Sunday, October 25, 2009

SHOCKER: Esteemed Author, Writer, Mac Tonnies Dead at 34!

Remembering Mac Tonnie
By Frank Warren
The UFO Chronicles

     Nick Redfern and Greg Bishop over at UFOMystic have reported that their good friend Mac Tonnies was found dead Thursday afternoon of apparent "natural causes!"

The "shock & awe" of this news is rippling throughout the UFO community and elsewhere given Tonnies' young age and apparent good health.

On Thursday Greg Bishop wrote:
"Nick just called to tell me that our friend and colleague Mac Tonnies was found in his apartment this (Thursday) afternoon, apparently dead of natural causes. There was no evidence of foul play or suicide according to a close friend.'

From Mac's web-site at re his bio, it reads:
After the Martian Apocalypse By Mac TonniesI'm a Kansas City, Missouri-based author and essayist. I blog daily at Posthuman Blues and tweet religiously. My latest book is After the Martian Apocalypse (Paraview Pocket Books, 2004), a speculative and generally well-received examination of extraterrestrial intelligence on the Red Planet. I'm presently at work on a new non-fiction book titled The Cryptoterrestrials: Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens Among Us, excerpts of which I've posted on my blog. If you're in the mood for a multiplex Fortean anthology, my essay "The Ancients Are Watching" is included in 2008's Darklore Vol. II. (My first book, Illumined Black, is a collection of naively "Blade Runner"-ish science fiction short-stories. It can still be found in used-book stores and on . . .
[Further details can be found here.]

Yesterday Nick wrote:
Mac was a great thinker and a thoughtful individual. He was a person with much to say and who had the skills to say it, too. And, with the manuscript of his planned book The Cryptoterrestrials nearly completed, I truly believe that Mac was about to come into his own in the Fortean field on a very large scale indeed.
An accurate summation, as Tonnies was a very intelligent, articulate individual; he was at the beginning of what surely would have otherwise been a lengthy collective of future, thought provoking literary contributions.

For a look into the man, and a sampling of his wit and savoir-faire listen to an interview conducted at The Paracast found here.

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