough news

The truth is out there for extra-terrestrial enthusiasts now the National Archives has released secret Ministry of Defence files on eyewitness accounts of UFOs.

Several sightings in Richmond were reported between 1997 and 2007 and anyone interested can view the documents for the first time by downloading them from the National Archives website.

According to the files, Twickenham is the borough's hotspot for alien encounters, with four recorded sightings, compared with two in Richmond and one in Teddington.

Richmond Scientific Society secretary Dr John Bradbury said there was a "strong argument" for the existence of alien life.

He added: "There are so many possible planets where it could exist.

"Extra-terrestrial intelligence is very likely."

Some of the newly-released reports describe first-hand alien encounters, involving people being taken aboard space ships and befriending extra-terrestrial visitors.

In addition to the eight MoD files, the National Archives, based in Kew, has produced a podcast and a videocast, together with further background information on the subject.

Almost 200 files are set to be made available over the next four years.

Senior archivist at the National Archives Howard Davies believes the latest release "will undoubtedly be of interest to many people all over the world".

In the videocast, Nick Pope, former UFO investigator at the MoD, said that UFOs continued to be one of the most popular subjects for information requested under the Freedom of Information Act.

Recorded UFO sightings in Richmond

  • On February 21, 2005, a vague report was made indicating that something had been seen in the sky in Teddington at 10am.
  • A record from Richmond revealed that on June 21, 2003, a doughnut-shaped object was spotted moving from left to right and side to side at 4.43pm. One side was shiny and reflective, and the other black.
  • On February 15, 2002, a sighting was made in Richmond of a very odd flashing light on a moving object, spinning above London at 3.56pm.
  • Records show that on September 24, 2000, at 12.02am, one, or possibly two golden lights, moved incredibly fast in the Twickenham skies before disappearing.
  • An eyewitness claimed to see a single white light with a faint light behind it moving slowly over Twickenham on April 28, 1998, at 11.40pm.
  • A report was made on July 27, 1998, of a large, circular object, that had blue lights that were spinning moving above Twickenham at 11.20pm.
  • On August 2, 1997, at 10.18pm lights were seen in the sky over Twickenham. They were white, very dim and were moving west, making erratic movements.

Friday, May 23, 2008

PHOENIX LIGHTS: Project SNOWBIRD and the Flare Drop
An Interview By Kenny Young

A-10 Flare Dropping Flares

By Kenny Young

Kenny Young's Research Lives On!

On Tuesday, August 5, 1997, Capt. Drew Sullins, of the Maryland Air National Guard was interviewed by Kenny Young of T.A.S.K. regarding the March 13th Arizona UFO reports.

YOUNG: Thanks for taking time from your busy schedule to talk this afternoon about Project Snowbird and the flare droppings over Arizona that generated some attention. One of the things I want to discuss is the TIME DELAY in announcing the explanation for this event, which was a duration of almost 4 to 5 months. Is there any reason to your knowledge for this delay?

SULLINS: Yes there is, and I don't think people are going to believe it, but it's the truth... it's a simple miscommunication. Apparently when the military in Phoenix was first approached, they looked at their flight logs, which are kept in two separate categories called "RESIDENT" and "VISITING" logs. These logs chart all of the incoming or outgoing air traffic. When the first inquiries of this went out, DAVIS-MONTHAN didn't check the visiting flight logs. The Public Affairs Officer down there called the people at operations who kept the flight logs, and they said, "we didn't have anything up that day." After several months, Captain Eileen Bienz was told by someone, and I can't remember who, that there was a project called Snowbird, which was an Air National Guard 'Op.' Bienz didn't have information on Snowbird, because Arizona units don't participate in it. Snowbird is an operation run during the winter when they take A.N.G. units located in the northern U.S. When it snows and the weather gets bad, they fly their units out there for a couple of weeks and train during the winter because the weather for flying is so good. Bienz put two and two together and checked the visiting flight logs, and sure enough it was discovered that there was an Air National Guard unit flying around.

YOUNG: So the miscommunication was due to Davis-Monthan?

SULLINS: Yeah, it wasn't on my part. Captain Bienz called me up and told me the whole story, just a couple of weeks ago and first I ever heard of it, and said, 'now can you confirm these things?' So I called our Ops guys of the 175th Wing & 104th Fighter Squadron, and they were able to confirm for me that they were flying that night in that area and dropping flares. The information was not held, as soon as we got it together it was released.

YOUNG: Why had the pilots in this unit, knowing they did this, not come forth in the hours after the publicity to announce the proper explanation?

