By Frank Warren
The UFO Chronicles
Reports are coming in that a 6-year-old-child climbed into a “homemade flying saucer“ presumably a helium filled saucer-shaped mylar balloon. It is reported that the child is trapped aboard alone and the balloon is estimated to about 7000’ altitude. The UFO Chronicles
Local law enforcement and emergency services are investigating and Warren Air Force Base has also been contacted to render assistance.
Larimer County Sheriff's Department, stated the boy's family had been building an "experimental aircraft" at their home on Fossil Ridge Road in Fort Collins; the boy got onto the aircraft and detached the rope holding it in place and it lifted off.
The Flying Saucer balloon is purported to be 20 foot by 5 foot covered with foil, or mylar.
The FAA is tracking the aircraft via radar and has notified the Denver International Airport.
The balloon was last seen two miles south of Evans, near County Road 46 and Highway 85. Local news media is tracking the balloon.
Live video from various news feeds show the the balloon either was not fully inflated or is expelling gas. Lack of oxygen as it rises, as well as cold temperatures are paramount in regards to the safety of the child.
The Flying Saucer balloon finally lands--child not aboard--search is on!!
Story developing . . .
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