The source of this report, who I shall refer to as ML, told me an extraordinary story about how one morning, around 6.30 am, he and his wife were returning home after babysitting at their daughter’s house when they saw a huge object hovering over a field, to the right of the road that they were driving on. At the time of the sighting, it was a bright dawn with a clear, blue sky. ML had spotted the object first through the trees and, whilst trying to keep it in sight, nearly | By Ananda Sirisena The UFO Chronicles Copyright © Ananda Sirisena 2010 |
ML informed me that the object was, in his estimation, many hundreds of feet in length, with pastel lights all around it that appeared to pulsate softly. ML further described it as “cloud-like”, saying that the colours around the object were like “moving clouds”. It is possible the object was surrounded by a cloudy mist, perhaps a camouflage, or its colour was a cloudy grey.
The couple observed the object for a short while, which ML estimated to be a few minutes. He had gotten out of the van and climbed up on the bonnet (hood) to get a better look. I asked ML to sketch the object. He was able to do this in a matter of a minute or so. I took him outside to look at the sky and asked him to give me an approximation of the angle subtended by the object. That is, it’s length as it appeared to the naked eye. The figure below is the first sketch made by ML. It shows a classic “flying saucer” shape.

When ML told me where he had stopped the van, I realized that they had been very close to a sensitive Ministry of Defence (MOD) property! The couple were just past Church Lane, located on Burghfield Road, as it approached the M4 motorway, near the city of Reading. The massive object was hovering over a field adjacent to AWE—the Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston. (The facility was previously known as AWRE, the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment.)
The website for AWE states, “AWE plays a crucial role in the defence of the United Kingdom, by providing and maintaining the warheads for the country’s nuclear deterrent. We are a centre of scientific and technological excellence, with some of the most advanced research, design and production facilities in the world.”
So ML and his wife had spotted what they called a “spaceship” next door to the Atomic Weapons Establishment. Suddenly, from a hovering position, the UFO started to move directly over the MOD site, then rapidly towards the M4 motorway. At that point, it was out of sight.
ML is convinced that there must have been many other witnesses because of the sheer size of the Unidentified Flying Object and its proximity to AWE. He is certain that the object must have been captured on the innumerable security cameras surrounding the site. He is also certain that the object must have been sighted by drivers on the M4 motorway and possibly even picked up by the cameras that monitor traffic on that busy link between South Wales and London.
It was later established that the sighting had taken place on the 11th of September 2004. Whilst ML appreciates that this case is not “news” after so many years, he would like some kind of official confirmation of his sighting. He feels that the UFO must have been tracked on radar, been seen by satellite, and visually observed by many other people.
His wife is equally mystified by the appearance of this object. Her first reaction was that it was a ‘spaceship’ and she has not changed her opinion since. What was it doing hovering over a highly sensitive MOD site? Did the armed guards at AWE spot it? Where did it come from? Where did it go? These are questions we have no answers to, at the moment.
Ananda Sirisena may be contacted at: awesome931@gmail.com

See Also:
UFO Reported Near British Nuclear Weapons Facility — Addendum
UFO Sightings at ICBM Sites and Nuclear Weapons Storage Areas
- part I -
UFOs & Nukes: Robert Hastings Sets The Record Straight!
The recent history at Aldermaston is pertinent to activity there. The US under George W Bush began a program to design and build a Reliable Warhead Replacement for the aging plutonium warheads currently on missiles or stockpiled. That program has continued to receive political support under the Obama administration. In 2009 an FOI request in Britain by Martin Butcher regarding American use of the hydrodynamic facilities at AWE Aldermaston resulted in a response that admitted US participation or dual use going far back in the facilities history. Much of the work was foccussed on understanding the aging in warheads, but apparently other work occurred with regard to Trident warhead replacement. In 2010 the US budget was approved with funding for RRW as reported in March 2010 in the Weekly Standard by Michael Anton. Debate had been heated for several years with nuclear weapons reduction and non-proliferation high on Obama's list. The Republicans won out. The timing of this collapse of effort to keep the RRW effort at bay cannot be overlooked. The UAP or UFO activity at Warren AFB as researched by Robert Hastings was not random and falls into a pattern the past had revealed regarding warhead and vehicle upgrades. With one exception - past activity tended to follow the efforts near closing - this was preemptive and appears to be intended to send a strong message, if such messages are ever acknowledged. There may have been other related activity around the US including Washington D.C. Back at Aldermaston protests were ongoing and much news was centered around the facility and the apparent lack of transparency regarding plans for the facility. According to an article in the Daily Mail Dec. 20, 2008, the British Government sold off its one third holdings in the AWE to Jacobs Engineering, California. The AWE was now two-thirds owned by American interests with Lockheed Martin owning the other third. A British firm Serco owns the remaining third. It is not surprising that UFO have been active at the AWE facility for some time and probably more so in recent years. Reason plays a role with regard to this activity. In my studied opinion, it has historically in the UK, France, the USSR, China, the US, and in any other nuclear states declared or otherwise. It will continue as long as the condition exists.