SULLINS: First of all, the deployment for the unit was on the last day of a 15-day training mission happening during the first 2-weeks of March. It was one of the last missions they flew out there, and by the time it hit the news, they might have been gone. The story wasn't the big news event in Baltimore that it was in Phoenix. I think they seemed genuinely suprised that they were the cause of all the hub-bub.

YOUNG: When you say they were 'gone,' what do you mean by that?

SULLINS: They came back to Maryland. It was a 2-week training mission. They were there the first 2-weeks in March, and so by March 13th, that night, they landed and probably got up on March 14th or 15th and rolled out of there.

YOUNG: There was plenty of national media exposure regarding this, and also a second-wave of publicity in mid-June following the USA TODAY article. Is there any reason these pilots or affiliates with the squadron would not have come forth with this explanation in spite of all this?

SULLINS: Well I honestly don't think that they knew. I really don't. The lead pilot that night, a Lieutenant Colonel by the name of Ron Henry, was retiring about that time... he's retired now and commuting back and forth to Minneapolis and he's really busy. He's in the flight training program for Northwest Airlines learning how to fly a DC-9, and all these guys are really busy. They're citizen airmen and citizen soldiers, so they have full-time jobs and careers, families and other things they have to manage. Look, I'll be honest with you, until Captain Bienz called me up, I honestly had not even heard about this. I read two papers in the morning, one of them on the internet, one in my office, and so if I could miss it, then I guess they could too.

YOUNG: Was the lead pilot and others involved aware that dropping these flares would produce the results among the population below that it did?

SULLINS: No, I don't think they would have known because it's a standard routine training mission out there. Flares are dropped alot on that range. On that particular night, the visibility and atmospheric conditions were such that the things could have been viewed from the southwestern suburbs of Phoenix. These flares can be seen from hundreds of miles if the weather conditions are right. Apparently, they're not the only unit out there that dropped flares. Who's to say, perhaps the weather conditions and every thing just kind of came together and these things could be seen from Phoenix.

YOUNG: You speculate that other units could have also been involved?

SULLINS: The only units we had flying that night were the eight aircraft from the 104th Fighter Squadron.

YOUNG: What about the arguments that the flares were visible longer than 1-hour, when the actual burn-time for parachute flares would be around 4 or 5 minutes?

SULLINS: They were dropping alot of flares. They were over that range for over an hour. One aircraft would go in, drop a couple of flares, make its run and attack a target, then another aircraft would come in from behind and illuminate the range again, so they were continually dropping flares in that area.

YOUNG: So the pilots could see the flares from their plane?

SULLINS: Oh yes.

YOUNG: Would they have been able to visualize that this could be something the population below would notice as well?

SULLINS: I can't speak for the pilots because I wasn't flying, but the dropping of flares out there is so routine that I don't see why they would've had any cause for alarm.

YOUNG: Again, the delay in this announcement is somewhat odd. How many men would have been involved with the 104th Fighter Squadron that would have had knowledge of this operation?

SULLINS: There were eight aircraft. Eight pilots.

YOUNG: Were there also officers loading the flares in pods under the wings who would have had knowledge of this?

SULLINS: I'd have to call the squadron on that, but once Davis- Monthan checked the visiting flight logs, they were able to explain it. The base knew about it, but they just didn't check the visiting flight logs.

YOUNG: How would this activity have been specified or listed on a flight log?

SULLINS: That's a good question. I don't have an answer to that one.

YOUNG: Do they list flare exercises in flight logs?

SULLINS: Anytime you're flying at night in the A-10 Thunderbolt on a night training exercise, it's probable that you'll always be dropping flares. It's very routine, there's ABSOLUTELY NOTHING OUT OF THE ORDINARY about what they did out there.

YOUNG: It was obviously extraordinary in light of the public reaction to the operation.

SULLINS: Well that was, but not the mission itself.

YOUNG: Do they announce flare exercises in advance so as not to cause public alarm?


YOUNG: They do not?

SULLINS: No, they never have before. It's never produced this public response before and our pilots have flown this same mission out of that range a number of times before, and done so without so much as raising an eyebrow.

YOUNG: Would all the reports of a triangular object, mentioned in the USA Today article, be attributable to the flare droppings?

SULLINS: I don't know. I've only seen videotapes twice, and they looked like flares to me.

YOUNG: I recalled that some of the early reports on this that some Air Tower Operators were looking at these flares and at the same time detected no radar track of any aircraft on radar. Could you please tell me if eight A-10's which were dropping flares would have any Stealth capabilities which would have caused them not to be detected by radar?

