By Robert Hastings
What You Should Know about James Oberg’s Track Record

Actually, CSI is a skeptical organization in name only when it comes to the subject of UFOs. For the real story, including the very interesting and generally-unpublicized past government affiliations of some of it's key members, including James Oberg, go to my website www.ufohastings.com and read my article “Reporter Duped by UFO Debunkers.”
My own research on UFO activity at nuclear weapons sites—as confirmed by declassified U.S. government documents and ex-military eyewitness testimony—will be presented at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. on September 27, 2010. At that press conference, seven ex-USAF personnel will divulge their knowledge of UFO incursions at ICBM sites and nuclear weapons depots during the Cold War era.
So, what does this have to do with Oberg and his group CSI? Well, the organization's magazine, Skeptical Inquirer, has been edited since the early 1980s by Kendrick Frazier, whose profession is listed as “Science Writer” in the publisher's statement. Not mentioned (even in Frazier's own online bio) is the fact that he worked for 20+ years as a Public Relations Specialist at Sandia Labs, a leading U.S. government nuclear weapons laboratory.
Consequently, here is the situation: Hundreds of declassified documents clearly establish a link between UFOs and nukes, a fact confirmed by over 120 ex-military personnel interviewed by myself. And who is responsible for the content of the leading debunking magazine—whose pages routinely feature articles discrediting UFOs and those who report them? Why, a PR guy who worked for two decades for the U.S. government’s nuclear weapons program!
Also not mentioned in Skeptical Inquirer magazine, but discussed in my article (referenced above) is the fact that James Oberg, a leading UFO debunker at CSI, was a USAF Security Officer for nukes-related information who once privately chastised another former USAF officer, Dr. Bob Jacobs, for publishing what turned out to be Top Secret information about the nukes-related Big Sur UFO case. Fortunately, Dr. Jacobs later published the key portions of Oberg's letter. All of the documented details relating to this are available at my website.
So, when someone claims that Oberg is a true UFO “skeptic” or that his baby, CSI/CSICOP, is an objective, scientifically-oriented group that has no ax to grind when it challenges those who release sensitive UFO-related information--including the highly-credible individuals presented in Kean's new book--please send them to my website to learn the facts.
BTW, Leslie Kean’s book, “UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record” contains the testimony of retired USAF Col. Charles Halt, who states that a UFO reportedly directed beams of light down into the nuclear weapons depot at the RAF Bentwaters airbase in England, in December 1980. The book is currently #30 on the New York Times Non-Fiction Bestseller List. Let’s hope that it reaches #1 given that it should be read by everyone, skeptic and proponent alike.
See Also:
UFO NEWS: Leslie Kean Soundly Rebukes Oberg Accusations Re - "UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record"
VIDCAST: Leslie Kean On The Dylan Ratigan Show , Re Her New Book - UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record
Oberg's premise is faulty. Being able to explain 95% of all pilot sightings, as compared with 50% from the general public, makes them better witnesses, not poorer ones. That they can describe an aerial phenomenon unknown to them in enough detail that a researcher can recognize and identify it is an indication of excellent witnessing.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that people online are challenging the assertions of Kean and Oberg; most of the potential readers of the book don't have the aeronautic or military background to do it ourselves.
ReplyDeleteBut these "conflict of interest" and "guilt by association" arguments regarding CSI and military ties just ruin it all for me. These smears are whining at best and conspiracy at worst.
Not persuasive.
I should add: the image at top of Oberg and Kean is very amusing. He is a foghorn and she is channeling Miss Hathaway.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if it originated here, but I wouldn't be surprised if other sites start pinching it going forward.