A Review
By Suzanne Ramsey
Last month my husband Scott and I attended and spoke at the Smith Mountain Lake UFO Conference. Here are a few notes I jotted down in reference to this conference and thought you might enjoy reading them.
We have know the hosts of this conference, Rob and Sue Swiatek for several years and always enjoy our time with them, so when invited us to the conference, we were excited to attend.
The conference was intimate in size, but mighty in talent. Each speaker brought new information to the table.
Rob Swiatek is a fascinating person as well as a speaker. Having been involved with aeronautics, astronautics and UFO’s in both official and non-official capacities since he was young, Rob brings a comprehensive look at UFO’s as few others can. This particular lecture covered a historical comparison of several countries and their methods of documenting UFO Sightings. Rob has the ability to help us step back and see the “big picture” at the same time paying careful attention to details.
Cameron Pack – this young man knocked our socks off. His introduction to the world of UFO’s began with a sighting that he and a friend had experienced. This moved Cameron to go to his local police department in Virginia Beach, Virginia and ask for any records that they had on UFO Sightings in the area. The police department handed the reports over to him. Cameron combed over and over the reports, with each one his interest in the topic deepened. In time, he began noticing commonalities and distinctions in the reports. This led him to back track information leads him to some exciting conclusions.
We look forward to see more information from Cameron as he has now broadened his research interest to additional sightings outside of his living vicinity.
(On a personal note, it was nice to see a young person with the concern for accuracy that Cameron is showing. Although I’m sure that there are others that are serious researchers, many seem to be focused on what they can pull up on the internet or hear say, which may be entertaining, but not necessarily truth. John Greenwalde is another young man who fits in to the category of truth seeker.) Keep up the good work gentlemen.
Antonio Huneeus- Although we had long been admirers of Antonio’s UFO Research, neither Scott or I had ever met or seen his presentation before. What an absolutely brilliant man! This multi lingual, international traveler has researched and documented UFO sightings worldwide. Antonio has seen the highs and lows of the study of UFO through out his life time taking him as far as the United Nations on behalf of Ufology. A bonus is he is able to overcome language and cultural barriers that give a more accurate experience.
If you have an chance to see him lecture of visit with him, DO NOT MISS the opportunity.
Susan Swiatek began her interest in UFO’s as a child and the interest continues. Currently she is the MUFON Virginia State Director and is active with the Fund for UFO Research. Susan shared actual case information and interviews that she has investigated in Virginia. The statistics and details she shared were great, but it doesn’t began to describe the delightful person that she is. Susan has a balance of brains and fun that is difficult to find. Plus…she was the hostess with the mostess for the conference. (Thanks again, Susan!)
Granville Angell- His lecture was on “Are we prepared to know the truth about our shared universe? Cover-up persists: thoughts on why”.
Granville is a deeply caring man who focuses on our health and well-being in preparation for contact with alien beings and other worldly forces. Granville asks questions, gives tools and examples of keeping a spiritual balance when dealing with Ufology. Step by step he walks you in a gentle manner down a path of light.
Scott and Suzanne Ramsey- I didn’t see this presentation, (Ha! Ha!) We created an informal setting where we could interact with the audience very closely. This was a rare opportunity for a closeness with the group that opened up some great questions and conversation.
This was a late evening presentation and although we were all saturated with great information from the speakers all day long, we could have easily spoken another hour about the Crash/Landing of 1948 in Aztec, New Mexico.
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