By Hillshire Times
MEET the Hills man who has been dubbed Australia’s version of the X-Files’ agent Fox Mulder.5-10-10
West Pennant Hills scientist Bill Chalker has been investigating unidentified flying objects for more than 30 years, including a sighting at Baulkham Hills in 2007.
He first became interested in UFOs in 1966 when there were several sightings in Queensland and Victoria and a lot of physical evidence was left behind.
“Most sightings tend to be explainable but some of them just don’t seem to make sense or fit into anything obvious,” Mr Chalker said.
“It is these cases which aren’t readily explainable which interest me the most, especially those where physical traces are left behind, like marks on the ground.”
Mr Chalker has written several books on the subject including The OZ Files: The Australian UFO Story, Hair of the Alien: DNA and Other Forensic Evidence of Alien Abduction.
He has even investigated a significant sighting in Baulkham Hills.
“In 2007 a security guard from a factory building was on a night shift sitting in the watch house when he noticed just beyond the building in a space between some trees a large disc-shaped object with a rotating light effect inside of it,” Mr Chalker said.
“The experienced security guard said he had a camera on him and as he walked out of the watch house decided to take a quick picture of the object.
“He then experienced the object come towards him and then go back and disappear.”
Mr Chalker said a very similar incident happened a couple of weeks later on Australia Day in Riverwood where a woman reported an “disc shaped object” flying in between her townhouse and her neighbour’s house.
“Her encounter happened in a matter of minutes and was very similar to the Baulkham Hills security guard’s,” he said.
Mr Chalker will talk about his latest investigations in Adelaide in June and welcomes information from anyone who has physical evidence of a UFO.
People can contact him at PO Box 42, West Pennant Hills 2125.
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