Carefree Times gets a taste of the X-Files
By Preston Westmoreland
The Carefree Times Blog
© 2008-2009
Several years ago, a grizzled miner came up to me one night in Cave Creek, after I emceed a "Meet the Candidates" forum, and what he said shocked me. .I only knew this man as "Pete the Miner" who worked the famous Mistress Mine near Seven Springs. "You're not going to believe this," he said, "but a friend of mine watched some government agents back in the late 1940's, recover and truck away wreckage of what looked like a flying saucer. He told me to look it up in the book by Timothy Good "Above Top Secret." Sure enough, on page 394, there it was, a description of a UFO crash just south of the present-day Carefree Highway. So the story goes, the Cave Creek landfill was placed there to cover the site. The landfill is closed now.

Debris along with dirt were trucked down to be placed in the Dreamy Draw Dam along Northern Avenue, a dam that many experts say was never necessary, and finally, Cave Creek Road was "bent" or aligned further to the east.

More . . .
* Special Thanks To Preston Westmoreland
See Also:
Phoenix Man Claims To Have Seen UFO Crash 50 Years Ago!
Aztec UFO Crash of 1948
- The England Connection -

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