SULLINS: Nope, and the pilots told me that they had everything operating that night and that they should've shown up on radar. Sky Harbor International Airport held radar surveillance for this area, and I don't want to speak for them, and don't know what their coverage area is, but I understand that the area is restricted military airspace. Sky Harbor International Airport will have to answer for those questions. The A-10's do not have any Stealth technology on it, and they were flying with all of their navigation radar systems and everything operating.

YOUNG: Since we had some alarm and concern generated from the public over the March 13 flare droppings, would it be possible to duplicate an identical event for the public, and arrange for the media to be present to document the event?

SULLINS: As the pilots explained it to me, it may have been the atmospheric conditions that night which allowed this thing to be seen so far away in Phoenix, but I'm not so sure we could replicate or duplicate the exact conditions that night. But secondly, it costs a hell of a lot of money to fly these planes for an hour, and I don't know that the United States Air Force would authorize that expenditure. I'd be willing to bet that since this has happened, a whole bunch of flares have dropped over that range since then.

YOUNG: So a repeat performance to satisfy the populace would not be

SULLINS: I'm not saying it's not possible, I'm just saying that I'm the wrong guy to ask. You're not going to get the Maryland Air National Guard t o fly all the way across the country to replicate the event. That's a request that'll have to be made to the United States Air Force in the Pentagon, and that would then be handed down to the National Guard Bureau, and it goes from echelon to echelon, through the bureaucratic process. Davis- Monthan could assist there, if one were to inquire when the next training mission would be scheduled over Luke AFB where A-10s will be dropping flares from between 10 and 15 thousand feet. That is essentially all you have to replicate. The thing that people are getting all bent out of shape about is the fact that I never offered this as the 'definitive explanation' for what happened. We only offered this up because an inquiry was made to the military regarding unidentified lights. We released all the information on our operation, but we are not prepared to say definitively that these are, in fact, the lights. I'm not trying to stir anything up here, but I can only say that our unit was there, we flew these missions, we dropped these flares. Alot of people think it's flares. Some of the pilots who've looked at the videos flat out said it was flares. According to what every military expert and A-10 pilot told me leads me to believe it was flares.

YOUNG: Since another demonstration would be difficult, would it be possible to notify the public in the event of future exersizes of this nature?

SULLINS: Look, I gotta be completely candid here, we're not going to pick up the phone every darn time we do something. Military operations are just that - military operations. They're not things that the public is used to seeing on an everyday basis, and if everytime we conducted something that we thought the general public would find unusual, I'd spend my whole life on the phone telling people about our training. And in Maryland, we don't drop flares. And the reason we dropped so many flares in Tucson is because its one of the few places we can go to execute that mission. There is no place in Maryland that we could drop these flares safely. The Warfield A.N.G. base outside of Baltimore is not properly equipped to load, handle and store these type of flares and other ordinances. When we go to Arizona, we fly lots of these missions, and try to maximize our time out there because we can't do it at home. So we don't have any need to call people here at home and tell
them our plans.

YOUNG: If it were ever deemed needful to announce anything, who would be contacted?

SULLINS: I would put out the release. If my boss came to me and said that we were going to be conducting an exersize that would alarm the general public, then I would put out a news release to the TV, radio and newspapers.

YOUNG: Do you also handle NOTAM (Notice To Airmen) reports or advisories to other airports or pilots in the area of exersizes?

SULLINS: I don't know what a NOTAM report is, I've never heard of one here.

YOUNG: I do appreciate your time and detailed information today.

SULLINS: My pleasure.


It was obvious that Capt. Sullins was knowledgeable about the flight operations of the Maryland A.N.G. and familiar with the flare maneuvers.

He had clearly handled several of these questions previously, and had also indicated that he interviewed several of the pilots involved. He may have been briefed on how to handle these inquiries, as much of what he said was strikingly similar to comments made to me by a captain from the 178th Fighter Group and 162nd Fighter Squadron Flying Unit Fighter Operations division from Springfield Air National Guard base after a separate but identical incident happened in Southern Ohio on March 26. I found Sullins to be courteous and very professional.

However, I am uncomfortable by the fact that the pilots of the eight aircraft responsible, or the other airman involved in the unit operations of the 175th Wing & 104th Fighter Squadron, would supposedly have 'not heard' of the March 13th debacle involving UFOs over Arizona. I cannot fathom that these persons would not "do the right thing" and put the matter to rest as abruptly as possible.

Recall that Snowbird remained in Arizona at least the following afternoon, or possibly several days after the March 13th event, giving them plenty of opportunities to hear of the UFO reports which had saturated the Arizona media.

