Monday, March 01, 2010

UFOs, Ghost Lights, St Elmos Fire . . . What is The Phenomenon Known as 'The Brown Mountain Lights?'

Bright Lights that Hypnotize: Mysterious Aerial Illuminations

By Micah Hanks
Mysterious Universe

     Occasionally we see strange things in the sky that defy logic, and inspire the imagination to wonder whether odd facets of our existence are actually acting on us in our daily lives in ways we can’t comprehend. For the most part, these occurrences are completely random happenings; a mere matter of being “at the right place at the right time.” But what happens when you have locations around the world where anomalous activity not only occurs repeatedly, but predictably?

. . . Dubbed “The Brown Mountain Lights” by the locals, the lights are actually seen all throughout the Lineville Gorge, and are variously described as bright, glowing orbs of colored light that manifest and drift slowly upward, sometimes behaving so strangely that witnesses have been led to wonder whether they might somehow be “controlled” by external forces. . . .

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