Friday, October 31, 2008

70 Years Ago Today: Orson Welles Presented H.G. Wells, "War of The Worlds"

By Orson Welles
The Mercury Theatre on the Air
CBS Radio

     Note—In January of 1953 UFO reports collected by the Air Force under the names of Project Sign, Project Grudge and Project Blue Book were analyzed by a panel commissioned by the CIA, known today as the “Robertson Panel” named for its chairman, Howard Percy Robertson, a physicist, and CIA employee; also director of the Defense Department Weapons Systems Evaluation Group (WSEG).

Other panel members included:

Luis W. Alvarez - physicist (and later, a Nobel Prize winner), University of California, Berkeley
Samuel A. Goudsmit - Brookhaven National Laboratories physicist
Thornton L. Page - astrophysicist, deputy director of the Operations Research Office, Johns Hopkins University.
Lloyd V. Berkner - physicist, Carnegie Institution

There were additional “associate panel members” which included Dr. J. Allen Hynek.

Ironically, Welles’ version of War of The Worlds, or more accurately the panic that ensued figured prominently in the recommendations by the panel to begin a “debunking campaign” (re UFO reports) which some believe continues to this day! The panel suggested a PR campaign, using psychiatrists, astronomers and assorted celebrities to significantly reduce public interest in UFO's. It was also recommended that the mass media be used for the debunking, including influential media giants like Walt Disney Corporation—FW.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Argentina: Man Claims Seeing UFO in La Rioja

     A man claimed seeing three unidentified flying objects as he drove his car. He said that his vehicle’s lights increased in brightness and his car radio turned off. This resident of La Rioja [saw the objects] while driving between Villa Union and Villa Cstelli, where he captured them on his cellphone camera.

According to his story, while driving near the site where excavations are being carried out on account of the “Marita” Veron case, the lights in his car increased dramatically in their brightness as the radio faded away.

“The music stoppped immediately and a powerful squealing noise was heard,” said the car’s driver. His identity was kept anonymous.

Next, he says that when the luminous object flew overhead “I immediately took out my cellphone to photograph them” adding that the spectacle “was lovely to see.”


*(Translation (c) 2008 S. Corrales, IHU Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO)

More . . .

See Also:


Argentina: Intense UFO Activity in the Argentinean Delta Region



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Mexico: More UFO Reports from Tamaulipas

By Diana Alvarado

     CIUDAD MADERO, TAMAULIPAS – Over 18 calls have been received at the office of Civil Defense in recent days as citizens report having seen unidentified flying objects (UFOS) accordint to the director of this agency in Ciudad Madero on the Gulf of Mexico.

Roberto Chavez Ortega, Director of Civil Defense, reports that the calls began last Wednesday as several people walked along Playa Miramar, where they claimed to see the UFOS.

”In the past 4 days people have been making calls of this nature, claiming UFO sightings, but we haven’t perceived or seen anything at all. As of Friday, there were 18 calls, but nothing has been confirmed,” he said, adding: “Calls have also been received over the weekend at our offices.”

He added that this is not the first time such a thing has occured in the municipality, which faces the Gulf of Mexico. The majority of these sightings have taken place in the Miramar Beach area, close to an area known as “El Tortuguero”

Reports have been recieved from the municipality of Altamira as well. Some motorists saw “white orbs that moved very quickly” near Avenida de la Industria.

This region of Taumalipas has a urban legend that suggests the existence of an underwater base in the Gulf of mexico, which keeps hurricanes from affecting Tampico, Altamira and Ciudad Madero.

* Source: Diario Hoy Tamaulipas (newspaper)

* (Translation (c) 2008, Scott Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO)

More . . .

See Also:

Mexico City: UFOs Photographed During Blackout




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Argentina: Fleet of UFOs Allegedly Landed in Chicoana

Inexplicata Logo
By Jaime Barrera

     Strange, deep marks left on three wheat fields. Hundred of witnesses reported the event to the police, but law enforcement gave it little importance.

The marks left on the fields measure nearly one meter deep and are geometrical in shape.

A series of strange geometric marks – circular and rectangular – allegedly left behind by UFOs that landed on three wheat fields in Chicoana: at Quebrada de Tilian, to the south of the community; at Pulares, to the west, and next to the Las Mesitas Camp Ground to the north. They have become the great mystery of this community in Valle de Lerma, 35 kilometers south of the capital.