Furthermore, Sullins seemed befuddled by the lack of radar returns for the A-10 activity from Sky Harbor International Airport. He also didn't elect to address the reports of a triangular object supposedly observed, and dismissed the public reaction of a 'routine' exersize to weather conditions, an identical scenario first advanced to T.A.S.K. from the Springfiled A.N.G. units after the Ohio disturbance on March 26.

In an honest assessment of this drama, I must observe that the Arizona scenario is highly suspicious and all-too-similar to the March 26th Ohio happening. And due to the delayed confession from the Maryland Air National Guard, one must seriously consider if an ulterior motive may be at work in this travesty.

The Ohio event dealt also with a large, triangular object traveling overhead, and also a 'bouncing' object that was witnessed by a fire and E.M.S. coordinator from New Vienna, Ohio. The Arizona flare explanation, like the Ohio story, is complicated by nagging inconsistencies that come against the flare explanation.

I am satisfied that flares were there, but if the other reports are to honestly considered, then we only have a partial resolution to this very interesting mystery.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

MY UFO EXPERIENCE: Witness Recounts Family Abduction

My UFO Experience
Reader Submitted Report

I am sending this story with some trepidation because it involves X the unknown and some might not want those who have had close encounters of the first kind to be vocal about the experience .... My abductors were kind,not harmful and so I will send my story to you as a good will gesture to them and others of their race If in fact it was not a dream so real I can never forget it...

     In 1972 early evening I was babysitting my friend's children my friends and I had a system where we took turns babysitting, cooking and enjoying a night out with our husbands... We took turns at this arrangement... It was my night to babysit and my neighbors night to cook.

I had a system with the kids, littlest ones inside with me kindergartners on the front porch and older ones in front of the house.

My friend who was cooking gave me a strange phone call said she could not see the kids through the fog. I could see all of the kids and no fog I assured her everything was ok and I would check to make sure joked with her about you really need to lay off that cooking sherry.

As I went outside with the smaller ones beside me the older kids were pointing up at the sky. I looked up to see the weirdest contraption I have ever seen It looked like the space station with some sort of scoop things coming out of it... My grandfather worked at the Philly Navy Base. and my hubby had been USAirForce Sargent in Alaska so I tried to be rational and scientific minded,was thinking that this had to be a military experiment,possibly about weather.

I have no further memory of this craft until I woke up middle of the night in my bed trembling so hard I could hardly walk and feeling terrified... My kids were in bed with me,dog at bottom of bed and cat on the pillows near head board. It is how we slept when my hubby worked overnight shift...

As I watched in astonishment the wall opened up in back of the bed. It looked like how an origami flower would open up. I saw a being standing there in front of what seemed to be a hospital unit... No one on the bed stirred kids and pets slept soundly He was average height and white with black eyes He looked right at me and asked if I was alright. I might have been terrified but my bad temper never quits I asked him what business of his was it to have abducted me He sort of seemed confused and then said "I am in the business of procreation" I almost fell down in disbelief He went on to tell me he was the same as medical interns in earth hospitals.

I think if I had remained calm he would have shared more He was very kind not like the bogie man stories abductees normally tell of their abductors. I was really frightened though as if I were seeing a ghost He said goodbye and the wall closed up

I woke up in the morning back in my bed with the kids and pets... There is a lot of missing time and mental blockage here No one else remembers it or if they do they have never said or admitted it to me... The neighbor who saw the fog and could not see the children died of cancer years ago My daughter was 6 at the time became terrified of people in masks for many years after, eventually she got over this phase

My son was 3 when this took place and for the longest time he held his bowels,was afraid to go to the bathroom... I could be wasting your time,could have all been dream... I just don't know! It seemed so real!

NBC DATELINE UFO PROGRAM: “Flares, Balloons, Fighter Jets and Squid Boats, Oh My!”

“10 Close Encounters Caught on Tape” (Crpd)
By Mike Fortson
© 5-21-08

Mike Fortson (C Sml)     Dateline’s Sunday night program titled, “10 Close Encounters Caught on Tape” should be renamed to; “Flares, Balloons, Fighter Jets and Squid Boats, Oh My!” What a total waste of the viewer’s time!

