By www.nynewspost.com
UFO Fever: Now UFO Over Phoenix, Arizona? Residents Report Mysterious Lights In Sky. The residents of northwest Valley saw lights in the sky in the Saturday night, reported ABC 15. The mysterious sightings sparked speculations that whether the light was coming from a plane, a balloon or a UFO?10-24-10
ABC 15 reported that it received an e-mail from a resident named Amy saying she was sitting in a friend's back yard in north Phoenix when they saw "what looked like 2 meteors falling from the sky, with flames and sparks trailing behind them, began turning and moving. Lights were going off and on, the flames and sparks would come and go."
Phoenix Fire Department spokesman Scott Walker ended the suspense saying the lights which the people saw around 8:30 p.m. were coming from parachute exercises, possibly involving pyrotechnics, in the Deer Valley area. Walker however, added that he did not know which group was performing the exercises. The images of the light don't appear to be similar as the "Phoenix Lights" seen in a triangular formation on March 13, 1997.
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