The prints appear to have been made by the “legs” of enormous structures and were seen at dawn last Thursday, after an evening that to hundreds of witnesses was “unreal” because they were able to see “strange lights dancing” above the fields in question, although “at a given moment, they stopped their nearly-erratic movements and remain suspended at low altitude for a considerable amount of time, after which they took off and vanished over the horizon.” This was the description given by perplexed and astonished Raul Martinez, a local resident from San Cayetano, two miles from the Las Mesitas Campground and of one of the wheat fields that was marked with the peculiar cracks.

“We saw the first lights with my son around 3 a.m. and tried to film them, but curiously, our cellphones stopped working, as though they had no batteries in them. It was a wild succession of flashing colors that died down and appeared to form part of an enormous framework. I saw this phenomenon for five minutes. Later, whatever landed on the field, the source of the flashes, took off and went away at an astonishing speed. Our cellphones worked normally after that,” explained Martinez.

Moreover, students from the Maria Valdivieso Rural School #588 in Villa Fanny, at Quebrada del Tilian, seven kilometers south of Chicoana, also witnessed the phenomenon, which took place at a considerable distance from the northern accessway to the locality. Its characteristics were nearly identical. “We tried to phone the police to report what was happening, but our cellphones wouldn’t work.”

“The spectacle lasted around five minutes and no one could record the images because our cameras weren’t working,” said another student. The next day, they discovered the same geometric shapes in one of the wheat fields.

But that wasn’t all: six kilometers west of Chicoana, in the vicinity of Pulares, locals also claimed having seen a light show that took place during the same span of time and at the same hour. A seal identical to the other two was left behind here. Impressions measuring a meter or more in depth and of equally unexplained origin.

It is interesting to note that the vertexes of the three “affected areas” can form an isosceles triangle, so to speak. At the triangle’s heart can be found the infamous La Candelaria and El Antigal mountains, the scene of three fatal air accidents, all of them caused by unexplained systems failures.

The Villa Fanny shelter school has 100 students. That night, 80 of them were present and all claim having witnessed the luminous phenomenon. Neighbors of the little school say that animals hid when the lights manifested, even though no noise was heard.

Residents of Chicoana as well as numerous tourists pulled up in their cars on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday to photograph and look at the strange marks that were left on the wheat field located next to the access road to the town.

Federico Arnaldo Gutierrez, a technician with Nortevision Satelital, a local TV station, was one of the few who crossed the barbed wire fence and inspected the marks. “It’s very odd. The soil looked like something extremely heavy had landed on it. Wheat was flattened but not cut. There were no signs of burning or anything similar, only the geometrical marks.”

Graciela, a biology instructor who also arrived with her camera to take pictures of the figures left behind in the fields, remarked: “This area has a wealth of strange phenomena and UFO sightings. Remember that over the past 15 years three aircraft plummeted from the sky and in all cases, the reasons were the same. Their instruments stopped working, just like what happened to those who saw the colored lights on Thursday morning and tried to photograph them, but couldn’t because their instruments didn’t work.”

Authorities with the Chicoana Sheriff’s Department did not comment. One law enforcement officer, who asked to remain anonymous because “I’m about to issue a personal opinion that shouldn’t be construed as an official story” informed El Tribuno that many remarks “had indeed been received about the situation, but no one wants to make a written complaint. In my opinion, all of these marks are the result of wind and rain.”

However, after consulting the weather bureau, there was no precipitation or strong wind during previous days or on the days that the events occurred. And should this be the case, why were the marks only on three wheat fields and not all of them, which can be found in the hundreds?

José Silva, principal of School 558, whose students witnessed the events, ventured an opinion: “I’ve lived here for ten years and had never seen marks like this. I reject the possibility that they were caused by nature or made by someone. It’s weird, very weird.”

Children living in the shelter also told El Tribuno that those of them with cellphones, and who saw the lights, tried to take pictures and couldn’t. “My aunt,” said Pedro, 13, “lives near the school and has a video device. The same thing happened to her. It didn’t work, as though its batteries had run out.”

Silva adds: “I never saw anything like it. If people are saying that the prints were produced by the lights, let’s be clear about one thing: lights are weightless,” concludes the principal.

* Source: www.informatesalta.

* (Translation (c) 2008, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Luis Burgos and Guillermo Gimenez)

More . . .

See Also:

RAF Radar Chief: I Saw UFO Fleet




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Monday, October 27, 2008

'Flying Saucer' is Found in New Mexico!