As we patiently await full disclosure, we are once again reminded that there are deceitful forces out there that actually get more on-air video time than the actual witnesses. These so-called “skeptics,” whom I have some choice (unflattering) words for distract the viewing audience and actually claim that all witnesses are not really seeing what they saw! What? That’s right! You really didn’t see that, because “it” doesn’t exist. And we all know none of us common folk are really supposed to look up, are we? I mean, we can’t determine if a commercial aircraft is flying at 27,000’ heading east or if it’s 400’ at tree top level heading south. We just can’t tell the difference. And an airline pilot doesn’t know the difference between an object flying alongside his aircraft and fishing lights from a squid trawler 20,000’ below him? Excuse me while I go and hurl. (Again)

Case in point: Stephenville, Texas, January 8, 2008 here’s where some 200+ Texans witnessed the unusual objects, lights, orbs and a mile-long half mile wide object. This was easily debunked by these two-legged turds (ooops) as F-16’s from a near-by military base. What! Are you kidding me? Are you telling me that these good people in Stephenville and surrounding towns don’t know the difference? What about the incredibly loud noise coming from not one, but 10 F-16’s? These people are very used to military aircraft in their area. But, nooooo, claim the misleading debunkers, it was military jets and a vivid imagination. Excuse me while I go and hurl again.

But it was the Phoenix Lights case that I am most offended by. Why? Because, I saw the craft! Yes, Mr. Shermer I had an excellent position for our sighting. It was not a high altitude aircraft. It was a massive V shaped craft that I claimed to be over a mile long! And it did not fly high over my head Mr. Shermer. It passed in front of me Just above treetop level and completely silent. And something else, Mr. Shermer…I could tell it was a single massive object as it was visible in the “grey” background of the Phoenix metro area’s lights. I had a grey background to view a black massive mile-long V shaped craft. This was 8:30 PM. The “intentional diversionary flare drop” was at 10PM. But, they just had to mix the timeline up and intentionally confuse everyone.

Now, let’s talk about something else in the Phoenix Lights case. I prefer to call it “The Massive UFO Flyover of Arizona, March 13, 1997”. First was the failure to disclose the timeline. One part of the magnificent evening that you debunkers fail to distort is the 5:30 PM, MST., daytime sightings from Sunset Point near Crown King, Arizona. Yes, again I will say it…daytime sighting. This is where all three massive V shaped craft were seen together…hovering near Crown King. Sixteen known witnesses pulled off the I-17 to watch in amazement as 2 fighter jets approached from the south. The 3 massive V shaped craft then “pancaked” on top of each other, formed a white ball of light, and vanished! Whoa! That might be a little too strong for you! Do you need to lie down?

Well, how about this….a search and rescue joint practice for fire fighters and police was being held in the far north valley. (Cave Creek) This was near 8:25 PM, MST. Guess what? A slow moving, V shaped craft of unearthly size “floated” overhead. They all stood and stared in total amazement. They tried to get the helicopter pilot to go up and see what this “other worldly object” was. He refused to do so.

Do you want more? What stops a little league game? As one of the massive objects passed at an incredible low altitude the game was stopped. Not by parents or umpires, but to the amazement of what all in attendance were seeing. Not one player, parent, coach or umpire yelled, “it’s an airplane” or “it’s a flare” but they all stood in total amazement as the massive V shaped object slowly passed overhead without making a sound.

Want more? How about an airline captain who was told, “we are not a threat”, as the massive object passed overhead. What about two college professors and their daughters who witnessed the massive object on the I-10 heading towards Phoenix as the craft approached directly overhead? The object reversed itself and was now above their BMW going backwards. The driver was told, “Keep on driving, this does not concern you!”

There is so much more, but I know that all this will “fall on your deaf ears.” But when you claim that we did not see what we are trying to describe, it really irks me. What incentive is there to deceive and mislead the viewing public. I guess that’s the order…so the people will just go to bed and not worry about these things.

Maybe a debunker said it best about us witnesses to the unknown….”this is exactly why people shouldn’t be allowed to look up!”

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Aztec UFO Crash: Jerry Pippin Interviews Research Team Scott & Suzanne Ramsey

Suzanne & Scott Ramsey with Jerry Pippin
By Jerry Pippin

Jerry Pippin in Action (Crpd)     Continuing our coverage of the Aztec UFO crash in 1948 and conference coverage by Dennis Balthaser and Farah Yurdozu, Jerry talks in depth with Scott and Suzanne Ramsey, the lead investigators in this story. They tell Jerry about a UFO fleet flying over near by Farmington, evidence of the burned ET bodies being taken away in the middle of the night by the US Army and much more. A spellbinding hour of intrigue and mystery revealed by the two people who have spent years researching this incident.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Phoenix Lights - Vintage Interviews

Phoenix Lights 1997

By neverknwo


NBC UFO Show: "Zero-Based Journalism & Zero Progress"

By Vince White

     There are two primary possibilities that can account for the wretched shameful excuse for real journalism, that the NBC Dateline special aired on 5-18-08 on 10 UFO cases can represent. Either causation is damning and reflects a colossal failure of standards and practices of real journalism.

