By Frank Warren
The UFO Chronicles
© 12-1-09
Denver, Colorado — City Clerk and Recorder Stephanie O'Malley formerly acknowledged to advocate, Jeff Peckman that the signatures required to propose the creation of an “ET Affairs Commission” is sufficient. Residents will have the opportunity to vote the commission in—or not, on August 10th of next year in a citywide election. The UFO Chronicles
© 12-1-09
Peckman’s “Alien Initiative” was borne last year around May and quickly attained national attention in conjunction with then talks of releasing video footage of a real alien, i.e., the “Stan Romanek video.” The commission and alien video fodder precipitated appearances on various entertainment shows e.g., Letterman, The Larry King Show et al.
This isn’t Peckman’s first rodeo; back in 2003 he introduced the “Safety Through Peace Initiative 101”; had it become law, it would have required the city to employ public stress-reduction measures - such as group meditation sessions, playing relaxing music in public buildings, and changing menus in schools to more “natural” meals.
The measure was soundly defeated in November of the same year, and Peckman’s opponents likened him to a snake-oil salesman, stating that it was all hype, and Peckman was making false promises
His latest concoction, the proposed, ET Affairs Commission would consist of anywhere from a 7 to 18 member panel; their duties would be to “collect information about aliens and how we can peacefully co-exist with them.”
As it was with his previous ballot follies, his detractors, including many on the Denver City council believe that the problem lies in part with how the “quota” is established for the criteria to get a measure or initiative on the ballot; currently, the protocol only requires a small percentage of the total votes (in signatures) of the previous mayoral election, which according to public records has been lackluster. Mainstream critics argue that this “loophole” opens the door for frivolous pursuits re ballot initiatives and is a waste of time and money.
From a Ufological standpoint, and speaking for only myself Peckman’s antics do the field no favors.
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