By Anthony F. Sanchez
© 8-16-10
Jeffrey Gonzalez, MUFON State Section Director for California’s Central Valley, has for years received anonymous reports from area military personnel, retired law enforcement and private federal contractors of the existence of a massive underground facility nearby. Specifically the Deep Underground Military Base located directly beneath Fresno Yosemite International Airport, formerly known as Fresno Air Terminal. The reports state that the underground structure covers two city blocks and goes down seven stories.www.UFOHighway.com
© 8-16-10
The facility is run by The 144th Fighter Wing of the Air National Guard Base (ANGB), of Fresno California. Interestingly, the 144th Fighter Wing is under the direct oversight of the North American Aerospace Defense Command “ NORAD ”, which itself is located 2,000 feet deep inside of Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado.
Some of the anonymous reports have stated that a secret bio-genetics unit is located within the Fresno facility, while others claim there are advanced weapons stores housing overflow from China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station located just down the freeway at Ridgecrest, CA. Whatever the reason, everyone agrees that there is possibly one of America' s most sophisticated and deepest facilities right there in the heart of California' s Central Valley.
What makes this area unique is that it represents one of the countries hotbeds of many strange activities. For those of you who are not familiar with California' s Central Valley, Fresno is the epicenter of some of the strangest occurrences of both UFO and Paranormal activity. Fresno has had its share of sightings of weird creatures walking across lawns, sightings of Aliens (caught on tape), reports of Abductions and multiple MIB spotted in black vehicles. Most recently captured on video are mysterious unmarked White Vans seen at locations of recent reported UFO sightings.
In fact, so active is the area that the Trans Atlantic Paranormal Society ( TAPS ) of Sci-Fi Channel’s "Ghost Hunters" (now Syfy) visited Clovis to research the Wolfe Manor paranormal case and captured its loudest ever EVP caught on video and audio. But if you look at Fresno on a map you can plainly see why so much activity takes place there. Fresno is situated in the middle of a real hotbed.
It is directly west of Area 51 , situated right next to the paranormal hotbeds of Sanger and Clovis, and is also north of both China Lake and Edwards AFB . And finally, it marks the southern tip of Triangle Valley; as in Triangle UFOs . But beyond being the southern tip of Triangle Valley, there is a 104 mile stretch of highway between Bakersfield and Fresno which has recently lit up with UFO sightings creating news for local TV stations.
As if things couldn' t make this story any stranger, MUFON State Section Director and founder of Sanger Paranormal Society , Jeffrey Gonzalez has reported sightings of JANET planes. Yes, those Area 51 JANET air planes . Sightings of the planes at the Fresno Air Terminal really make one wonder as to just what is going on. Speculation is that contractors from Area 51 are on loan to the ANGB/Fresno “Deep Underground Military Base” .
When I was doing my research for this story I learned of one strange puzzle piece which quite frankly I am still trying to decide how it fits in? One of the oldest and most sophisticated Deep Underground Tunnel System' s used by “Law Enforcement” is right smack dab in the middle of the Central Valley, in Fresno!
The Fresno County Jail system consists of four “local detention facilities.” Three of these facilities are located in the main downtown area of the City of Fresno. These facilities are located in proximity to one another and the courts, and are connected via Deep Underground Tunnels . The forth jail, is located approximately 2 miles south of the main city core in an industrial area.
And finally, a visit to the National Guard Bureau' s Business Opportunities website garnered a very interesting “cached” version of an removed article for a December 2009 Fresno Air National Guard Base (ANGB) construction project … which specifically mentioned the existence and location of an classified “Underground Structure” shown in the plans; which was located at … "ANGB, 5323 East McKinley Avenue Fresno, California.”
Consider this a part ONE of TWO, as Jeffrey Gonzalez and I have just mutually agreed to partake in an Investigative Report on California’s “Deep Underground Military Base”.
More . . .
See Also:
First UFO Underground Base Conference at Dulce, New Mexico
Dulce "Underground Base" Police Chief Named in a Complaint
The Dulce "U.S./Alien Underground Base" in New Mexico, Fact or Fiction?
Government Underground Secrecy
With all of the people who have allegedly worked or seen these tunnels, is there any photographic evidence? Are there any urban explorers who would be willing to risk serious jail time in order to get info?
ReplyDeleteIf not it's sort of a silly thought that we have things like that in Fresno. And since when did Sanger of all places become a hotbed of paranormal activity?
I was a member of the California Air National Guard, 144th Fighter Wing, 144th Security Forces Squadron for 14 years. There is no secret underground base. Sorry, no such thing...
ReplyDeleteI now work for the Fresno County Sheriff's Department. And yes, there is a tunnel that connects the North Jail to the Main Jail to the Old (annex) Jail to the Courthouse. That's how we get inmates to court...
I was a member of the California Air National Guard, 144th Fighter Wing, 144th Security Forces Squadron for 14 years. There is no secret underground base. Sorry, no such thing...
ReplyDeleteI now work for the Fresno County Sheriff's Department. And yes, there is a tunnel that connects the North Jail to the Main Jail to the Old (annex) Jail to the Courthouse. That's how we get inmates to court...