An explanation is an indictment. If the news story was a real and sincere attempt to get the truth on UFOs the entire staff should be either fired with investigation into hiring practices or the current editor find another line of work, such as reporting professional wrestling.

Why when the reporting topic is UFOs and strange lights in the sky, that a high majority of journalists mind and usual due diligence, fly out the window or fall to the ground?

Why when UFOs are discussed a strange new form of zero-based journalism does occur? Previous UFO research from books, or a hundred analogical cases, or numerous prior instances that are building blocks of the current cases vanish.. Previous decades largely disappear, a broader context is missing.

Imagine a mathematics class, where one kept going over and over, and over, the first few pages, on real numbers, rational, irrational, and every time every days lesson was the essentially the same as the previous days. The class iterated over and over that a number was, and operation's on those numbers, even on the two hundredths attempt never got past one plus one or the associative or commutative laws.

This simplifies the journalist process immensely, since virtually no history is laid out. Such as looking into the evidence that there was a small fleet of specially equipped OV-10 acrobatic very quiet small observation aircraft that were based at Steward AFB and that this operation was logistically related to CIA Operations Was this related to an attempt to add noise to the UFO signal? What about the convenient timely appearance of this fleet after big delta incidents?

Were there flares dropped after UFOs appeared? Is this a watch the "flare'' birdies decoy operation?

At this rate we'll be stuck in this same futile circular and mockery of real journalism - ten years from now.

When is a serious national security beat reporter going to truly bite into this, seeing the magnitude of the event and activity and corpus of evidence.

One that will fight for resources and priority and when this goes up the management and ownership chain, there is one owner somewhere at a network, major news magazine cable giant, that has courage plus and will say "the evidence merits a full court press, that we will bet the company on busting this, all go flat out, enlisting added reporters on a large heavy hitter team.

They could do more in a month than all the UFO specials shown for the last thirty years. Because no one has got serious a about this yet. SERIOUS enough to take on the government (s ) itself. And a team with the mental power to recognize that any disclosure that happens from inside will be a cynical spin and ploy to say a great deal about very limited hangout, combined with a attack and smear on UFO researchers themselves. 'That these two objectives coupled together, the attack on credibility of the research community, while sacrificing a few secrets to insulate and limit what truly sensitive subjects they do not wish to reveal.

Where is the great spotlight of examination on the skeptics, when for example Mr. Shirmer consistently avoids solid cases of extraordinary corroborative power; such as simultaneous ground and air, visual and radar and camera records and no one presses him to the wall on this?

Zero-based reporting is for specials like the just aired NBC Special which had a lot of production money poured into it, lots of glitz and gloss of wrapping, but almost empty inside.

Forget the spooky music, flying many to on site video interviews at the sighting locations, and go through some real reporting diligence and reconstruct the larger picture and immense congruent patterns of serious witnesses.

And for reporter's and reputation's sake bring out that incredible video that is canned and sequestered in high secure locked rooms at the networks and cable giants.

Time for the first real special on UFOs, it will take 3 hours to present and have a lot of investigative reporters, some sources voices disguised and in dark outline. This special will have the office water cooler boiling over with hot rhetoric and say things that will have the nation finally demanding that the owners claim ownership. That we the owners fire the agendas by unelected elites who every one put their pants on one leg at a time and if they can handle the big busy good bad and ugly galaxy, so can we,

Meanwhile the team that produced that monstrosity on Dateline need to apologize and perhaps find different work, maybe checking the dogcatcher to see if he or she is getting free Krispy Creme doughnuts.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


X Conference 2004
     Over the past 57 years there is overwhelming evidence that agencies of the US Government have intentionally withheld and misrepresented data on sightings of extraterrestrial craft. One can understand such an attitude during WWII. It is much harder to justify it now. There is no question that some technical data probably should be withheld. But the fact the planet is being engaged by extraterrestrial space craft should be of concern to all humans. Ignorance is not bliss in this case.