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Flying Saucer is Found in New Mexico - Walla Walla Union-Bulletin 7-8-1947
Flying Saucer is Found in New Mexico - Walla Walla Union-Bulletin 7-8-1947 (Body A)Flying Saucer is Found in New Mexico - Walla Walla Union-Bulletin 7-8-1947 (Body B)Flying Saucer is Found in New Mexico - Walla Walla Union-Bulletin 7-8-1947 (Adendum)
By The Walla Walla Union-Bulletin


UFO Over Shreveport (A)
By Jeff Ferrell

     SHREVEPORT, LA (KSLA) - Caught on tape: A mysterious object recently filmed above Shreveport's Downtown Airport. But, there's debate tonight whether it's a UFO or just a big balloon.

The video of the mysterious object came to us from local flight instructor Kevin Morris. He told us a fellow pilot, Charles Corder, captured the images back on Thursday, October 9th at 10:30 in morning, while using his home video camera. We slowed down the video to get a better view and remove much of the shaking.

Morris said he's been told it hovered about 10-thousand feet in the air and appeared about 80-feet long. The best view on the 4-minute-long recording comes when the object turns sidewides, revealing a dozen or so round structures running the length of the object. After about 5-minutes, it reportedly flew away towards the Shreveport Regional Airport.

UFO Over Shreveport (D)
But after the broadcast of KSLA News 12 Sunday at 5:30 p.m. (10/26), an amateur photographer sent us a picture that he took, of what appears to be the same object. But, Paul Pickett came to an entirely different conclusion.

UFO Over Shreveport (B)
Pickett said, to him, the object appeared no higher than 2-thousand feet in the skies above downtown Shreveport. He also estimated its size as just 20-feet long and looked like shiny rubber, possibly a balloon floating with the wind.

UFO Over Shreveport (C)
Those who saw the object at the downtown airport called Radar Approach Control, better known as RAPCON, a civilian facility at Barksdale Air Force Base. But, they did not report seeing anything on their radar. And, we're told that radar is sensitive enough to pick-up a flock of birds. Perhaps another viewer, like Pickett, will give us even more information to help solve this mystery.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

They'rrre Back! UFOs Filmed Over Stephenville . . . Again

UFOs Sighted Over Stephenville Again

      STEPHENVILLE — Over a three-month period this summer there were 1,000 UFO sightings filed with the National UFO Reporting Center.

Some 75 of those UFOs were reported over the state of Texas.

Stephenville is one hot spot we've shown you before.

Now the small town is getting buzzed by UFOs again and we have the video.

"You could see the oval shape. Got my friend, I said 'dude, you got to come look at this,'" said Andy Monrreal.

UFOs Over Stephenville 10-25-08 (C)
Monrreal was hanging out with his Dublin High School friends when they all saw something they say looked like a UFO.

"You could see a shape. It was like a complete circle," said Monrreal.

He rolled off a half minute of video on his mom's digital camera.

His dad saw it too.

"I never seen nothing like that in my life. Big lights and everything," his father said.

So did mom.

"It was a round thing. You could see lights around it, flickering and changing. It was awesome. Just turning and flickering," she said.

Back in January, Erath County went UFO crazy after a handful of people reported similar lights over Stephenville.

International press and UFO hunters descended on the town.

This time, many more eye witnesses are phoning the Stephenville Empire Tribune or the ET.

UFOs Return Over Stephenville 10-25-08 (B)
Reporter Whitney Ashley said many people don't want to talk publicly, like several workers at the paper, who also saw the lights.

"I've got at least 10 right now willing to go on record," Ashley said.

"The sheriff's department got lots of calls in the southern part of Erath County."

Down around Dublin, home of DR Pepper.

The Joint Reserve Base in Fort Worth confirms seven F-16s training in the area at the time.

Several witnesses told us they saw the fighters, after they saw the mysterious lights.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ex-RAF Man Tells of UFOs Encounter

UFOs on Radar
By Ben Bentley
The Shopshire Star

     It was out of the blue on a clear summer’s afternoon when the UFOs came.

Retired RAF air traffic control supervisor Alan Turner, from Shrewsbury, remembers it only too well – it’s a moment he has kept secret for more than 35 years.

“The radar room was completely darkened and you had the glow of the radar tubes and there were six people on three consoles, then myself and a duty NCO, plus the co-co-ordination team, so there were ten pairs of eyes in total,” says Alan recalling the scene in the air traffic control operations room at RAF Sopley, Hampshire, in 1971.

“I was sitting at a desk waiting to see if anything might happen when I heard somebody shout ‘What was that?’ I leaned over to the chap who had shouted and he pointed to four blips coming into radar cover east of the Salisbury Plain danger area, an area where the military fire guns.

