Hangzhou UFO 'Not Alien'
By www.shanghaidaily.com
THE UFO that shut down Hangzhou's Xiaoshan airport earlier this month was definitely not an alien spacecraft, experts from an UFO investigation team said.By www.shanghaidaily.com
The investigators from Beijing and Shanghai UFO study groups based their conclusion on pictures shot by witnesses. They said the pictures showed ordinary airplanes, Beijing Times reported today.
Xiaoshan Airport in Hangzhou was closed for about an hour after the UFO was detected about 9pm on July 7. Some flights were forced to land in nearby Ningbo and Wuxi airports.
After the airport was reopened, pictures shot by supposed witnesses circulated online. One showing a line of lights was shown all over the country, and was taken by a Hangzhou native surnamed Ma.
The experts said the pictures showed only the anti-collision and landing lights on regular planes, the report said.
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