Stanton will touch on the cover-up of the Project Blue Book Special Report #14, the Roswell incident and the disinformation targeting operation Majestic 12. The government was clearly guilty of misrepresentation in the manner in which Project Bluebook was terminated. He will introduce new material from his next book with the working title " Flying Saucers and Science." Stanton likes to refer to debunkers as noisy negativists. He has been taking on these debunkers for 47 years and shows no sign of slowing down. He is a legend in the field and possibly the best known researcher in the world.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

UFO Chased by Cops in Eerie Tale

Flying Saucer MoD X - File
By The Sun

THE release of Britain's very own "X-Files" has uncovered some sensationally spooky tales of alien encounters.
     The UFO reports, documented by the Ministry of Defence, include a sighting which occurred in April 1984 where two cops persued a "flying saucer" spotted by self-confessed sceptic Ruth Novelli.

Mrs Novelli, of Stanmore, Middlesex, has revealed to The Sun the shocking tale that began in her garden and ended up in a police chase.

Friday, May 16, 2008

UFO Perceptions

UFO Perceptions
Stanton Friedman By Stanton Friedman
© 5-1-8

     I see so much false and misleading material about flying saucers and related matters (especially on the internet) that I am sure one could do a column every day pointing out the errors and false claims and still not cover all the garbage. But who would pay somebody to do that? And who would read it anyway?

I very recently received the 2nd issue (April/May 2008) of a new, six times a year, slick magazine from England known as Alien Worlds. The editor/publisher is Stuart Miller who has been busy posting on the internet about UFOs for some time. This issue is in large format with relatively small print, sometimes hard to read for us old guys, often with blue print on black paper. It is glossy and, because of all the color, would be hard to Xerox. There are many articles covering a wide variety of subjects. I strongly disagree with some, but find others of interest. The magazine isn’t cheap costing 3 pounds 99 or about $8.00 US. More information can be obtained from Stuart at The New House, Church Bank, Richmond road, Bowdon, Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 3NW, UK . His email address

Several things caught my eye. One is that there is, somewhat surprisingly, a lot of SETI related material. My new book Flying Saucers and Science has an entire chapter on the cult of SETI.I note that Dr. Ian Morrison head of the Jodrell Bank Observatory in Cheshire, the UK, misrepresents the Fermi Paradox as do most SETI specialists. He says, page 78,“. . . in something like about 10million years, maybe a hundred million years, you could, in principle, colonize the whole galaxy." All the suitable planets. What Fermi said was if that’s possible, then why aren’t they here, why have we never come across any other alien life form?”. Sounds like he wants them to be waiting at the bus stop or airport. This is certainly not what Fermi said though many astronomers would like to believe that is what he said. He actually said (assuming the colonizing capability) “So where is everybody?” Whole books have been written with various answers to the question known as the Fermi Paradox.

My own answer, based on what I heard about Fermi at the University of Chicago (he died while I was there) was that he was very fond of using questions as a teaching tool. One obvious answer (mine) is “We don’t know where all of them are, but we know some are visiting Earth, some few people within the government in intelligence and military circles know a great deal about them and have even recovered wreckage and bodies, tried to shoot them down (see Frank Feschino’s Shoot Them Down), and has been lying about what it knows big time”.

Fermi who, unlike most of the SETI guys, academic astronomers, ancient academics and fossilized physicists who attack ufology, knew very well, from his very important work on the multi Billion Dollar Black Budget Manhattan Project, that huge and very expensive projects involving world class scientists can be conducted in total secrecy… no publications in the Physical Review. Obviously, it is very difficult to justify searching for ET signals with radio telescopes, if aliens are already coming here and some Earthlings know it.

Another article that caught my eye was a relatively brief one (pp16,17) by Paul Kimball (producer of a number of high quality TV Documentaries)Above and Beyond: Ufology’s two Biggest Problems: The Condon Effect and Roswellism. I agree with Paul that the widespread publicity given to the University of Colorado’s loudly proclaimed (by Dr. Edward U. Condon)1969 “scientific” conclusions that there was nothing to UFOs had a devastating effect on many who might have been willing to investigate UFOs, or teach classes, or sponsor PhD theses about them, but had now no willingness to risk their professional reputations by doing so. Membership in NICAP and APRO dropped precipitously. Lazy and busy journalists and scientists now had an excellent excuse to ignore the entire question of UFOs and have very often done so.

There were courageous ufologists such as James E. MacDonald and J. Allen Hynek who pointed out that Condon’s conclusions were contradicted by the data in his report. Their views certainly reached fewer people than the paeans of Condon praise from such reporters as Walter Sullivan, science editor of the New York Times, and the National Academy of Sciences. We slowly seem to be overcoming Condonism ,to some extent illustrating physicist Max Planck’s comment that “New ideas come to be accepted, not because their opponents come to believe in them, but because their opponents die and a new generation grows up that is accustomed to them”.