“We had blips coming into radar cover at 3,000 feet climbing very fast and tracking south east at speed, and you had six or seven of them, all climbing, with one in excess of 60,000 feet. It was constant for about 20 to 25 minutes – that means there would have been 35 to 40 of them.”

Now aged 67, Alan says “UFOs are a fact and I don’t care who knows” and is suspicious of the shroud of secrecy thrown up in the wake of his experience.

He says normally controllers would be told in advance of any aircraft flying in the area that might initially seem to be unexplained and which could cause alarm, but on this occasion there was no word, no explanation from the MoD.

As the supervisor of the control room, he immediately contacted Heathrow Airport to see if they knew anything.

“They could see the same thing,” says Alan. “I contacted fighter control at Suffolk and they could see them as well.”

At his home in Monkmoor, he tells how he scrambled a bomber to fly in and take a closer look. A quarter of a mile from the suspect objects the pilot became concerned, telling Alan over the radio: “I don’t know what that was but it was shifting like the clappers.”

Alan impounded the radar tapes and submitted his operations report to the squadron leader.

Everyone who’d been in the radar room that day was also filed reports on what they had seen and a couple of days later were summoned to an interview with two faced men who did not identify themselves.

“Everybody was interviewed separately and as supervisor I was first and last,” Alan continues. “I was introduced to them as Flight Officer Turner – I had no idea who they were. We were all told later – in no uncertain terms – not to talk about it, so we didn’t.”

Of course, Shropshire has become a hotspot for UFO sightings and groups flock to the county, but on the whole these have been anecdotal and largely explained in some quarters as being aircraft taking part in military operations from one of the nearby RAF airbases.

On the wild side, there have even been reports of people claiming they have been abducted by aliens – not a belief that Alan subscribes, although when he delivers a keynote speech to the International UFO Conference tomorrow in Pontefract, West Yorkshire, he admits that he has been asked to meet one woman who says that just this happened to her.

Other people have reported unidentified lights in the sky that have been verified by independent sightings.

“Shropshire is a major area for aircraft training so you get a lot more activity – I’m sure 99 per cent of sightings can be explained but there’s always that odd blip that can not.”

With any so-called UFO sightings there are sceptics and theorists. Alan was taken to task by a professor at Sheffield University who claimed the ‘blips’ he witnessed were most probably Lightning aircraft.

“I wrote him three sides of A4 as to why they were not aircraft,” he says, explaining that the MoD at the time had a total fleet of only around 40 and there wouldn’t be a commander on earth who would fly the lot at the same time.

“And Lightnings are loud – are you telling me that Joe Public would not have heard something?”

Until recent weeks, Alan, who later rose to the rank of Wing Commander, has only talked about what he saw that day on his radar screen with close pals. He reveals that an RAF colleague from Church Stretton who manned the north of England radar had seen similar unknown objects on their screens – objects that “defied all logic”.

He also knows people in the county “with all their brain cells in the right order” who have seen unexplained objects with the naked eye, and whose reports Alan believes in.

If he never talked about his own mystery sightings, his curiosity about them never waned. Now he wants the public to know that UFOs – whatever they are – quite possibly do exist.

“I had no idea what they were but I do keep an open mind – I tracked something that was unknown. I would like to think they were aircraft but I don’t think it was. You cannot get that many in the same place without somebody knowing about it.

“I did not speak about it until I retired because of professional integrity. People look at you and say ‘you are mad’.

“Well I’m not mad.”

He adds: “I think it’s arrogant to think that we are alone. I don’t think we are but I’ve got no proof.”

". . . The Most Convincing Evidence of Aliens Ever Filmed"

UFO Over Turkey
Is The Truth Really Out There...?

By Mike McCarthy
Sky News

UFO enthusiasts at a conference in the UK have described newly released footage as the most convincing evidence of aliens ever filmed.

     The video, captured by a security guard in Turkey, appears to show various alien craft in the sky above Istanbul at different times throughout this year.

At one point two apparently alien beings can be seen in what seems to be the cockpit of a UFO.

Another sequence captures an arc of light along the edge of what could be described as a sleek airborne object.

Although the images are indistinct, Haktan Arkdogan of Turkey's UFO research centre, claims that they have been scientifically analysed and verified.

"This is no hoax," he told Sky News. "The footage represents an important development in our understanding of UFOs and alien life beyond our planet."

Mr Arkdogan is on a world lecture tour trying to convince both believers and sceptics that the material should be taken seriously.

His attempts have been received enthusiastically at the UFO DATA magazine conference being held in Pontefract.

One of the organisers, Philip Mantle, said that the footage is rightly attracting a lot of attention.

