By James Carrion
Follow The Magic Thread
Editor's Note: The Romanek's were offered the opportunity to present a rebuttal to Mr. Carrion's previous OPED found here, and the same proffer is attached in this instance-FW

- The word fallow shows up in Stan's original UFO reports to the National UFO Reporting Center.
- The word fallow shows up in the UFO report to the National UFO Reporting Center by a 3rd party witness that allegedly had no relationship to Stan Romanek but corroborates one of his sightings.
- The word fallow shows up in an alleged Air Force document that Stan mysteriously received in his mailbox, subject "Project Romanek".
- The word fallow shows up on the Jeff Rense website in an online posting by alleged physicist John Mannon who supports Stan's story.
- The word fallow shows up on the Above TopSecret.com website in a posting by another alleged physicist (TommyBoy) who supports Stan's claims.
Now I have said it before and I will say it again, if the Romaneks want to prove their claims, then they should release ALL of their alleged video and photo evidence for the world and independent researchers to examine and analyze. Instead they have tried to paint that I am on some sort of personal vendetta to discredit their claims. Taking their claims to the airwaves and the blogs with "I don't know how that word got there" and "it is really no big deal" counter arguments is not going to settle this matter. Neither is trying to portray this as MUFON vs Romanek or Carrion vs Romanek.
So critical thinkers, put on your thinking caps and weigh the evidence, and if you are a statistician, take it a step further and calculate the odds. Are you fallowing me here?
* Special Thanks To James Carrion
More . . .
See Also:
Self-Proclaimed 'Alien Abductee,' Stan Romanek Arrested for Child Porn
Man Claims Aliens Send Him Messages
Space Alien Video Lands in Denver: Was it Real or Fake?
Lost in Space
The Stan Romanek Saga
"Jeff Peckman May be Spaced Out, but Alien Expert Stan Romanek is The Real Little Green Man"
Man Claims Aliens Send Him Messages
Stan Romanek:
Point - Counterpoint With James Carrion Vs Rick Nelson
Stan Romanek Threatens Lawsuit
Digging Away
Using Your Own Common Sense in UFO Investigations
Lisa Romanek Offers Up 'Bob Bicksler' with Claimed Sworn Testimony in Heated Debate with MUFON Head, James Carrion
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