Paul defines Roswellism “in broad strokes, it is:1.The unequivocal acceptance of the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (i.e.UFOs are alien spacecraft) as fact; 2. The unequivocal acceptance that alien spacecraft crash landed near Roswell in 1947 (and the resulting acceptance that any other crashed flying saucer story may be true) ; and 3. The unequivocal acceptance that the American Government has covered up the truth about 1 and 2 since1947, in an organized conspiracy of silence that represents a “Cosmic Watergate”.

I have very serious problems with these. I and other serious ufologist are skeptical and critical of much in ufology, so unequivocal seems way too strong. There is a very large difference between my conclusion, after intensive study, that SOME UFOs are alien spacecraft, and the notion, implied by Paul, that ufologists believe ALL UFOs are alien spacecraft. I don’t know of any serious ufologist who has expressed the latter view. Yes, I am certainly convinced on the basis of a great deal of evidence that a crashed flying saucer, and bodies, were recovered near Roswell in 1947.I would be the first to point out, as I have, that there is a lot of irrelevant, false nonsense published about Roswell and other crashes. The garbage (much of it published by the government in lying and misleading volumes), has helped obfuscate the truth.

Paul speaks of the “Aztec hoax in the early 1950s”. Scott and Suzanne Ramsey’s outstanding and persistent research on the Aztec event which was in March , 1948, and should be published in book form by the end of 2008, should certainly dispel the label “hoax”.

What does Paul mean by an organized “conspiracy of silence”? I never thought of highly classified research and development and intelligence programs as organized “conspiracies of silence” when working on them. Nice terminology. Certainly the Manhattan Project would qualify wouldn’t it? How about the Corona Spy Satellite successfully launched for the first of many times in 1960 and which obtained more data on Soviet military installations than all the U-2 flights which preceded it, but was not discussed publicly until 1995? What about the NRO’s 7 very expensive Poppy satellites launched to spy on Soviet shipping between 1962 and 1971 and not discussed until 2005? How about the breaking of the German and Japanese codes involving more than 12,000 people and not disclosed for over 25 years?. I guess you could say “Conspiracies of Silence” which sounds ominous. Covering up data about alien visitations and technology is certainly of no less importance to national security than these major multi-billion dollar programs. What is the big deal?

Paul claims “ Roswellism has achieved nothing of substance . . . based on a flawed unproved set of assumptions masquerading as facts.” He doesn’t really point out what these are other than to say it is unscientific, a-historical, and no different than Condon’s methodology. I beg to differ. We point to clear and unambiguous evidence such as first hand testimony from people directly involved such as retired General T.J. DuBose, Major Marcel, Bill Brazel; contemporary press coverage and research demonstrating government and skeptical misrepresentation. Condon ignored the research of his own people and the data in his own report. So are black holes and worm holes unproved, but they are indeed very useful concepts, so what? Roswell has certainly opened a can of worms for the government and caused many people to look at the UFO question in new ways and certainly made debunkers very unhappy. Too bad. Paul seems to want clear and unambiguous tests such as DNA testing and maybe aliens introduced to the Canadian House of Commons. He does provide details of some interesting events at that august body. Many things in science aren’t like that. . . or in law either.

Newton’s laws are very useful in understanding how the universe operates, even though that aren’t correct at the small and large limits of the universe. The biggest source of outright lies about Roswell are the 2 big reports on Roswell provided by the government not by ufologists. What are we supposed to make of crash test dummies, 6’ tall, weighing 175 pounds, dropped in 1953 and thereafter, and later used as an “explanation” for reports of small bodies observed in 1947? What are we to make of Colonel Cavitt’s claim that the Roswell wreckage covered an area 20 feet square and could easily fit in a single car when even the July 9,1947, contemporary cover-up newspaper account said it covered an area 200 yards in diameter. The New York Times front page coverage of the silly Mogul balloon explanation was indeed as bad as Condonism, since Pulitzer Prize winning Journalist William Broad ignored the relevant evidence (Mogul simply doesn’t fit. . . so one must acquit).I demonstrate government UFO lies in an article on my website Cosmic Watergate is the right phrase.

One must further note that there are no licensing regulations for qualifying ufologists. We in the field can do little to keep people from calling themselves ufologists. There are licensing regulations for doctors and lawyers, electricians and plumbers, not ufologists. Certainly the preponderance of the evidence indicates, some UFOs are alien spacecraft, Roswell involved a crashed flying saucer, and there has been a substantial government cover-up concerning many aspects of ufology


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