He said: "I have been involved in UFO research for thirty years and I have never seen anything quite like this.

"Normally we get pictures that amount to no more than blobs in the distance. This is the clearest evidence I have ever come across."

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Looks Like Flying Saucers On Radar, Air Force Has Fingers Crossed

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Looks Like Flying Saucers  St Petersburg Times  7-29-1952
By Drew Pearson
St Petersburg Times

"Fire a Full Salvo of Rockets at the UFO."

UFO Pursuit
Retired pilot explains 1957 UFO incident

By Nicholas Spangler
The Miami Herald

     KENDALL, Fla. — If you believe former fighter pilot Milton Torres' story — and news organizations are running with it — the Air Force was seconds from attacking an alien aircraft over England late one cloudy night in 1957.

Possible interstellar war was averted when the unidentified flying object sped away.

"It was not made of this Earth," said Torres, 77, a retired Florida International University engineering professor. "I'd love to take a tour of that ... UFO, whatever it was."

The account was included in thousands of pages of UFO-related documents recently declassified by the British Ministry of Defense and posted online. To everyone's surprise, the truth was not just out there, but in Florida, where Torres lives with his wife, Dorothy.

By midweek, he'd done a television interview with Great Britain's Sky News and been featured on "Good Morning America." "Nightline" had panned across pictures of him as a young lieutenant. Reporters were calling hourly, and Dorothy was leaving the phone off the hook at night.

Torres' account begins with him scrambling his F-86D Sabre jet from an airfield in Kent, near the southeast coast, to intercept what he has since called a UFO circling East Anglia.

Ground control vectored him in at top speed, around 700 mph, and gave the order to "fire a full salvo of rockets at the UFO."

From 15 miles away, he locked on to a target as big as an aircraft carrier, according to his radar screen. He was on course to intercept in 10 seconds but still hadn't seen the thing when it started to move away. Within seconds, the UFO was off lock; it soon vanished.

Back at the airfield, Torres was told the mission would be considered classified. The next day, an American who looked "like a well-dressed IBM salesman, with a dark-blue trench coat," debriefed him and warned he would be breaching national security if he talked about what had happened.

Looking back, Torres said he's glad he never got a shot off that night; surely a craft capable of moving as that one did would have had weapons systems to match. "I would have been vaporized," he said.

"Just a dumb little kid going to slaughter."

He's angry, convinced that the British and U.S. governments have information they're not sharing; and wistful, because he believes he'll never know the truth. "We can't be alone out here," he said.

The phone then rang, CNN on the line.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Italian Pilot Recounts 'Near Miss' with UFO

Near Miss with UFO
UFO encounter described by Italian pilot

By Nick Squires
The Telegraph

     Captain Achille Zaghetti was flying from Milan to Heathrow when he and his co-pilot saw a mysterious khaki-coloured, missile-shaped object streaking across the sky above the Kent countryside.

The 10ft-long UFO came so close to the airliner that Capt Zaghetti shouted "Look out! Look out!" to his co-pilot, who also spotted the object.

"It was shaped like a cigar and passed very close, about 300 metres on the right, or 1,000ft," Capt Zaghetti told Italian newspapers, recalling the incident over Lydd, Kent, in 1991.

"It was military beige in colour. My co-pilot and I estimated that it was about three metres long. It was in the evening – around 8 or 9pm – when it is still light at altitude but dark on the ground," said Capt Zaghetti, who lives in Grosseto, Tuscany.

"It could have caused a terrible accident. If you're flying at 700 kilometres an hour, hitting an object of 1kg is like hitting something which weighs 700kg." The UFO was seen on radar by air traffic controllers at Heathrow, who were guiding a British Airways flight into land.

Capt Zaghetti asked the control tower: "Do you see something behind me?" Twenty or 30 seconds later Heathrow officials affirmed that there was an object near the airliner.

The incident was described in MoD files released this week by the National Archive.

Defence officials ruled out the possibility of the object being a British or American missile and said the sighting had no rational explanation.

"In the absence of any clear evidence which could be used to identify the object, it is our intention to treat this sighting like that of any other Unidentified Flying Object," the MoD concluded.

Capt Zaghetti said the object was definitely not a weather balloon and resembled instead the sort of long-distance fuel tanks that fighter aircraft sometimes carry.

He was later contacted by a counter-terrorism official from an American agency who asked for more details about the encounter.

He said he was glad his co-pilot had seen the UFO too because he did not want to be accused of being a fantasist. "And we had to visit the doctors every six months," Capt Zaghetti added, saying there were no doubts about his health at the time.


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