On July 16, 1945, Los Alamos had secretly tested the first atomic bomb in the desert near Alamogordo; bombs two and three were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan on August 6th and 9th respectively, thus ending World War II and ushering in the Nuclear Age. Not long thereafter, according to the declassified documents, someone piloting “flying discs” or “flying saucers” began to monitor America’s atomic and thermonuclear weapons program on an ongoing basis.
Information uncovered by Hastings and other researchers reveals that intermittent UFO surveillance of Los Alamos, and other nuclear weapons-related sites, continued throughout and the Cold War era and beyond, occurring as recently as 2006. One Air Force document declassified in 1977 reveals that several UFOs maneuvered near a number of Minuteman nuclear missile sites outside of Malmstrom AFB, Montana, in November 1975. Some of those objects, which alternately hovered and flew around at high velocity, were also tracked on radar and chased, unsuccessfully, by jet fighters. One UFO was reported by missile security personnel to have an “orange white disc” appearance.
These dramatic incidents occurred some six years after the Air Force closed down Project Blue Book—its supposedly definitive UFO investigation—claiming that it had terminated the project because there was no evidence that UFOs posed a threat to national security. However, another now-declassified USAF document states that “Reports of unidentified flying objects which affect national security...are not a part of the Blue Book system.” Of course, the American public was never officially informed of this fact, which only became known after the document’s release years later. Researchers now have evidence that national security-related UFO incidents, including the missile base cases, were actually investigated by the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (OSI) and various counter-intelligence groups.
Hastings will also present stunning testimony from a few of the 100-plus former or retired U.S. Air Force personnel he has interviewed, who were involved in one or more of UFO incidents at nuclear missile sites over the years. According to those sources—which include missile launch officers, targeting officers, and maintenance personnel—missiles malfunctioned on a number of occasions, at different bases during the 1960s and ‘70s, just as UFOs were sighted hovering above their underground silos, or above their launch control facilities.
In other words, if nuclear war with the Soviet Union had erupted during any of those incidents, the affected missiles—which displayed what the Air Force refers to as a “Guidance and Control NO-GO” error—would have sat useless in their silos.
Even more shocking than those cases is the incident reported by former Minuteman missile launch officer David H. Schuur, who was stationed at Minot AFB, North Dakota, in the mid-1960s. According to Schuur, late one night, a UFO actually activated most of the ten missiles he controlled. At the time, he was in the underground Echo Flight Launch Control Capsule, receiving frantic calls from missile security guards topside, who were reporting an extremely bright object in the sky which rapidly moved from missile to missile, briefly hovering over each one. As the UFO lingered, that particular missile’s “Launch in Progress” button suddenly lit up on the control panel in the capsule. Schuur states that he had to quickly press an "Inhibit" circuit button to override the launch command apparently being sent to each missile by the UFO.
Schuur told Hastings that he does not know whether the missiles would have actually launched, had he not disrupted their countdown sequence, because several other “spurious indicators” had simultaneously appeared on his missile-readiness display panel. Significantly, a nearly identical incident occurred in Soviet Ukraine, on October 4, 1982, according to two retired Soviet Army officers interviewed by ABC News in 1994. The reporter, David Ensor, later worked at CNN as the network’s Chief National Security Correspondent.
Hastings has researched the UFO-Nukes Connection since 1973 and has been invited to speak about his findings at over 500 U.S. colleges and universities since 1981. He has just returned from two international lectures, in Stockholm Sweden and Curitiba, Brazil. His book, UFO and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites, is available ONLY at www.ufohastings.com
First half:
Guests include James Fox, Fife Symington, General Wilfred De Brouwer and Edgar Mitchell.
Fox is a filmmaker whose UFO documentary "Out of the Blue" is considered to be a "must-see" by Hastings and many other researchers.
Symington is the former governor of Arizona, and a former USAF officer, who saw a mile-wide, boomerang-shaped UFO with a string of bright lights on its leading edge, move silently over Phoenix on the evening of March 13, 1997. This object was officially explained away by the U.S. Air Force as several military flares dropped from helicopters. Symington kept his silence about the dramatic sighting for nearly a decade. Hundreds of other people in Phoenix have reported seeing the same huge object that night.
De Brouwer is a retired Belgian Air Force general, who publicly announced, on June 22, 1990, that the BAF had flown numerous UFO-intercept missions in 1989 and 1990. Some of the UFOs were tracked on radar, performing maneuvers that would have destroyed any known aircraft.
Edgar Mitchell is a former NASA Apollo astronaut who walked on the moon. He has recently stated that the U.S. government knows that UFOs exist and are extraterrestrial.
Guests include Hastings, Fox, Seth Shostak, Bill Nye.
Shostak is an astronomer with the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute and a UFO debunker.
Nye, best known as "Bill Nye the Science Guy" is a science-explainer and a UFO debunker.
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